Proyecto Máxima Perú: Rompiendo barreras, construyendo negocios
El proyecto “Máxima: Rompiendo barreras, construyendo negocios”, es desarrollado con el apoyo de Fundación Citi y tiene como objetivo que las poblaciones refugiada y migrante venezolana, quechua hablante, amazónica y afroperuana (así como migrantes de estos tres grupos) de zonas rurales y periurbanas de Lima, Ica, Huancavelica, San Martín y otras regiones del Perú, tomen mejores decisiones financieras para optimizar sus emprendimientos y economía familiar, considerando las barreras de género y culturales. Además, busca formar y/o fortalecer liderazgos en habilidades digitales, habilidades blandas e igualdad de género.
El proyecto Máxima tiene 2 componentes:
- Programa de capacitación en educación financiera y empresarial en español y en quechua para fortalecimiento de las competencias financieras.
- Acceso a información sobre productos financieros (ahorro, crédito, seguros, billeteras digitales) a través de campañas informativas de Inclusión Financiera en español y en quechua.
A través de estas acciones, el proyecto Máxima tuvo como meta atender a 3,500 personas con diferentes perfiles emprendedores: ideas de negocio, nuevo negocio y negocios en crecimiento. Al menos el 75% serían mujeres. Read More...
El proyecto Máxima tiene 2 componentes:
- Programa de capacitación en educación financiera y empresarial en español y en quechua para fortalecimiento de las competencias financieras.
- Acceso a información sobre productos financieros (ahorro, crédito, seguros, billeteras digitales) a través de campañas informativas de Inclusión Financiera en español y en quechua.
A través de estas acciones, el proyecto Máxima tuvo como meta atender a 3,500 personas con diferentes perfiles emprendedores: ideas de negocio, nuevo negocio y negocios en crecimiento. Al menos el 75% serían mujeres. Read More...
Baseline Assessment KUNGAHARA: Resilient Systems for Food and Nutrition
KUNGAHARA is a collaborative initiative between CARE Austria, CARE International in Rwanda, and DUHARANIRE AMAJYAMBERE Y’ICYARO (DUHAMIC-ADRI). Funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, KUNGAHARA will run from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026. The project aims to strengthen resilient food systems and enhance nutrition security in Rwanda in the target districts of Gicumbi, Rulindo, and Gakenke.
CARE Rwanda commissioned a baseline assessment to provide a benchmark for measuring the project's impact and changes over time. The study utilized a mixed methods approach combining primary and secondary data. Secondary data entailed review of the project proposal, log frame and publications related to food security and nutrition in the target areas. Primary data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 463 respondents were interviewed through a quantitative survey and 9 focus groups conducted across Gakenke, Gicumbi, and Rulindo districts.
Summary of Findings
Key findings from the study are summarized below focusing on the baseline objectives:
Objective 1: This objective aimed to find out the consumption levels of diverse and nutrient rich foods by vulnerable households, in particular women and children, in Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke districts.
To respond to this objective, the baseline assessed the Food Consumption Score (FCS) which considers not only dietary diversity and food frequency but also the relative nutritional importance of different food groups. The average Food Consumption Score across all categories was 15.2 which is below the acceptable score of between 35.5 and 112. The FCS was higher for male headed households (15.7) compared to female headed households (13.9) and the elderly (above 46 years) were found to be vulnerable with a score of 12.7. Gakenke and Rulindo districts recorded higher average scores of 18.1 and 17.8 compared to Gicumbi (9.6). The food consumption scores in the three districts fall below the national scores which show that 25% of Rwanda’s population has poor or borderline dietary diversity (Rockefeller Foundation report 20211) and confirm relevance of the Kungahara project. FCS scores were seen to be influenced by availability of foods, with those that were highly consumed being staples (cereals, grains, roots and tubers) whose main source was own production. Reliance on purchase as a source of food limited consumption of milk and other dairy products. Read More...
