Special Evaluation/Report

Learning to Listen: Regional Partnerships and Impacts

In 2017, CARE asked, “What will it take to scale our impact by 10 times more than we currently do? What about 100 times?” Part of the answer to that, with significant unrestricted investments from 2017-2020, were CARE’s Impact Growth Strategies. These aim to address the “missing middle” by supporting the skills, staff, and connections needed to bring our work together across regions and partners.
A recent review of these 4 regional platforms—Equal value, equal rights (EVER) in LAC; Women on the move (WoM) in West Africa; Her harvest, our future (HHOF) in Southern Africa; Made by Women in Asia Pacific—shows significant return on the investment. These returns merit continued investment in regional platforms that take creative approaches to partnership, local leadership, and the evolution of CARE’s operating models.
• Contributing to impact for 12 million people, with potential impact for 78 million more people impacted over the coming years.
• Paving the scaling pathways by demonstrating different models of partnership, design, evidence, impact, and fundraising. These experiences provide valuable experience and evidence of what works (and doesn’t) and how to continue our ambition of sustainable impact at scale.
• Demonstrating concrete tools and ability to center the voices of the people we serve, in new partnership models, feedback systems, power structures, and evidence. This includes crucial lessons on how to live out our strategic goal of being locally led and globally connected.
• Mobilizing resources by contributing to roughly $100 million in new restricted and flexible funding.

Cost-efficiency analysis Conditional Cash for Education and Protection

This case study summarizes an analysis conducted by CARE using the Dioptra tool to generate cost-efficiency estimates for Conditional Cash for Education and Protection in Jordan. The analysis revealed that:
● Conditional Cash for Education and Protection cost $1,474 per child on average, across nine projects within the program portfolio.
● Tweaking the transfer size and frequency can affect cost-efficiency by more than 30 percent. It can free up funds to reach at least 40 percent more children with conditional cash, or allow existing recipient households to benefit from other economic resilience interventions.
● Providing awareness sessions on the importance of education is a small cost component of conditional cash that could be cost-effective.
● Different interventions are required for different groups of children. At minimum, the children receiving conditional cash should be differentiated by age: young (6-11) and old (12-16).
● Providing conditional cash for the full school year of at least 10 months is believed to be more effective and protective for children in need.
● Despite its effectiveness, cash incentives are unlikely to be a sustainable intervention to ensure children’s school attendance. It could benefit from other supporting interventions that address social barriers preventing children from attending school.
● Based on further assessments on different approaches and best practices, the program team intends to test a gradual reduction in transfer amounts for 10 months per year over 3 years, differentiated by age group, including livelihoods support for all recipient households, and referrals to Emergency Cash Assistance for highly vulnerable households.
Cost-efficiency estimates are cited for learning purposes only, and should not be used as the sole basis for future budgeting or benchmarking. All cost-efficiency estimates include Direct Project Costs, Direct Shared Costs, and Indirect Costs. Read More...

START Fund Distributions In Pakistan

The activities of the START Fund were designed in lieu of the communities' needs identified by the existing field staff monitoring flood situation and working in Muzaffargarh. As part of the activities, medical supplies were given to target beneficiaries and hygiene promotion sessions were conducted to inform the communities of the risk and prevention measures from COVID-19, and water borne diseases
CARE International in Pakistan conducted post distribution monitoring study with 10 participants (90% female and 10% male) in UC Rang Pur of District Muzaffargarh. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback. satisfaction about the distribution, familiarity with feedback & complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information and compliance.

CARE West Africa: Women’s Collective Voice – Global Report FY2017-21

The CARE West Africa: Women’s Collective Voice - Global Report FY2017-21 outlines the Women on the Move (WOM) initiative, which empowers women and girls through the mobilization of savings groups, known as solidarity groups, to assert their rights and enhance their socio-economic status. By fostering connections among these groups and building alliances with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the initiative promotes gender equality and social justice. The report highlights the ambitious goal of positively impacting 8 million women and girls by increasing their participation in decision-making processes and advocating for policies that benefit them. Notable successes include partnerships with private sector actors, such as Mars Wrigley Confectionery, and the integration of the Village Savings & Loan model into national strategies across several West African countries. Additionally, the WOM initiative has strengthened women’s leadership during crises, such as COVID-19, and improved their access to formal financial institutions, showcasing the transformative power of collective action in achieving gender justice.

