Women's Economic Empowerment
Rapport d’évaluation Finale du Projet Fagnoitse
Financé par OFDA et opérationnalisé par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet Fagnoitse a pour objectif de renforcer la résilience des populations vulnérables touchées par la sécheresse dans le sud de Madagascar. Son budget total s’élève à 1 262 725 USD pour une durée de 12 mois.
L’intervention vise au total 42 000 individus directs et se concentre sur trois volets dont :
1. Amélioration de la production agricole et de la sécurité alimentaire en fournissant : des intrants adéquats (semences/plants améliorés et résistants à la sécheresse), des outils, une formation aux techniques résilientes au climat (12,000 personnes) ; formation et mise en place d’installations de stockage pour la sécurité des semences et des productions agricoles (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture de petits ruminants/volaille, coupons d’alimentation/fourrage, formation technique (6,000 personnes);
2. Soutien de la reprise économique et des systèmes de marché en restaurant les moyens de subsistance (6,000 personnes) ; le soutien au développement de nouvelles entreprises en fonction de la mise en place de groupe d’épargne et de crédit (12,000 personnes) et le soutien à la transformation agricole/produits de la pêche (12,000 personnes) ; élaboration de business plans (9,000 personnes) ;
3. Promotion de l’accès à l’eau et l’hygiène par la mise en place/opérationnalisation de 120 comités de gestion des transports d'eau, la fourniture de charrettes à boeufs et des futs (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture d'équipements de stockage d’eau (900 personnes), la fourniture de séances de sensibilisation/information sur l’hygiène, l'alimentation et la nutrition (36,000 personnes), et la fourniture de kits Wash (bidons d’eau, seaux d’eau, gobelet, barres de savon) (3,000 personnes). Read More...
L’intervention vise au total 42 000 individus directs et se concentre sur trois volets dont :
1. Amélioration de la production agricole et de la sécurité alimentaire en fournissant : des intrants adéquats (semences/plants améliorés et résistants à la sécheresse), des outils, une formation aux techniques résilientes au climat (12,000 personnes) ; formation et mise en place d’installations de stockage pour la sécurité des semences et des productions agricoles (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture de petits ruminants/volaille, coupons d’alimentation/fourrage, formation technique (6,000 personnes);
2. Soutien de la reprise économique et des systèmes de marché en restaurant les moyens de subsistance (6,000 personnes) ; le soutien au développement de nouvelles entreprises en fonction de la mise en place de groupe d’épargne et de crédit (12,000 personnes) et le soutien à la transformation agricole/produits de la pêche (12,000 personnes) ; élaboration de business plans (9,000 personnes) ;
3. Promotion de l’accès à l’eau et l’hygiène par la mise en place/opérationnalisation de 120 comités de gestion des transports d'eau, la fourniture de charrettes à boeufs et des futs (12,000 personnes) ; fourniture d'équipements de stockage d’eau (900 personnes), la fourniture de séances de sensibilisation/information sur l’hygiène, l'alimentation et la nutrition (36,000 personnes), et la fourniture de kits Wash (bidons d’eau, seaux d’eau, gobelet, barres de savon) (3,000 personnes). Read More...
Cargill Report Evaluación Cuantitativa 2019
This report outlines results from the final evaluation of Nourishing the Future Phase III. The report analyses the projects four objectives: (1) small producers and micro-entrepreneurs increased their income and resilience to climate change, (2) small producers and micro-entrepreneurs are more politically organized with stronger civil systems, (3) vulnerable families increased knowledge, have access to information on food and nutritional security and have improved their leadership skills, (4) Communities’ capacities to develop action plans to increase food and nutritional security that are sustainable from a climate change perspective.
The report compares the baseline and end line data in order to identify how the project succeeded and the impact it had on different communities where it was implemented. Read More...
The report compares the baseline and end line data in order to identify how the project succeeded and the impact it had on different communities where it was implemented. Read More...
The Souqona project was launched in April 2016, with funds from the Australian Government as part of the program “Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets,” which constitutes the third phase of the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) program in the occupied Palestinian territory. This project is implemented by a consortium of three organizations: Care International West Bank & Gaza as the leading party, The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ), and the International Centre for Agriculture and Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Souqona’s main goal is to increase income, agency, and market opportunity for female and male Palestinian farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development.
In order to lay down the benchmarks for project objectives, Care International commissioned Al-Sahel Company for Institutional Development and Communication (Al-Sahel) to conduct a baseline study. Read More...
Souqona’s main goal is to increase income, agency, and market opportunity for female and male Palestinian farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development.
In order to lay down the benchmarks for project objectives, Care International commissioned Al-Sahel Company for Institutional Development and Communication (Al-Sahel) to conduct a baseline study. Read More...
Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Gender In-Depth Assessment
Marginalized communities or individuals are those who are denied or excluded from services, information, education, among others, due to different socio-economic reasons. Because they are marginalized they often are not consulted, their voices are not heard and they have no influence over decisions that affect their lives. Development initiatives often target poor regions, communities or even households. But looking into the reasons why marginalized individuals may further be excluded and what needs and priorities those marginalized groups have, is not commonly exercised. This is why this analysis will focus on answering these questions in particular.
Since East and West Belesa are amongst the most food insecure woredas with critical water needs, the project decided to target poor and food insecure communities with limited to no access to clean water. The project specifically targets marginalized rural women and girls (14-17 years), unemployed youth (15-29 years) and people with disabilities. To achieve meaningful engagement of marginalized groups as well as to ensure that all people, especially women and girls, in the targeted areas are benefiting from SWEEP, CARE conducted this in depth gender assessment. Read More...
Since East and West Belesa are amongst the most food insecure woredas with critical water needs, the project decided to target poor and food insecure communities with limited to no access to clean water. The project specifically targets marginalized rural women and girls (14-17 years), unemployed youth (15-29 years) and people with disabilities. To achieve meaningful engagement of marginalized groups as well as to ensure that all people, especially women and girls, in the targeted areas are benefiting from SWEEP, CARE conducted this in depth gender assessment. Read More...
Participatory community development projects in indigenous communities of the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (GERMAN)
Since 1994 CARE Deutschland e.V. (hereinafter CARE) has been carrying out participatory community development projects in the Andean region with the support of the BMZ. Target groups of these projects were Andean indigenous communities in the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The projects were implemented by local NGOs: Yachachic (1994-2006) in Ecuador, Acción Andina Peru (1997-2018) in Peru and Asociación Acción Andina Bolivien (2010-2017) in Bolivia. As these long-term interventions have so far not been systematically analyzed, it was decided to conduct this evaluation to assess their direct and indirect effects, to analyze the project approach and to formulate recommendations for future CARE projects in the Andean region.
(Full report is in German)
2. Evaluation methodology
The evaluation was carried out through an extensive field study between November and December 2018, visiting 12 indigenous communities in Ecuador, 12 in Peru and 8 in Bolivia. Read More...
(Full report is in German)
2. Evaluation methodology
The evaluation was carried out through an extensive field study between November and December 2018, visiting 12 indigenous communities in Ecuador, 12 in Peru and 8 in Bolivia. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Supporting civil society in socio- economic development at local level
In early 2018, the EU Delegation in Egypt launched the mid-term evaluation of Component 3 of the Support for Partnership, Reforms and Inclusive Growth (SPRING) Programme in Egypt. The Programme encompasses two main components, namely socio-economic development and support to civil society.
The overall objective of the programme is to “improve the socio-economic conditions and rights of the poorest and those most in need of the population“. Read More...
The overall objective of the programme is to “improve the socio-economic conditions and rights of the poorest and those most in need of the population“. Read More...