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Search Results: 소액결제깡⒠dan-gol˛Cом 소액결제팝니다 소액결제수수료 소액결제루트□소액결제깡

Final Project Evaluation Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience

The Northern Uplands - Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) is implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR in partnership with the Comité de Coopération avec le Laos (CCL) and the Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA). The project, funded by the European Union (EU), CARE Denmark, and OXFAM (OHK), is designed to improve the resilience of local ethic communities in Phongsaly to the impacts of climate change and to strengthen the capacity of government authorities and local ethnic communities. The objective of the project is to enable improved resilience of remote ethnic upland communities, in particular women, to the impact of climate variability and change, and contribute to the achievement of MDGs 1, 3, and 7. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the project’s success in implementing activities and in attaining the project’s goals and expected results.

NU-PCR has implemented a wide variety of activities to increase the resilience of ethnic communities to climate change and climate variability. The project has been successful in achieving its objectives and expected results. Improvements in households’ resilience to climate change have been validated from results of the end-line study in comparison to baseline values. Project support for cardamom and tea production; intercropping galangal, pineapple, and fruit trees; piloting rattan, bee keeping, and soybeans; vegetable gardening; improved rice production; mushroom production; fishponds; and support to women’s savings and loans groups has resulted in reducing the impact of climatic hazards and improving villagers’ incomes.
(69 pages)

Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo Midterm Report

Provision to the improvement of living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in Serbia and support to the sustainable return to Kosovo/Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo

The project “Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo”, being implemented over a period of 24 months, from July 11, 2018 to July 11, 2020. It is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and implemented in Serbia, specifically South Serbia, Pcinja District, the City of Vranje, and municipalities Vladicin Han, Surdulica, Bosilegrad, Trgoviste, Bujanovac and Presevo, by CARE and local CSO Nexus as a project partner, and municipality of Vranje, as the supporting project partner.

The overall goal of the project is to enable IDPs and returnees from the readmission process to exercise their full rights, supported by enabling migration policies and processes in Republic of Serbia. This wider impact is planned to be achieved through reaching the specific objective - to support the sustainable process of return to Kosovo, for IDPs and readmissions - persons returned to Republic of Serbia according to the Readmission Agreement in the process of reintegration. The Action was envisaged to provide actions to support a sustainable return of beneficiaries interested to move their households and businesses to Kosovo*. As the narrative interim report demonstrated, there were some alterations in the setup of the project as a result of external political circumstances, which influenced these activities.


The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) is a Government of Uganda program with support from the European Union. DINU was awarded to a CARE Denmark led Consortium comprising of CARE International in Uganda, Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Dynamic Agro-pastoralist Development Organization (DADO) and SORUDA. The consortium is implementing a project for inclusive market-based development for small holder farmers in Northern Uganda covering eleven districts.
Key Findings:
* Gender division of labour shows that women and girls do the bulk of unpaid care work. Women do 70% of household chores, and children 15%.
• Over 80% of couples report joint household decision making on sales and purchases but control over sales income is largely under men.
• Women are a majority in savings groups though borrowing is contested. Land is accessible to the entire household, but control is largely by men. Men also control credit, savings, and access to business skills.
• Gender norms influence nutrition, income, gender-based violence and enjoyment of SRHR. Read More...

5 Game Changing Initiatives for Transformative Agricultural Extension

The USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project is a key part of Bangladesh-centered Feed the Future (FtF) initiative addresses this challenge. Implemented by the Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) with technical partners CARE Bangladesh and mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., the goal of the project which started at late 2012 is to strengthen the existing extension system in southwest and central Bangladesh to sustainably improve food security and nutrition for smallholder farmers. This translates to the enhancement of access to and utilization of agricultural extension services by smallholder farmers – both women and men. Key interventions under this project works to build capacities and creating support to a demand-driven extension system, synergized by the use of ICT. Geographically distributed in the central and southwest Bangladesh, the project operates in 12 districts, covering 26 upazilas, under Jessore, Khulna and Barisal regions as primary intervention areas.

This report identifies 5 game changing initiatives for transformative agricultural extension. Read More...

Drc – cap – baseline – dec 03

The goal of Congo in Action for Peace (CAP) is the informed participation of Congolese society in po... Read More...

ANCP Malwai Microfinance Project Final Evaluation

The Malawi Microfinance Project is a three-year Australian NGO Cooperative Program (ANCP) funded project that is being implemented in Dowa (TA Dzoole and Chiwere), Lilongwe (TA Kalumbu) and Kasungu (TA Kaomba, Mwase and Njombwa). The Project, which started in October 2013 and ending in June 2016, was being implemented with the overall aim of helping 20,000 rural households to overcome chronic food insecurity through enabling women access to finance, appropriate training and finance. An end of project evaluation was commissioned by Care Malawi to assess the overall performance of Malawi Microfinance Project against set goals and outcome benchmarks. Read More...

Women at Work Project Evaluation

The project’s overall goal was to contribute substantially to a reduction in morbidity and mortality... Read More...

Gender Analysis of CARE Ethiopia-Resilience in Pastoral Areas Activity (RiPA) North Project

The purpose of the gender analysis is to provide information on gender-related rights in pastoral context and unpacks issues, factors and reasons on how gender relations will affect the achievement of the RiPA goals. Moreover, it also aims at identifying the key and existing discriminatory social and gender norms that are relevant to and responsible for perpetuating gender inequality in the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the targeted Regions and Woredas. To achieve this, CARE’s gender analysis framework called the ‘Good Practices Framework’ was used. The study was conducted in Somali, Afar and Oromia. Eight Woredas were selected from the 3 regions namely: Shabelle, Kebrebeya, Erer and Afdem from Somali region; Gewane and Afambo from the Afar region, and Babille and Meiso from the Oromia region. The survey, 40 KIIs and 56 FGDs data collection techniques were used to collect data from the targeted groups. A total of 402 (325 female and 77 male) participants took part in the survey. Read More...

Ruby Cups: Girls in Imvepi Refugee Settlement Taking Control

CARE International and WoMena Uganda are currently concluding a menstrual cup (MC) pilot implementation
project in Imvepi Refugee Settlement, funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). This is the second pilot that WoMena has conducted on the use of menstrual cups (the Ruby Cup brand) with refugee women in Uganda. Based on findings from previous studies and Menstrual Health Management (MHM) projects conducted by WoMena, the project’s goal was to improve the capacity of female beneficiaries to safely and effectively manage their menstruation with a menstrual cup called “Ruby Cup”, and to improve general knowledge and perceptions around menstruation in the community. The pilot was integrated into CARE’s existing gender-based violence sector support programs in West Nile and was prompted by evidence of a strong linkage between Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and Gender based violence (GBV) in various CARE assessments. CARE collected information on refugee girls engaging in transactional sex to buy pads. Read More...

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Program (GEWEP)

This report gives an overview of activities which were implemented by CARE Uganda and its local partners, Women and Rural Development Network (WORUDET) and Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalization (GWED-G) during the period (2014-March 2017). [22 pages] Read More...

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