Total Page Count: 26

Gender Gaps in COVID 19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccinations are quickly becoming a story of inequality. Gender inequality is a critical part of this story. In 16 countries where CARE has data, women are less likely to be vaccinated, and less likely to feel vaccines are safe.
There are massive local and global gaps in who can get vaccinated Only 1 9 of people in low income countries are vaccinated, and 79 of vaccinations have been in wealth countries Tragically, wealth and geography are just two factors that skew access to vaccines Another is gender In many low and middle income countries, women are less likely to get COVID-19 vaccines than men are This compounds gender inequality women are already facing in health and decision making Read More...

COVID-19: Impacts, Attitudes, and Safety Nets in Haiti (April 2021)

In April 2021, CARE conducted interviews with savings group members and leaders to understand their experiences of COVID-19, and how it was changing their lives. The survey included 364 women and 175 men, for a total of 539 respondents. This follows a survey done in June 2020 to understand what was happening at that time for members of savings groups. The surveys covered Artibonite and Grand Anse.

COVID-19 continues to have important impacts for women and men in savings groups. In general, men and women in these groups were reporting similar challenges across the sample. 86% of women and men are reporting impacts in their livelihoods, and 98% of people say that COVID-19 is affecting their ability to save. 64% say they can’t meet family needs and hunger has gone up. 90% of people are reporting that COVID-19 is impacting their social lives. More women than men report that Gender Based Violence has gone up. While women are more likely to have lost influence in the household than men (39% compared to 33%), men are more likely to report that they lost social status in the community (48% compared to 43%). Read More...

Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi

The significant amount of misinformation surrounding COVID-19 has deteriorated trust in governments and health systems, leading the World Health Organization to claim it as an “infodemic.” As the massive vaccine roll-out efforts launch, systematic trust-building and social accountability approaches are vital to ensure that civil society can hold governments accountable for equitable and people-centered vaccine roll-out that reaches the last mile. CARE knows that epidemics, like COVID-19 and Ebola, start and end with communities, which is why we are working to build meaningful citizen engagement into national vaccine roll-out frameworks to increase trust, accountability, and information dissemination.
CARE’s Community Score Card
The Community Score Card (CSC) was developed by CARE Malawi in 2002 and has been effectively used in a wide range of settings and sectors to ensure that public services are accountable to the people and communities they serve. CSC has demonstrated impact on power-shifting and improving service quality and trust building within and between communities and government actors. When COVID-19 arrived in Malawi during March 2020, CARE adapted CSC for remote use. The remote CSC includes an SMS platform and WhatsApp groups through which groups of men, women, youth, community and religious leaders, and service providers could voice their concerns and hesitancies about the vaccine and other health services. The CSC helped to identify major concerns around the vaccine and aided stakeholders in creating locally-driven solutions to combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
Building on these early experiences, from May to June 2021, CARE further implemented a pilot project designed to support efficient and equitable COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in three locations in Malawi: Kandeu and Chigodi health facility catchment populations in Ntcheu district and the New Hope Clinic health facility catchment population in Ngolowindo in Salima district. In all three locations, key stakeholders included groups of women, men, youth, community leaders (chiefs and religious), district health management teams, and health personnel (including health surveillance staff, health facility staff in-charge, and the health center management committee). CARE Malawi’s CSC team led the implementation of the pilot with support from CARE USA and digital support from Kwantu. Read More...