CARE Rwanda commissioned a baseline assessment to provide a benchmark for measuring the project's impact and changes over time. The study utilized a mixed methods approach combining primary and secondary data. Secondary data entailed review of the project proposal, log frame and publications related to food security and nutrition in the target areas. Primary data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 463 respondents were interviewed through a quantitative survey and 9 focus groups conducted across Gakenke, Gicumbi, and Rulindo districts.
Summary of Findings
Key findings from the study are summarized below focusing on the baseline objectives:
Objective 1: This objective aimed to find out the consumption levels of diverse and nutrient rich foods by vulnerable households, in particular women and children, in Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke districts.
To respond to this objective, the baseline assessed the Food Consumption Score (FCS) which considers not only dietary diversity and food frequency but also the relative nutritional importance of different food groups. The average Food Consumption Score across all categories was 15.2 which is below the acceptable score of between 35.5 and 112. The FCS was higher for male headed households (15.7) compared to female headed households (13.9) and the elderly (above 46 years) were found to be vulnerable with a score of 12.7. Gakenke and Rulindo districts recorded higher average scores of 18.1 and 17.8 compared to Gicumbi (9.6). The food consumption scores in the three districts fall below the national scores which show that 25% of Rwanda’s population has poor or borderline dietary diversity (Rockefeller Foundation report 20211) and confirm relevance of the Kungahara project. FCS scores were seen to be influenced by availability of foods, with those that were highly consumed being staples (cereals, grains, roots and tubers) whose main source was own production. Reliance on purchase as a source of food limited consumption of milk and other dairy products. Read More...
Takunda Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) Outcome Mapping Baseline report
The main objective of Progress Marker Monitoring/Outcome Mapping is to assess, the extent to which gender transformative changes are taking place in Takunda Program areas among men, women, and youth based on age, life stage, socio-cultural norms, and religious practices. Takunda acknowledges that gender inequality is both a cause and consequence of food insecurity; hence gender equality is at the heart of the Takunda Program. To challenge gender norms that fuel food insecurity, the Program implements Social Analysis and Action (SAA), a key gender transformative approach that triggers shifts in gender norms at the individual, household, community, and policy level. This progress marker assessment specifically measured behaviors and practices at play for the different study participants before Takunda’s Social Analysis and Action (SAA) interventions and it confirmed some of the findings of the Takunda gender Analysis study held in December 2021. The progress marker assessment measured gender outcomes/behaviors as defined by the communities, whereas the gender analysis assessed program-wide challenges experienced by different groups as defined by the program. Read More...
HATUTAN II Baseline McGovern Dole Food for Education
In this report, we present findings from the baseline assessment of the HATUTAN II (Hahán ne’ebé Atu fó Tulun ho Nutrisaun no Edukasaun or Food to Support Nutrition and Education) program. This program is a five year (2022 – 2027), US$26.5 million initiative that will work in partnership with the Government of Timor-Leste and development stakeholders to address two strategic objectives: improved literacy of school-aged children and increased use of health, nutrition, and dietary practices. The program will operate in 378 schools and communities within four of Timor-Leste’s most deprived municipalities, Ainaro, Ermera, Manatuto, and Oe-cusse, to support an estimated 171,232 target beneficiaries including school-aged children, teacher, school administrators, and community members. Key activities will include support for the government-run School Feeding Program (SFP) and trainings targeting teachers, school administrators, and community members.
The baseline assessment finds that grade 2 students’ literacy abilities are very weak and many students remain unable to read words. The average overall score on the literacy assessment was only 10.9% for intervention students, and only 18.2% of intervention students demonstrated the ability to read and understand the meaning of a grade-level passage. Scores were highest—though still low in absolute terms—for letter recognition, at 21.8% for intervention students. Furthermore, many grade 2 students have no literacy abilities, with 21.8% of intervention students scoring 0% overall on the literacy assessment.
