
Final Evaluation of Opportunities for Mothers and Infants Development Project

The evaluation was conducted to ascertain the degree of achievement and progress toward project output, outcome and overall objectives and determine the extent of project contribution in health needs of community examine. A multi-stage, stratified sampling design was used to select mothers from eligible women— women who were married, living in both districts and aged 14 to 49 years.

Resilient Livelihood Project Final Evaluation Report

The purpose of final evaluation is to evaluate the impact of RLP to enhance resilience of households in rural communities of Afghanistan since the project began in January 2015. A secondary purpose is to generate lessons learned, and inform future programming. The evaluation also provides an opportunity to follow-up on recommendations provided in the mid-term review (January 2017) to ensure continuous project improvement and accountability. The evaluation will provide findings, recommendations and conclusions which can be used for future programming under a potential extension phase. [76 pages] Read More...

Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) Final Report

From the perspective of a strong gender focus, CARE’s Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) sought to improve the economic security of women smallholder farmers and their households in Northern Ghana by increasing their productivity and access to inputs and markets. Funded through the Big Lottery Fund of the UK, HESP is implemented in the Garu-Tempane (GTD) and Lambussie (LD) districts of the Upper East and West regions of Ghana, respectively.

The project’s objectives and ultimate outcomes are:
1. Increased agricultural productivity for smallholder women farmers through improved and sustainable farming methods and increased access to productive resources; and
2. Increased household income for smallholder women farmers and micro entrepreneurs through effective engagement in economic opportunities along the soy and groundnut value chain.

Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household

Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household 2016-CA354 have implemented in seven targeted (Balkh, Ghazni, Paktya, Parwan, Kapisa, Khost and Kabul) provinces from the 16 March, 2016 to 30 April, 2018. The project have provide emergency assistance in mentioned provinces; but Cash and hygiene awareness interventions were implemented in Kabul and Balkh provinces according to the proposal. The project Post- Assessment report is revealed the impact of implemented five type interventions including CfW, UCG, Emergency shelter “Tent”, Hygiene awareness and Winterization during the second phase of project. The post assessment is done to analyze, measure and understand impact of assistance o livelihood status and health and hygiene conditions of IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable residents who affected by insurgency and natural disaster. The post- assessment aims to study appropriateness, effectiveness and coverage of provided assistances and explore respondents’ needs and requirement which are not considered yet. Findings of this assessment will be used to improve on the future planning of similar project to meet the needs of the most vulnerable population. Read More...

Voice and Rights for Ethnic Minority Women in Vietnam

CARE and iSEE partner have been implemented a project titled “Voice and Rights for Ethnic Minority Women” in Banh Trach and Phuc Loc Commune, Ba Be District, Bac Can Province since April 2015 with duration of 36 months. In designing, the project aims to archive three results: (1): An effective approach to co-research has been implemented in Bac Kan Province; (2): Ethnic Minority women have presented their co-research findings to civil society and policy-makers, demonstrating the value of enhanced participation to stakeholders; (3) The Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs has incorporated outcomes from participatory research into rights-related policy-making and, along with civil society organizations, has increased capacity to implement participatory consultations. The project deploys the model of co-research in an integrated cycle of research, advocacy and capacity building for change. Read More...

Umodzi – research on gender synchronized approaches to adolescent lifeskills

The aim of Umodzi Project was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. CARE Malawi contracted the CDM to implement the evaluation to compliment routine monitoring activities and establish the effectiveness of the gender synchronized approach. (169 pages) Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis – SNNP Region Ethiopia and Gedeo Crisis Response

As of July 14, conflict between Guji Oromo and Gedeo communities displaced over 1 million people (82 per cent in Gedeo; 19 per cent West Guji zones). Internally displaced people (IDPs) stay in cramped public buildings and spontaneous IDP sites while other live with host communities. This massive and sudden population displacement prompted CARE Ethiopia to expand its emergency programme in the South Nation, Nationalities People Region (SNNPR). Consistent with its focus on gender equality, CARE initiated a rapid gender analysis (RGA) to provide gendered data on needs, power relations, access and controls, risks and coping strategies of displaced women, men, boys and girls affected by the conflict.

An RGA mission led by CARE International Rapid Response Team Gender Specialist took place in Dilla town, Gedeb and Yirgachafe woredas (administrative unit in Ethiopia) between 25 and 31 July. Read More...

Velontenga Final Evaluation

Le projet VELONTEGNA mis en œuvre par le SAF/FJKM en partenariat avec CARE International dans la Région Atsinanana, et qui dure 3 ans, est financé par la Coopération allemande BMZ (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit). L’objectif est que les 17 000 ménages vulnérables cibles puissent améliorer de façon durable leur sécurité alimentaire afin de faire face aux impacts du changement climatique et parmi lesquels, il y aura au moins 4 000 ménages ruraux dirigés par les femmes. (88 pages)


MAHAFATOKY project final evaluation

CARE Madagascar a mis en œuvre un projet qui s’intitule MAHAFATOKY dont l’objectif est d’accroître la résilience de 50.000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA. Généralement, les actions tournent autour des renforcements de capacités pour que la population cible, notamment les plus vulnérables, s’adapte à réduire les effets néfastes du changement climatique sur leur sécurité alimentaire. L’objectif du projet Mahafatoky est de renforcer la résilience des 50000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA à Madagascar, par une plus grande capacité à s’adapter aux effets du changement sur leur sécurité alimentaire et à réduire ces effets. Le projet comprend trois volets essentiels et complémentaires: i) La Gestion des risques et des catastrophes, ii) La sécurité alimentaire et iii) Le groupe d’épargne villageois. Ces trois volets se répartissent en sept (7) résultats attendus (RA) dont les analyses des valeurs actuelles de chaque indicateur sont développées dans ce rapport. Au terme du projet, les bénéficiaires finaux du projet sont de 73 032 ménages soit 365.160 Personnes qui représentent 146% de l’objectif fixé. (118 pages) Read More...

FANAMBY project

64 page final evaluation. Financé par LYRECO for Education et opérationnalisé par CARE International à Madagascar, le Projet Fanamby s’inscrit dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD) et du Plan National pour le Développement (PND) dans le cadre desquels le Ministère de l’Education Nationale à Madagascar a initié son Plan Sectoriel de l’Education (PSE) qui vise à mettre en place une éducation de base de qualité, accessible pour tous.
Son budget total s’élève à 1000 000 Euro pour une durée de 48 mois. Le projet a pour objectif principal d’améliorer l'accès à l'éducation primaire de qualité pour au moins 17 000 enfants âgés de 5 et de 15 ans dans 47 écoles primaires publics du district de Vatomandry, dans la région Atsinanana de Madagascar (côte Est), avec une attention particulière à l'éducation des filles, suite au passage du cyclone Giovanna en Février 2012.
L'objectif de la présente évaluation finale est d’analyser et d'apprécier l'atteinte des résultats au vu des objectifs fixés par le projet, les dynamiques de changement au niveau des bénéficiaires cibles ainsi que la viabilité des activités qui ont été développées après quatre années d'intervention.

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