
Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III Plus Executive Summary

The Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III Plus is a two-year activity (2022-2024, extended to January 2025) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This initiative aims to enhance food security, resilience, and income for 168,521 Poor and Extreme Poor (PEP) households in the remote Char and deep Haor regions of Bangladesh. By focusing on income diversification, sustainable agriculture, market access, financial services, and nutrition, the program emphasizes gender equity, governance, disaster risk reduction, environmental considerations, and private sector engagement to maximize its impact.

The project engages local service providers (LSPs) to connect communities with government and private sector resources, promoting the consumption of nutritious foods and micronutrients, particularly for children under five, pregnant and lactating women, and adolescent girls. The intervention spans eight districts: four in the Char region (Kurigram, Gaibandha, Sirajganj, and Jamalpur) and four in the Haor region (Netrokona, Kishoreganj, Habiganj, and Sunamganj).

No of Pages: 49

Political Economy Analysis in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor Ecologically Critical Areas


Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping Study in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA) for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA)

The Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) in Bangladesh, notably the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor are vital for biodiversity and livelihoods. The UK government’s Adaptation in Ecologically Critical Areas known locally as NABAPALLAB- (Nature Based Adaptation towards Prosperous and Adept Lives & Livelihoods in Bangladesh) project aims to enhance resilience of the ecosystem and livelihoods through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA). The project has conducted three separate assessments (Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping study; Stakeholder Mapping and Political Economy Analysis; and Baseline Study) simultaneously during its inception stage. This report synthesizes findings from the ecological assessment and detailed scoping study. Insights were gathered to understand ecological status, community needs, and intervention opportunities in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor. The report further highlights current and emerging threats, drivers and complexities in both ECAs. The status of the natural resource base, degradation pattern and ecosystem health were also analysed and documented using physical data and recent satellite imagery.
In the Sundarbans, the study found different ecosystems, including wetlands, low-lying lands, riverside areas, homesteads, croplands, and coastal embankments. All of these ecosystems are affected by various climatic stressors such as salinity, tidal inundation, erratic rainfall, and cyclones. They are also impacted by anthropogenic drivers such as shrimp farming, water logging, overharvesting, illegal fishing, deforestation, poaching. For example, the study shows that shrimp cultivation has a profound effect on agriculture with changes in land use and intrusion of saline water, which lead to decreased soil fertility, crop failure and lower productivity. Shrimp cultivation also contributes to surface water pollution, leading to scarcity of drinking water and negative impacts on WASH. The study also highlights significant threats to important endangered wildlife species in the Sundarbans ECA, including the Masked Finfoot and White-Rumped Vulture. In addition to the anthropogenic threats, the study has identified other problems such as fishing with poison, bird hunting, use of illegal fishing equipment, canal siltation, and intrusion of saline water into freshwater wetlands. These issues result in decreased fish population, depletion of wildlife and reduced agricultural productivity.
The Hakaluki Haor, encompassing 276 interconnected beels (wetland lakes) over an area of 18,000 hectares, faces significant threats from both anthropogenic and climate change stressors. Extensive sedimentation and agricultural expansion have led to the conversion of over 20 beels to agricultural production, impacting wetland productivity, aquatic vegetation, fish populations, and local livelihoods. Degradation of rivers, canals, and hill streams within the Haor has further exacerbated these problems and challenges, affecting crop production, fish yields, and biodiversity. Encroachment on protected swamp forest areas after phase-out of previous projects, wide-ranging deforestation, and conversion of raised land (Kandas) for agriculture have negatively impacted the habitats of fish and birds, and other wetland-dependent wildlife as well as waterfowl migratory routes. Furthermore, elite capture excludes poor fisher folk and landless individuals from fishing and accessing natural resources, while agricultural expansion in Kanda areas raises concerns about increased use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers that pollute wetlands. Read More...

