
WASH in Camps Final KAP Survey in North East Syria

CARE North East conducted an Endline Survey in Areesha and Al Hole camps at Al Hassakeh and Abo Khashab camp in Deir-ez-Zor governorate. In order to achieve the following objective:
• Assess community ability to access the quality of water supply through rehabilitation of water supply networks and chlorination where necessary
• Assess community ability to access to functioning sanitation systems through rehabilitation of sanitation systems and landfills
• Assess community knowledge about maintaining household and community hygiene practices through hygiene promotion.
• Assess the local capacity to sustain these interventions through the development and training of WASH management committees (WMC). Read More...

Evaluación final del proyecto “Escalando el desarrollo empresarial para el empoderamiento de mujeres”

Llevar el desarrollo empresarial para el empoderamiento de las mujeres a escala es el desafío principal de la segunda fase de intervención en el Perú en el marco de una asociación global entre la Fundación H&M y CARE Holanda. Es así que, uno de los objetivos de esta segunda fase es tener una mejor comprensión del potencial y las necesidades específicas y diversas de la iniciativa empresarial liderada por mujeres en grupos o asociaciones.

Para medir el logro de esta segunda fase, CARE Perú llevó a cabo un proceso de generación de información, a través de un servicio de consultoría, que sirviera de Línea de Base del proyecto. El recojo de información se llevó a cabo entre los meses de febrero y marzo 2017, a través de la aplicación de encuestas a beneficiarias del proyecto en las regiones de Piura, Junín y Huancavelica.

Con los resultados obtenidos de la Línea de Base 2017, CARE Perú procedió a generar la información cuantitativa de la Línea Final del proyecto, cuyo trabajo de campo de aplicación de encuestas se desarrolló en el mes de noviembre 2019 (2 años y 8 meses después de la Línea de Base), a través del presente servicio de consultoría. El objetivo central de la evaluación es comparar los resultados de ambos procesos de recojo de información, a fin de verificar si han ocurrido mejoras en indicadores líderes del proyecto a favor de las beneficiarias. A ello se suma una comparación de resultados contra un grupo de emprendedoras no beneficiarias, cuya información también fue recogida en el trabajo de campo de noviembre 2019. El trabajo se complementó con un análisis cualitativo basado en el recojo de información a través de entrevistas en profundidad a actores claves del proyecto. Read More...

End line Survey Report: Meeting Basic Needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen, 2018-2020

CARE Yemen has been implementing the “Meeting basic needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen” project from 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2020. The project aimed to address the WASH, Health and food security needs of the most vulnerable and conflict affected communities living in the targeted areas. The key results of the project were: (1) increased capacity for vulnerable and conflict affected households, especially women, to meet livelihoods and basic needs; (2) improved access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services for vulnerable households in conflict affected areas; (3) increased equitable access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Right (SRHR) services for targeted communities. Read More...

Northern Shan Food Security Project End-of-Project Evaluation

This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Final Evaluation for the project: “Northern Shan Food Security Project (NSFSP)”. Implemented by CARE International in Myanmar, launched on January 2017 for three years, and ending on the 30th of December 2019.

The project is designed to accomplish with it specific objective : Increasing capacities of poor and vulnerable households in remote rural areas to strengthen their food and water security through a) income generating activities, b) access to new technological agricultural innovations and products, and c) better access to market opportunities.

The main purpose of the final evaluation was a) To determine the project achievement of its objectives and outputs and b) To identify intended and unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned and recommendations to improve future programming in terms of sustainability. Read More...

Go Green Project in Tanzania: Access To Sustainable Energy Solutions in Moshi, Hai and Same Districts in Kilimanjaro Region

The Go Green was a three-year project (2017-2019) seeking to increase the number of women in Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania, who adopt and directly benefit from clean energy products through an innovative market-based approach. The objective of this evaluation was to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability (evaluation criteria) of project implementation and, in particular, to document the results of the project in relation to its overall objective and expected results as defined in the project document. Additionally, the evaluation identified good practices and lessons learned which can be used when designing similar interventions in the future.

This project is working in three districts of Moshi, Hai and Same. The Kilimanjaro Region is one of the worst affected in
Tanzania by the impacts of climate change and variability with observed increase in temperature, decrease in precipitation levels, floods and droughts. Go Green is directly links with the private sector to improve last mile distribution at district and village level, thereby increasing disposable household income for women entrepreneurs. Read More...


Financé par la Société Générale et mis en œuvre par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet OMBONA est un projet pilote qui a pour but de « contribuer à l’ancrage des associations villageoises d’épargne et de crédit dans le paysage financier de Madagascar pour un accès des plus vulnérables aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière , et ainsi contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté dans la zone d’intervention ». Il s’inscrit donc dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale de la Finance Inclusive de Madagascar 2013-2017 et de croissance économique inclusive dans le PND.