We find moderate use of engaging teaching practices in most intervention municipalities, with relatively more frequent use of these practices in Ermera and less frequent use in Oe-cusse. However, across all municipalities, substantial potential remains to continue improving the use of engaging teaching practices, as well as reducing the use of traditional, unengaging teaching practices including copying from the board and repeating after the teacher. Furthermore, corporal punishment was still observed to be used by some teachers in intervention schools and is likely underreported in our data due to social desirability bias. Read More...
The baseline assessment finds that grade 2 students’ literacy abilities are very weak and many students remain unable to read words. The average overall score on the literacy assessment was only 10.9% for intervention students, and only 18.2% of intervention students demonstrated the ability to read and understand the meaning of a grade-level passage. Scores were highest—though still low in absolute terms—for letter recognition, at 21.8% for intervention students. Furthermore, many grade 2 students have no literacy abilities, with 21.8% of intervention students scoring 0% overall on the literacy assessment.
We find moderate use of engaging teaching practices in most intervention municipalities, with relatively more frequent use of these practices in Ermera and less frequent use in Oe-cusse. However, across all municipalities, substantial potential remains to continue improving the use of engaging teaching practices, as well as reducing the use of traditional, unengaging teaching practices including copying from the board and repeating after the teacher. Furthermore, corporal punishment was still observed to be used by some teachers in intervention schools and is likely underreported in our data due to social desirability bias. Read More...
Midline (monsoon flood) and baseline (flsh flood) study of SUFAL-!! project
The baseline study concerning the impact of flash floods and lightning on the SUFAL-II project aims to analyze the context of flash floods and lightning, assess the scopes of the Early Warning System, and examine current trends of hazard-specific responses taken by individual, community, and institutional levels. The objective of this project is to bolster the capabilities of vulnerable communities and institutions in Bangladesh to implement forecast-based early actions. The study employed a mixed-method approach, amalgamating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. This was done to assess the context, accessibility, usage, and potential of early warning systems and early actions for mitigating the risks associated with flash floods and lightning hazards.
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For treatment group areas the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities' lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities, and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.
The study further investigated the current and potential early actions that can be undertaken by communities and institutions to alleviate the impact of flash floods and lightning. These actions include seeking safe shelter, securing assets and livestock, and implementing strategies to cope with shocks and stress. Most significantly, there are no functional early warning systems in the targeted areas.
A total of 90.00% of the respondents from the treatment group and 50.80% of respondents from the control group areas said they were affected by flash floods within the previous three years. On the other hand, 69.30% of the respondents of treatment group and 50.80% of the respondents of control group areas admitted that their community members were affected by lightning in the past two years. Moreover, 74.40% of respondents of treatment group areas and 58.30% respondents of control group areas said that loss of human lives or major injury occurred due to lightning. Notably, Highest 81.90% of the respondents from both group areas said they did not get any early warning information regarding floods. FGD with respondents discovered that there is no functional early warning system in their areas for flash floods. Sometimes they got warnings through loudspeaker announcements when nearby areas got affected by the flood. In the case of lightning, 92.80% of the respondents from both group areas said they didn’t get any early warning information. Though there isn`t any early warning system for lightning, some respondents said in FGD that they occasionally identify symptoms by evaluating the cloud and notifying each other of the possibility of lightning which is considered as early warning for them. The respondents from both treatment and control group areas shared their opinions about different types of early warnings they received for different natural disasters. The highest 38.20% and 18.80% of the respondents received early warning (supposed to situation update) through television broadcasts from treatment and control group areas. The respondents from the treatment group and control group areas usually don’t get any functional early warnings. Hence, they consider flood situation updates and weather updates as early warnings. A total of 16.70% of the respondents admit that they won’t understand the early warning information due to language barriers, or technical jargon. From the treatment group areas, 61.50% of the respondents shared that due to a lack of clear instructions on severity and impact of the hazards, they won’t understand the warnings. Interestingly, a total of 17.90% of the respondents from both treatment and control group areas admitted some traditional beliefs and superstition might generate distrust against the early warnings. Read More...