En el año 2000 se aprobó el Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños, que complementa la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional que entró en vigor el 25 de diciembre de 2003. Desde esa fecha el desarrollo normativo de la trata de personas es permanente tanto en el Perú como en el Ecuador, países que comparten una amplia frontera común. Paralelamente se han creado nuevos servicios para la protección y asistencia a las víctimas, así como para la persecución y sanción del delito. En ese contexto, diversos fenómenos han ocurrido con particular intensidad, sobre todo en la zona fronteriza entre Perú y Ecuador. Dos en particular han marcado el desarrollo de la trata de personas en esa zona. La crisis humanitaria producto de la migración masiva de ciudadanos venezolanos y el contexto actual de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, que obligó a ambos países a cerrar sus fronteras, abriéndose más de un circuito clandestino por el cual el flujo migratorio ha continuado discurriendo sin solución de continuidad a pesar del control militar implementado por el Perú desde el 26 de enero del 2021, lo que ha merecido un pronunciamiento conjunto de las Defensorías del Pueblo de Ecuador, Colombia y Perú exhortando a sus autoridades a tener como premisa la dignidad humana de las personas migrantes con necesidad de protección internacional, observar las normas universales y regionales de derechos humanos en este campo, así como evitar actos que promuevan el rechazo por parte de las comunidades de acogida. En ese contexto, las vulnerabilidades propias de las personas migrantes, así como de adolescentes y jóvenes de las regiones contiguas a la zona de frontera, se vieron potenciadas por la crisis económica generada a causa de la pandemia, así como por la pauperización de las condiciones del empleo marcadamente informal. Esas circunstancias que han agravado las necesidades de las personas han sido aprovechadas para la comisión de diversos delitos de explotación de seres humanos. Paralelamente la respuesta pública se ha visto impactada por la crisis sanitaria que ha reducido su capacidad para enfrentar el problema, además de las limitaciones que ya presentaba. En ese escenario, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones de cooperación han jugado un papel importante para paliar las necesidades. Por otra parte, el panorama de la trata de personas en la zona de frontera presenta varios desafíos que están descritos a lo largo del presente estudio y que sugieren un modelo de
gestión más eficiente para poder enfrentarla de manera eficaz, así como para atender el creciente número de personas vulnerables producto de la crisis humanitaria y de la realidad resultante como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria. El cierre de la frontera y su permeabilidad hacen evidente la necesidad de implementar una estrategia migratoria integralen cada país, así como en conjunto. Para la elaboración del presente informe se ha recogido información de fuentes documentales, así como de las instituciones públicas y privadas de ambos lados de la frontera, incluyendo a personas migrantes. Dicha información ha permitido describir las conductas, medios y finalidades del delito de trata; las características de los autores del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, las características de las víctimas; las principales rutas de la trata y tráfico de personas, así como las actividades en las que podría estar presente; los servicios de protección para víctimas; el estado de los mecanismos de sanción del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, así como la relación entre la migración, la trata y tráfico de personas. [46 Pages] Read More...

South Sudan: The True Cost of COVID-19 Vaccines

By July 18, South Sudan was able to administer the nearly all of the 60,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine they had in stock through a series of smart investments in delivery, training, and social mobilization coordinated with several different partners. As new doses are projected to arrive in country in August, South Sudan continues to reinforce gaps in the health systems to make COVID-19 vaccinations possible without disrupting existing health services.

CARE’s estimated delivery costs from “tarmac to arm”1 for vaccines in these areas are $9.97 per dose of vaccine administered, or $22.22 per person fully vaccinated.

This is six times more expensive than current global estimate for delivery costs. For some actors providing vaccinations in South Sudan, the cost has been as high as $20 per dose administered when they include all costs. That’s because the health system in South Sudan is fragile, and it was already struggling to deliver even routine services. South Sudan is one of many health systems around the world that will need additional personnel, resources, and infrastructure to effectively deliver COVID-19 vaccines to at-risk populations, especially in hard-to-reach areas. The exact cost will continue to evolve as new vaccines arrive in country and the country vaccinates new groups of people. Read More...

GENDER AND COVID-19 VACCINES Listening to women-focused organizations in Asia and the Pacific

More than a year into the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed across at least 176 countries, with over 1.7 billion doses administered worldwide. Combating the pandemic requires equitable distribution of safe and effective vaccines, however, women and girls are impacted by gaps both in the supply side and the demand side that hamper equitable distribution of the vaccine. Evidence reveals that 75 per cent of all vaccines have gone to just 10 countries, and only 0.3 per cent of doses have been administered in low-income countries. Very few of COVID-19 vaccines are going to those most vulnerable. The vaccine rollout in Asia and the Pacific has been relatively slow and staggered amid secondary waves of the virus. India, despite being the largest vaccine developer, has only vaccinated 3 per cent of the population and continues to battle a variant outbreak that, at its peak, was responsible for more than half of the world’s daily COVID-19 cases and set a record-breaking pace of about 400,000 cases per day.5However, the small Pacific nation of Nauru, reported a world record administering the first dose to 7,392 people, 108 per cent of the adult population within four weeks. Bhutan also set an example by vaccinating 93 per cent of its eligible population in less than two weeks. That success could be at risk, given the situation in India and the suspended export of vaccines. Read More...

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