Food and Nutrition Security

Rapid Gender Analysis: Research Report

Drought, worsened by the effects of El-Nino is having a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of Ethiopians, and according to the Government and the inter-agency mid-Meher and Meher seasonal assessments, the number of people that will require food assistance in 2016 increased from 8.2 million in October 2015 to 10.2 million in December 2015, making Ethiopia home to the largest acutely food insecure population in the world. Recognising that crisis can further exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and gender norms, CARE Ethiopia sought to better understand the gender dynamics at the household and community level in order to improve the design of its interventions and build on the strengths and capacities of drought affected households. To help achieve this aim, CARE developed a bespoke participatory Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) approach, allowing for a diverse group of staff to collect information quickly from a sample of affected communities in zones of East Hararghe, West Hararghe, South Gondar and Afar. The RGA focused on the existence and impact of any changing gender dynamics in drought affected households and communities Read More...

Evaluation d’impact Genre de la réponse de CARE à la crise du Bassin du Lac Tchad au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad

La crise du BLT, née du conflit armé au Nord Nigéria qui s’est étendu au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad a créé une crise humanitaire qui a entrainé le déplacement de 4.025.486 personnes au niveau de ces quatre pays (OIM DTM, Avril 2018). Cette crise révèle une dimension protection sans précèdent avec notamment des violences multiformes à l’encontre des femmes et de filles (kidnapping, violences et abus sexuelles, transformées en kamikaze), des violences physiques à l’encontre des hommes et jeunes garçons (décapités ou enrôlés de force dans les combats) ; la dislocation des milliers de familles a laissé aux femmes et aux enfants la responsabilité de se prendre en charge leurs familles. Cette évaluation a pour objectif d’analyser l’impact de l’intégration du genre dans la qualité de la réponse de CARE dans les trois pays du bassin du Lac Tchad que sont Le Cameroun, le Niger et le Tchad. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Cyclone Idai Response Sofala Province, Mozambique

On 14 March 2019, Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall near Beira City, leaving devastating loss of life and large-scale destruction of assets and infrastructure. In the days that followed, entire villages were submerged as floodwaters rose causing mass displacement. From early on in the response it was clear that certain groups such as female headed-households (FHH), persons with disabilities (PwD), the elderly and children (boys and girls) were some of the most at risk, both in the immediate response and in recovery. This was further confirmed during this Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA).

CARE had identified four main districts in Sofala province in which to focus its assessment based on planned operational locations: Beira, Dondo (with a focus on Samora Machel), Nhamatanda (with a focus on Mutechira) and Buzi (with a focus on Guara Guara). The RGA was built up progressively over the data collection period, using 30 focus group discussions (FGDs), 14 key informant interviews (KII), 55 household surveys, and observations, in both rural and urban areas, transit, accommodation centres and with communities. Data collection took place between the 6 and15 April 2019. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Mosul crisis, Iraq

Gender plays an important role in the humanitarian response for the Mosul crisis due to family separation, stigmatisation of survivors of gender based violence (GBV) and their children , lack of access to education and employment particularly for women and girls from prior to the Mosul crisis, IDPs being confined to camps and the severe gendered psychological impact for women, men, boys and girls previously under armed group occupation. The Rapid Gender Analysis in Mosul has been carried out remotely and uses a range of methods to collect data and information. It is based on the CARE Emergency Pocketbook’s Rapid Gender Analysis tool and draws from the IASC Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action. This Rapid Gender Analysis has the following objectives:

1. To analyse and understand the different impact that the Mosul crisis has on women, men, girls and boys and their current needs and capacities.
2. To inform humanitarian programming on the Mosul crisis based on the different needs of women, men, boys and girls particularly
3. Identify key priorities in terms of advocacy on gender and protection issues Read More...

CARE RGA of Myanmar refugee crisis (2017)

Between 25 August and 10 October 2017, an estimated 521,000 refugees from Myanmar have crossed the border from Myanmar to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh following communal conflict in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. The numbers are likely to increase as people continue to cross the border and additional groups of new arrivals are identified. As a humanitarian organization, CARE has a mandate to respond to emergencies and is well positioned to do so due to its history of emergency response in the country; a decade-long presence in the southeast region (including Cox’s Bazar) through food security, disaster risk reduction (DRR), emergency response and women’s empowerment programs; and established relationships with government stakeholders and NGOs.

The objectives of the rapid gender analysis (RGA) were to understand the unique needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, girls and boys among the newly arrived Myanmar refugees and, consequently, to formulate recommendations for action for the different sectors. Read More...

Tropical Cyclone Gita Kingdom of Tonga Rapid Gender Analysis Sub-focus on Shelter and Food Security and Livelihoods

TC Gita passed through the Kingdom of Tonga on 12 February 2018 as a Category 4 cyclone. Seventy five percent of the population or 79,556 people have been affected. The island of Tongatapu where the capital Nuku’alofa is located and the nearby island of ‘Eua suffered the greatest impact.

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, SOGIE and other marginalised people prior to and after
TC Gita. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the
affected communities. Taking into consideration the tight time-frame, rapidly changing context and limited information.

Assessment on the Impact of the El Niño Event in PNG, October 2015

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is currently experiencing the effects of an El Niño event, which includes warmer weather and significantly reduced rainfall. According to the National Weather Service (NWS) in Papua New Guinea and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, this dry hot spell, which began in May 2015, will continue into early 20161.

In order to better understand the needs and capabilities of affected communities, CARE International in PNG (CARE PNG) undertook a series of assessments in three droughtaffected provinces between September 21 and October 2 2015. In parallel to the needs assessments, CARE PNG did a rapid gender analysis on the differing impact of the drought on women, men, girls and boys. The assessments were done in OburaWonenara (Eastern Highlands Province), Menyamya (Morobe) and Gumine (Chimbu) districts in communities not yet covered by National Disaster Center (NDC)-led assessment teams. Read More...

Initial Rapid Gender Assessment Report Papua New Guinea 2015 El Niño: Select Communities of Eastern Highlands, Morobe and Chimbu (October 2015)

A Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) is designed to provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, girls and boys in a crisis. The objective of this RGA is to provide an overview of the gender relations between men, women, boys and girls in those Papua New Guinea’s highland provinces affected by drought and frost as a result of the 2015 El Niño event.

This initial gender analysis and subsequent recommendations will serve to inform CARE International in PNG’s (CARE PNG) programming response to the 2015 El Niño event in ways which respect the different needs of women, men, girls and boys in El Niño affected communities in Papua New Guinea. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Papua New Guinea – Highlands earthquake

Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining their roles and their relationships. Due to the current limited access to the areas affected by the Highlands earthquake, this document is meant as an initial analysis of gender roles and relations, drawing on pre-crisis information and the limited data that has become available since the disaster. Its purpose is to better understand the gender dynamics within the populations CARE PNG serves.

The objectives are to better understand:
 how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquake
 the impact of the earthquake on gender dynamics
 emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and protect women,
men, boys and girls.

Rapid Gender Analysis Tropical Cyclone Winston

Women, men, boys and girls, and minority groups, will experience differing immediate and longer term impacts from Tropical Cyclone Winston. This Rapid Gender Analysis is intended to ensure these differing needs and priorities are taken into account in order to deliver an effective response that meets everyone’s needs. The analysis begins with an outline of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Fiji based principally on secondary data.

The objectives of this Rapid Gender Analysis are:
1. To inform Live and Learn-CARE's programming based on the different needs of women,
men, boys, and girls of different groups including people with disabilities; and
2. To support the Safety and Protection cluster in advocating for protection-integrated
programming throughout Fiji.

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