Gender Equality


CARE Iraq with support from the Australian Department of Home Affairs’ (DHA) will contribute to CARE’s work on enabling internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees and host communities, particularly the vulnerable youth, ISIL survivors and female headed households (FHHs) in Sinjar Mountain and Sinjar Town, Ninewa governorate of Iraq, to rebuild their lives through a sustainable livelihood program.

The purpose of this baseline was to provide an information base on which to monitor and assess an activity’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and after the implementation. The objective of the baseline was to:
- To consolidate information in relation to livelihood indicators, gender inequality and information on existing protection risks;
- To identify the major risk factors influencing the vulnerability of the population within the Livelihood system and their coping strategies.
- To identify what is the structure of the market system, and how has it been impacted by the conflict (how is the current situation compared to the pre-conflict one)? How do target groups engage in the system?
- What are the opportunities and inefficiencies in the current market system enabling or hindering the ability of target groups to sustain their livelihoods?
- To streamline activities according to the context based on findings from the baseline.
- To identify the specific livelihood needs of the IDPs, returnees and host communities in Sinjar district
- To assess the availability of livelihood opportunities in assessed areas.
- To identify gaps and propose interventions to improve the level of access to income generating activities

End of Project Evaluation: Support for conflict affected people through strengthening of essential primary health care and protection from gender-based violence

Since 2014, when Iraq experienced a sudden escalation in hostilities, the primary health care sector has sustained widespread destruction, looting of health facilities, reduced or inadequate health staff, and lack of supplies, especially in areas that had been severely impacted by the conflict, such as Anbar & Mosul. Sexual, reproductive and maternal health (SRMH), was severely affected, amongst other things, by poor delivery methods, lack of maternity wards, inadequate pre- and postnatal care, and a high prevalence of anaemia amongst pregnant women.

Against the backdrop of this situation, and following increasing returns of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their places of habitual residence in retaken areas, CARE, with funding from German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) has been implementing the project in Duhok, Anbar & Mosul to improve maternal and child health in return areas. The project implementation period was January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Purpose of the Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess post intervention situation of the targeted area against indicators mentioned in the project document. The findings will help CARE to measure the impact of project. The findings will be used to compare the baseline situation with the end-line situation to assess the changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices, of the targeted population and impact of the interventions.

The evaluation identified, and documented lessons learnt and made recommendations for CARE-Iraq and project partners to improve future project implementation as well as strengthen the design of future related projects.

Objectives of the Evaluation
The evaluation was expected to:
1. Assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project;
2. Generate lessons that will inform SRMH programming in Iraq and in the broader context of GFFO.



The Agro-Source project in Ghana is a two and half (2½) year project (July 2018 to December 2020). The overall goal of the Agro-Source project is to improve the productivity of 30,000 smallholder women farmers in five (5) districts i.e. Garu, Tempane, Bawku West, Lambussie-Karni and Nandom in the Upper East and West regions of Ghana through increased availability, access and use of good quality agricultural inputs by 2020.

The baseline study was to establish a benchmark against which to measure the progress and achievements of the project. It was to generate: information on the current status on the availability of quality agro-inputs in the target locations and information regarding smallholder women farmers’ access to and utilization of agro-inputs to improve their productivity.


CARE HAITI RAPPORT EVALUATION FINALE EGRA: Projet Haïti Gagne: Lire, Ecrire et Réussir

Cette évaluation est la troisième, en trois ans, menée par le staff du projet. Cette dernière, à l’instar des précédentes, avait pour objectif d’évaluer d’une part les compétences en lecture et écriture des élèves particulièrement ceux des deux premières années du cycle fondamental, d’autre part, la relation entre l’environnement immédiat (Ecole, maison) de l’élève et ses compétences de base.

L’évaluation a été conduite entre mai et juin dans 40 sur les 53 écoles partenaires du projet dont 20 écoles dans le Nord et 20 écoles dans le Sud’ Est. Elle a été réalisée auprès des élèves des trois premières Classes du fondamental. La troisième année a été ajoutée juste à titre de comparaison mais ne figure pas parmi les indicateurs prioritaires du projet. Read More...