Community Nutrition and Health Activity Equity Gap Analysis

The Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA) conducted an equity gap analysis to investigate the existing inequities in health and nutrition outcomes within its target areas in Bangladesh. This analysis aimed to identify not only the current inequities but also the underlying reasons for these disparities. Using USAID’s Unofficial Guidance to an Equity Gap Analysis, the CNHA team defined desired outcomes, assessed differential health and nutrition outcomes among various population groups through secondary data, and conducted stakeholder consultations with marginalized groups to understand the reasons behind these inequities. The findings highlighted that individuals in the two lowest wealth quintiles face significant barriers to accessing health care services, with persons with disabilities particularly excluded. Stakeholder consultations revealed issues such as lack of respectful care from community health care providers, restrictions on women's mobility, and inadequate participation in government safety net programs.

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How Can Approaches that Achieve Gender Equality Help Advance all the SDGs: Impact Evaluations Evidence from CARE Programs

Approaches that achieve gender equality, that move beyond the individual level to address greater interpersonal, socio-cultural, and community factors that influence gender attitudes and behaviors, have been shown by rigorous impact evaluations to be impactful in promoting gender-equitable attitudes (e.g., SASA! Program in Uganda), reducing gender-based violence (e.g., Stepping Stones and Creating Futures program in South Africa), and decreasing social acceptance of intimate partner violence (e.g., RESPECT program in Tanzania).
Key Findings Summary:
What are the Impacts of Approaches that Achieve Gender Equality?
• Empowerment of women and girls: 8 out of 8 programs have positive impacts on increasing women’s and girls’ self-efficacy, mobility, sexual and reproductive agency, egalitarian gender attitudes, and economic situations; 5 out of 8 programs have positive impacts on reducing early marriage rates and intimate partner violence (IPV), and increasing women’s intrahousehold decision-making power; 6 out of 8 programs have positive impacts on changing community traditional gender norms and increasing women’s community leadership.
• Increased impact on other SDGs, such as poverty reduction (SDG 1), food security (SDG 2), health (SDG 2), education (SDG 4), access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), decent work (SDG 8), and reduced inequalities (SDG 10).
How Did These Changes Happen?
• Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs).
• Active engagement of men and boys, community members and leaders.
• Couples’ curriculum and gender dialogues.
• Community-level social norms intervention: Social analysis and action (SAA)
• Life skills and financial management training.

Baseline Study Report of Flash Flood and Lightning

The baseline study concerning the impact of flash floods and lightning on the SUFAL-II project aims to analyze the context of flash floods and lightning, assess the scopes of the Early Warning System, and examine current trends of of hazard-specific responses taken by individual, community, and institutional levels. The objective of this project is to bolster the capabilities of vulnerable communities and institutions in Bangladesh to implement forecast-based early actions. The study employed a mixed-method approach, amalgamating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. This was done to assess the context, accessibility, usage, and potential of early warning systems and early actions for mitigating the risks associated with the flash floods and lightning hazards.
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For the treatment group areas, the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas, the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards are disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.


Evaluation intermédiaire du projet « Féministes en Action » 2021-2023

Description of the document:
L’évaluation intermédiaire du projet « Féministes en Action » intervient près de trois ans après le début du projet et deux après le démarrage effectif des financements aux organisations féministes. Couvrant la période 2021-2023, elle poursuit plusieurs objectifs :
∇ Un objectif d’apprentissage et de capitalisation, alors que Féministes en Action est le premier consortium financé au titre du FSOF, l’un de ceux cherchant à atteindre directement les OSC féministes les plus fragiles et celui ayant le périmètre thématique le plus large (les autres sont construits en général autour d’une thématique d’intervention). Le consortium constitué, avec la présence d’ONG internationales et de fonds des « Suds » est lui aussi inédit.
∇ Un objectif stratégique et prospectif, avec une réflexion portant à la fois sur les changements visés et l’architecture globale du projet alors que le projet devrait disposer de nouveaux fonds à mettre en oeuvre après 2023. L’évaluation doit notamment permettre d’accompagner une réflexion sur les objectifs du cadre logique du Projet dans l’optique d’une redéfinition afin d’assurer la cohérence avec les objectifs réellement visés par le Projet et les indicateurs prévus difficilement renseignables.
∇ Un objectif de redevabilité, tourné avant tout vers les sociétés civiles féministes que Féministes en Action cherche à renforcer. Il s’agit de s’assurer que l’action menée apporte une valeur ajoutée (« do not harm ») et que les conditions de mise en oeuvre sont cohérentes avec les valeurs féministes promues tout en tenant compte des exigences d’un bailleur de fonds publics.