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For treatment group areas the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities' lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities, and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.
The study further investigated the current and potential early actions that can be undertaken by communities and institutions to alleviate the impact of flash floods and lightning. These actions include seeking safe shelter, securing assets and livestock, and implementing strategies to cope with shocks and stress. Most significantly, there are no functional early warning systems in the targeted areas.
A total of 90.00% of the respondents from the treatment group and 50.80% of respondents from the control group areas said they were affected by flash floods within the previous three years. On the other hand, 69.30% of the respondents of treatment group and 50.80% of the respondents of control group areas admitted that their community members were affected by lightning in the past two years. Moreover, 74.40% of respondents of treatment group areas and 58.30% respondents of control group areas said that loss of human lives or major injury occurred due to lightning. Notably, Highest 81.90% of the respondents from both group areas said they did not get any early warning information regarding floods. FGD with respondents discovered that there is no functional early warning system in their areas for flash floods. Sometimes they got warnings through loudspeaker announcements when nearby areas got affected by the flood. In the case of lightning, 92.80% of the respondents from both group areas said they didn’t get any early warning information. Though there isn`t any early warning system for lightning, some respondents said in FGD that they occasionally identify symptoms by evaluating the cloud and notifying each other of the possibility of lightning which is considered as early warning for them. The respondents from both treatment and control group areas shared their opinions about different types of early warnings they received for different natural disasters. The highest 38.20% and 18.80% of the respondents received early warning (supposed to situation update) through television broadcasts from treatment and control group areas. The respondents from the treatment group and control group areas usually don’t get any functional early warnings. Hence, they consider flood situation updates and weather updates as early warnings. A total of 16.70% of the respondents admit that they won’t understand the early warning information due to language barriers, or technical jargon. From the treatment group areas, 61.50% of the respondents shared that due to a lack of clear instructions on severity and impact of the hazards, they won’t understand the warnings. Interestingly, a total of 17.90% of the respondents from both treatment and control group areas admitted some traditional beliefs and superstition might generate distrust against the early warnings. Read More...
Intervención en educación sexual integral (ESI) y empoderamiento de niñas y adolescentes en Piura-Línea de Base
El presente documento contiene los resultados de la línea de base del proyecto “Intervención en educación sexual integral (ESI) y empoderamiento de niñas y adolescentes en Piura” aplicado en la provincia de Morropón, Piura. Este proyecto fue implementado en tres instituciones educativas de la zona: IIEE 14618, IIEE 14619, José Pintado Berrú. El documento se divide en tres partes. En la primera, se presentan los objetivos del estudio y el alcance de este. En la segunda, los pasos metodológicos necesarios para cumplir con los objetivos. En la tercera, los resultados de los indicadores de propósito, resultados y productos. Finalmente, la última parte contienen las
conclusiones y recomendaciones de la implementación del proyecto.
En cuanto a los indicadores de propósito, se puede decir que: i) se registraron 44 niñas y adolescentes embarazadas en el distrito de Chulucanas; en el C.P. Yapatera se identificaron 3 adolescentes en situación de embarazo, ii) el Índice de igualdad de género promedio ponderado general es de 2.35 (en una escala de 0 a 4), y iii) un 23.84% de las niñas y adolescentes obtuvieron un puntaje de 3 a 4 puntos (en una escala de 0 a 4) en el índice de educación sexual integral y normas sociales de género. Read More...
conclusiones y recomendaciones de la implementación del proyecto.
En cuanto a los indicadores de propósito, se puede decir que: i) se registraron 44 niñas y adolescentes embarazadas en el distrito de Chulucanas; en el C.P. Yapatera se identificaron 3 adolescentes en situación de embarazo, ii) el Índice de igualdad de género promedio ponderado general es de 2.35 (en una escala de 0 a 4), y iii) un 23.84% de las niñas y adolescentes obtuvieron un puntaje de 3 a 4 puntos (en una escala de 0 a 4) en el índice de educación sexual integral y normas sociales de género. Read More...