La présente évaluation finale a pour but de collecter les informations pertinentes et indispensables et de connaitre la situation finale par rapport aux indicateurs du projet sur l’influence de l’inclusion financière sur la réduction de la pauvreté, et donc sur les conditions de vie des ménages dans les 8 communes du district de Vatomandry, afin de mesurer les changements induits tout au long de la mise en œuvre du projet. L’étude servira également à déterminer les indicateurs d’amélioration des conditions de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau du ménage. Read More...

RESI – Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative

The Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI) aimed to support inclusive and sustainable rural economic development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and Ranil(l)ug. It was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Municipality of Prishtinë/Priština and implemented by CARE International in Kosovo.
The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture, capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and socio-economically vulnerable groups.
The final evaluation of the RESI took place between 6th October and 11th November 2019. The evaluation aimed to make an independent assessment of the outputs, outcomes and impact of the project towards the end of its 36 month cycle. The evaluation also set out to identify lesson learned, avenues for replication and practical recommendations for the future. Read More...


Le projet « Soutenir la relance économique et renforcer la sécurité alimentaire dans les ménages victimes de la crise des groupes armés dans la Province du lac Tchad (ERSFS) » a été mis en œuvre dans la province du Lac Tchad, département de FOULI, MAMDI et KAYA. Il a été entièrement financé par le gouvernement Tchèque. Cette évaluation finale interne révèle les éléments suivants les principaux critères de l’évaluation que sont : sa pertinence, son efficience, son efficacité, ses impacts et sa durabilité.

• 82% des ménages appuyés ont amélioré leur score de consommation alimentaire suite à l’action ;
• 100 bénéficiaires sont formés sur les risques liées à la migration en Europe
• 375 femmes appuyées par le projet développent des Activités Génératrices de Revenus (AGR) ;
• 250 ménages ont bénéficié de cash pendant la période de soudure (juillet, aout et septembre) pour un montant total de 45000 XAF soit 15000 XAF par ménage et par mois.
• Un montant total de 11.250.000 XAF a été injecté en cash pour favoriser l’accès aux marchés en faveur de ménages pauvres pendant la période de soudure ;
• 77% des ménages touchés par le projet ont pu satisfaire leur besoin alimentaire grâce au cash reçu ;
• La durée des stocks de denrées de première nécessité détenus par les ménages pour leur propre consommation a augmenté de 4 mois ;
• 200 ménages ont été appuyés à reconstituer leur cheptel animal avec 600 sujets soit 3 petits ruminants pour un ménage. Un montant total de 10.500.000 XAF a été injecté pour l’acquisition de ruminants pendant cette foire ;

Integrated Basic Emergency Assistance to Conflict-Affected and Vulnerable Communities in Yemen Project

CARE Yemen has been implementing an OFDA-supported “Integrated Basic Emergency Assistance to Conflict-Affected and Vulnerable Communities” project in four districts (Sudah, As Sawd, Jabal Yazid, and Maswar) of Arman Governorate; two districts (Ash Shagadirah and Ku’aydinah) of Hajjah Governorate; and three districts (Alrujum, Jabal Mahweet, and Hafash) of Al-Mahweet Governorate Yemen. The goal of the project is to improve the basic living conditions, and facilitate early recovery and resilience of internally displaced persons and host communities affected by conflict in Yemen. This project seeks to meet the critical WASH and basic living needs of the most vulnerable households living in the targeted districts so that lives are saved, suffering is alleviated, and human dignity is maintained. The specific objectives of the project are: reduce morbidity from WASH-related diseases of vulnerable IDPs and host communities; enable the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities to meet their basic and immediate needs, and increase their asset base; and improve the food security and nutritional status of the most vulnerable host communities. Read More...


Lotus Flower, supported by CARE, started its Women Business Incubator (WBI) project on May 2019. The project was commenced with the recruitment process of staff and followed by an introduction of the project activities to the communities in Rowanga camp. Multiple activities have been conducted as part of the comprehensive approach to meet the objective of the project. Activities included conducting business mentorship training, awareness raising, and psychological support.

The impact evaluation aims at assessing the effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of the project. In addition, project success and challenges faced during project implementation has been assessed.
Specific objectives include:
- To document any gaps in in the project implementation and to identify barriers in running business by women in the male- dominated society;
- Examine whether any of the beneficiaries have the interest to use these skills as a trade/small business; whether they started earning income from their business or not, and how they are benefitting in a highly traditional society with firm gender role.
- To understand whether the women who benefited from the business women incubator project would be accepted as business women , if entrepreneurship is traditionally regarded as “male” job, by their community or not; whether they were interested in the material (and perhaps would want to learn other “male” skills); and whether this training has resulted in any changes among target beneficiaries families/community with respect to gender relations.
- To identify opportunities, and draw lessons learnt as well as recommendations

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