Where the Rain Falls Phase III (2017 – 2019): Final Evaluation Report

In 2009, the Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) initiative started as a three-year research project investigating the impact of rainfall variability on food and livelihood security, and migration.

This research culminated in a global policy report (2012) and the development of more action-oriented community-based adaptation (CBA) pilot projects in each India, Thailand and Bangladesh. A second phase (2014 – 2016), and later a third phase (2017 – 2019), aimed to scale results, impacts and lessons learned to date for broader support for, and uptake of, CBA methods and approaches.

In October 2019, CARE France engaged an International Consultant to lead WtRF’ first multi-county evaluation. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs) for this evaluation (see Annex IV) the main objectives of the evaluation are two-fold:
(i) to assess the degree of achievement of the WtRF global and specific objectives in India and Thailand respectively; and
(ii) to extract common and/or comparable lessons learned about factors contributing to and hindering achievements (e.g. barriers and enablers) Read More...

Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) in Northern Rakhine State End-of-Project Evaluation

The Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) project, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), was implemented in Maungdaw District, northern Rakhine State between December 2011- December 2019.

SPARC’s goal is to contribute to the sustainable reduction of poverty in communities through improving the social and economic position of poor, vulnerable households, and to strengthen household and community capacity to sustain such improvements. To achieve this goal, CARE implements integrated livelihood activities that improve food security and economic opportunities, including community forestry, crop productivity intensification, facilitating access to education and introducing financial services through Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA).

An end-of-project evaluation was recently commissioned ‘to determine if SPARC achieved its end of project outcomes of sustainable reduction of poverty in poor, vulnerable communities and strengthened household and community capacity to sustain such improvements’.

The evaluation used a mixed method approach combining a literature review and quantitative data sets drawn primarily from the project monitoring system, together with qualitative data, collected using participatory approaches such as focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and Stories of Change Interviews (SoCs). Read More...


Collectives are a fundamental building block for much of CARE’s work. What are the greatest strengths of a collectives approach across projects? We combined data from many CARE collectives across projects and found that:
• The gender composition of the collective affects the intended outcomes.
• The most successful collectives are those with a balanced gender mix of collective members and women leaders. The second most successful collectives are those with a balanced gender mix and mixed gender leaders.
• CARE collectives are having an effect on women’s economic empowerment.
•CARE collectives are having a particularly strong effect on income, leadership, domestic decision making, production, violence and time use. Read More...

Terminal Evaluation of “Safe Motherhood Promotion Project Phase II”

This report details the findings from a quasi-experimental terminal evaluation of the Safe Motherhood Promotion Project (SMPP) conducted in the Narsingdi district of Bangladesh. SMPP is a Japanese aid-funded technical cooperation project aimed at developing local capacities to tackle maternal and newborn health problems in rural areas. The project aims to have a favorable impact on women’s access to and knowledge of maternal health care during pregnancy and childbirth. The project comprises a package of interlinked interventions to facilitate safe motherhood practices at primary and secondary care levels. This evaluation means to assess the achievements and implementation process based on five Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria consist of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability. Read More...


Este informe es un análisis de referencia de la población, la vida, la cultura y el dominio económico de las personas en las regiones de Piura y Junín para el programa Get Connected de CARE Perú – "Conéctate: Finanzas al alcance de tu manos". El informe evalúa el capital social, el uso de la tecnología, la demografía y más para evaluar el punto de partida de este programa.

El proyecto se desarrolló con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias y mujeres menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.



This report presents findings of a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis in relation to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Timor-Leste, from a national and municipal level perspective. The GESI Analysis aims to improve understanding of marginalization in the WASH sector, be it on the basis of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, poverty or other. The analysis generates practical inputs to improve national policies and strategies and thereby ensure that the project improves conditions for equality in terms of access to and use of WASH services while striving to apply “do-no-harm” and non-discrimination principles.

Gender equality is an enabler for achieving sustainable development in Timor-Leste. Recognized in the National Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) and overseen by the national machinery – the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) – achieving gender equality is the responsibility of all government agencies and development partners.

The study was carried out by a CARE International WASH and Gender Advisor with support from CARE International Timor-Leste and WaterAid Timor-Leste project staff and partner organizations in November 2019. Read More...

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