INFORME FINAL DE LÍNEA DE BASE Niñas con Oportunidades (NCO)
El presente documento contiene los resultados de la línea de base correspondiente al proyecto “Niñas con Oportunidades” (NCO) implementado por CARE. El documento se divide en cuatro partes. En la primera, se presentan los antecedentes del proyecto. En la segunda, la metodología utilizada. En la tercera, los resultados de los indicadores de propósito, resultados y productos. Finalmente, la última parte contiene las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la implementación del proyecto.
En cuanto a los indicadores de propósito, se obtuvo que: i) las estudiantes mujeres obtuvieron 2.26 puntos en el indicador de bienestar integral ii) en base a la respuesta de 28 directores1, el porcentaje de mujeres embarazadas es 1.46%, iii) el porcentaje de adolescentes mujeres que terminan la secundaria es 65.04%, y iv) el 48.75% sí estudia en un instituto superior o universidad. Read More...
En cuanto a los indicadores de propósito, se obtuvo que: i) las estudiantes mujeres obtuvieron 2.26 puntos en el indicador de bienestar integral ii) en base a la respuesta de 28 directores1, el porcentaje de mujeres embarazadas es 1.46%, iii) el porcentaje de adolescentes mujeres que terminan la secundaria es 65.04%, y iv) el 48.75% sí estudia en un instituto superior o universidad. Read More...
Private Sector Health Facility Assessment USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH)
USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) is a youth co-led initiative to empower girls and boys,10-19 years old, including the most marginalized, to attain their reproductive rights. The project's primary goal is to support adolescents to reach their full potential and strengthen public systems and private entities to create an enabling environment for healthy reproductive health (RH) behaviors by ensuring the readiness of private health facilities to provide adolescent-responsive services.
The study's main objective is to assess most private health facilities meeting USAID ARH specific criteria and identify gaps in providing high-quality services to adolescents. Read More...
The study's main objective is to assess most private health facilities meeting USAID ARH specific criteria and identify gaps in providing high-quality services to adolescents. Read More...
USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) is a youth coled initiative to empower girls and boys of 10-19 years,
including the most marginalized, to attain their reproductive health (RH) rights. The goal of the program is to support
Nepali adolescents to reach their full potential by choosing and practicing healthy reproductive behaviors together with the support of their community members.
The baseline study aims to assess the current situation of adolescents' sexual and reproductive health in USAID ARH
working areas (11 districts and 60 municipalities), with specific objectives:
* to identify family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) knowledge and practices among adolescents,
exploring mass media exposure and preference among adolescents,
* assess menstrual hygiene practices among adolescents,
* identify factors affecting the age at marriage, and
* identify gender and social norms related to adolescent
SRH issues in the community.
including the most marginalized, to attain their reproductive health (RH) rights. The goal of the program is to support
Nepali adolescents to reach their full potential by choosing and practicing healthy reproductive behaviors together with the support of their community members.
The baseline study aims to assess the current situation of adolescents' sexual and reproductive health in USAID ARH
working areas (11 districts and 60 municipalities), with specific objectives:
* to identify family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) knowledge and practices among adolescents,
exploring mass media exposure and preference among adolescents,
* assess menstrual hygiene practices among adolescents,
* identify factors affecting the age at marriage, and
* identify gender and social norms related to adolescent
SRH issues in the community.
Response to increased demand on Government Service and creation of economic opportunities in Uganda (RISE)
CARE International in Uganda is currently implementing Humanitarian and Development Projects in the newly established district of Kikuube; with a population of 341,300 nationals and host to one of the fastest-growing refugee settlements known as Kyangwali found in Mid-Western Uganda. Established in the 1960s to accommodate Rwandese refugees, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement hosts a population of 160,000 refugees from seven nationalities. The overall objective of this project is to enhance the emergency preparedness of selected local governments and prepare for possible future forced displacement. Read More...