USAID’s CNHA Health Facility Readiness and Functionality Assessment, 2024

The Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is dedicated to enhancing the nutritional status of women and children within vulnerable 1000-day households in Bangladesh—those with pregnant and lactating women and/or children under two years. This assessment, conducted between March and June 2024, evaluated the readiness and functionality of 1,336 community clinics (CCs) and 354 Union Health and Family Welfare Centers (UH&FWCs) across 14 districts. It aimed to identify strengths and weaknesses in key operational areas, including governance and management, health workforce presence, service delivery, logistics, and information systems. The findings revealed a significant presence of community groups in CCs but highlighted operational gaps in regular meetings and management practices. While the availability of maternal and child health services was generally high, discrepancies existed in the provision of family planning methods and comprehensive nutritional services. The assessment serves as a foundational tool for CNHA to target interventions, enhance health systems, and improve overall community health outcomes by integrating these findings into local government improvement plans.

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USAID’s Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA) Report – Consultation (Meetings with Stakeholders, Households & Community People to Understand Information Sources, Media Access and Habits of CNHA Primary Target Groups to Inform CNHA SBC Strategy)

The USAID Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA) is a five-year project (2023-2028) aimed at improving the nutritional status of women and children within the first 1,000 days of life in vulnerable communities across Bangladesh. Implemented in collaboration with CARE-Bangladesh and partners, the project spans 50 Upazilas in 14 districts and focuses on enhancing service delivery at the community level through health facilities and a strong Social and Behavior Change (SBC) strategy. The project aims to increase the adoption of family planning, maternal and child nutrition, and other health-related practices among its target population of 4 million direct and 10 million indirect participants. To inform its SBC strategy, CNHA conducted stakeholder consultations in February 2024, gathering data from various groups, including pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescents, and community health service providers, through individual and group consultations.

The consultations revealed key findings on the sources and trustworthiness of health-related information, with community health workers like CHCPs and FWAs emerging as the most trusted sources. Although many pregnant and lactating mothers received information on nutrition and family planning, adolescents and mothers-in-law were less informed. Common barriers to accessing accurate information included limited literacy, restricted access to health facilities due to poor transportation, and traditional beliefs that discouraged the adoption of new practices. Despite the widespread use of mobile phones, especially smartphones, media access was limited, with most women relying on family and community gatherings for information. The consultations also highlighted the need for improved communication flow from health facilities to the community, particularly for nutritional information and family planning services. The consultations also highlighted the need for improved communication flow from health facilities to the community, particularly for nutritional information and family planning services, emphasizing the importance of targeted interventions to bridge gaps in knowledge and access within these vulnerable groups.

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Rapid Gender Analysis on Power and Participation Shafiullah Khata, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh

The current Rohingya refugee crisis is regarded as one of the world's worst humanitarian crises of the twenty-first century. Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims are a stateless Muslim community that have faced systematic discrimination and targeted persecution in Myanmar’s Rakhine State for decades. As the Myanmar government refuses to give Rohingya any citizenship rights, the vast majority of Rohingya have no legal documentation which is effectively making them stateless and trying to escape from the military’s campaign of violence, killing, rape, arson, and other grave abuses.

Bangladesh has taken in the greatest number of refugees thus far. Since 25th August 2017 a large number of Rohingya people has fled into Bangladesh from Myanmar after facing statelessness, targeted violence and discrimination. As of February 2022, there are 923,179 people and 194,091 households in 33 camps in Kutupalong and Nayapara area of Cox’s Bazar District.

There is limited to no participation and/or influence of Rohingya women in decision making or leadership roles within the humanitarian response in Cox’s Bazar Refugee Camp. Societal and religious norms of the Rohingya are patriarchal and tend to favor men’s participation and leadership over that of women; however, there are opportunities identified to support greater participation and leadership of women in public life.

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