Evaluación final Proyecto Alma Llanera I

La presente evaluación es elaborada con el objetivo de valorar la implementación del PROYECTO “ALMA LLANERA”, el cual ha sido ejecutado por CARE Perú.
Para el desarrollo del estudio se implementó una metodología mixta basada en la aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo. El ámbito geográfico del estudio de base comprende las zonas donde intervino el proyecto, las cuales comprende los departamentos de Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y la provincia constitucional del Callao.
Las principales variables analizadas se corresponden con las características básicas del público objetivo (características personales de las beneficiarias, de sus hogares, acceso a servicios de protección y afectación por el COVID-19), la cobertura, la pertinencia del proyecto, la eficacia y el impacto del Proyecto en función a los cambios esperados de su estrategia de intervención (plasmados a través de sus indicadores de impacto y resultados).
Estas variables se analizaron en la población objetivo del proyecto. Los informantes que proporcionaron la información requerida para el estudio fueron principalmente la población migrante y refugiada atendida, trabajadores/as y promotores de salud, funcionarios/as públicos y privados de las entidades públicas locales y el equipo técnico del Proyecto.
En este grupo de informantes se aplicaron encuestas a población migrante y refugiada atendida por el Proyecto, encuestas a trabajadores/as y promotores de salud y se complementó con entrevistas a funcionarios públicos y privados de los Centros de Salud Mental (CSMC), ONG, Asociaciones de Migrantes/Refugiados y Promotores de la Integración. Para el recojo de información, se diseñó un total de 10 formatos de recojo de información primaria, los cuales fueron aplicados durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2021, con algunas limitaciones propias de una aplicación por teléfono (llamadas no contestadas, servicios suspendidos, números equivocados) y otras referentes a la disponibilidad del informante (rechazo directo, falta de tiempo).
Como resultado de lo anterior se presentan los siguientes hallazgos: Read More...

Assistance en abris et protection contre les violences basées sur le genre aux ménages vulnérables parmi les nouveaux réfugiés et de la communauté hôte dans le Département de Bahr Sarah (Moissala) au Sud du Tchad

Présente au Tchad depuis 1974, CARE International est l’une des principales organisations internationales engagées dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’injustice sociale. Ses actions sont menées en faveur des populations les plus pauvres parmi lesquelles les communautés hôtes vulnérables, les réfugiés centrafricains et les retournés tchadiens de la RCA notamment dans les Provinces du Moyen Chari, du Logone Oriental et du Mandoul avec l’appui financier de ECHO, BPRM, START FUND, SAF-PAC, UNFPA, MOFA, UNHCR, etc. En effet, dans la zone de Moissala (Département Bar Sarah), le 21 février 2018, un afflux de nouveaux réfugiés en provenance de la RCA a encore été signalé et ce, dans une situation de vulnérabilité due à l’insuffisance des denrées alimentaires, des abris et d’ouvrages sanitaires et où les cas de violence sont récurrents. Ce qui a eu un impact significatif sur les moyens d'existence dans les villages d’accueil.
En réponse aux conséquences humanitaires de cette crise, CARE a obtenu l’appui financier de MOFA GERMANY pour la mise en œuvre du projet dénommé « Assistance en abris et protection contre les violences basées sur le genre aux ménages vulnérables parmi les nouveaux réfugiés et de la communauté hôte dans le Département de Bahr Sarah (Moissala) au Sud du Tchad ». Les besoins humanitaires pour lesquels le projet entend apporter sa contribution concerne trois secteurs majeurs à savoir les abris, les articles ménagers et la protection.
C’est dans ce cadre qu’il est prévu de réaliser cette évaluation finale interne afin de mesurer l’impact du projet, capitaliser les leçons apprises et formuler des recommandations pour l’amélioration des projets futurs.

Access Protection Empowerment Accountability and Leadership (APEAL) II project Endline Evaluation

The APEAL II project was a follow on project to APEAL I. The purpose of APEAL 2020 was to Enhance multi-sectoral responses by providing targeted life- saving protection, mental health, Psychosocial support and inclusive services to Congolese refugees and vulnerable host communities in Kyangwali and Kyaka II settlements. APEAL II deferred from APEAL I by; increasing the Consortium members from six (6) to nine (9) after incorporating three (3) organizations, programme scope included changes from GBV to SGBV, disability and Inclusion Services and strengthening the capacity of community structures. The community structures were strengthened to identify, respond, support and refer persons in need of MHPSS, comprehensive rehabilitation, disability and inclusion, protection and SGBV services. The Project operated in a COVID 19 environment which was not present in APEAL 1. As such, the project embedded a specific focus on COVID 19 response.
The European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) funded the Project with Euro3,462,889.15 spanning from May 01, 2020 to April 30, 2021.
The project targeted 40,000 beneficiaries split between Kyaka II and Kyangwali refugee settlements and distributed support to 20% of surrounding Host communities and 80% of Refugees. The APEAL II intended to achieve: Enhanced access to timely protection, SGBV, MHPSS and disability and inclusion services, Improved protection mainstreaming and strengthen the capacity of community structures, duty bearers and stakeholders, provide extra capacity in nutrition screening for young children, pregnant and lactating mothers and supportive advocacy for standards setting, and harmonized approaches to refugee protection and MHPSS at the national level.
The APEAL II project end line evaluation was conducted to assess change and impact by comparing data from before and after for APEAL Project implementation. The end line evaluation was constructed on a cross-sectional assessment of intervention focus area, the individual refugees and host community members. Qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were applied with the former utilized to obtain information on project relevance, effectiveness and outcomes from Project key stakeholders including beneficiaries through key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Read More...

Analyse du genre, avec un focus en particulier sur les violences basées sur le genre: Diffa, Niger

La présente étude genre mettant un focus particulier sur les Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) s’inscrit dans la mise en œuvre du projet bilatéral MARTAWA ZUROMAYE au Niger et au Nigeria: “ visant à renforcer les efforts centrés sur les survivants et informer pour prévenir et répondre , aux Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG), en particulier les Mutilations Génitales Féminines et ou l’Excision (MFG/E) et le mariage d’enfant et ou forcé (MEF) dans les communautés touchées par les conflits et l’extrémisme violent dans l’Est du Niger et le nord e du Nigeria».
L’étude a combiné la méthode quantitative, probabiliste auprès des ménages à celle non probabiliste et qualitative à travers les focus groupes et des entretiens auprès des informateurs clés (chef de villages et ou quartiers, leaders d’associations de femmes, et jeunes, leaders religieux, leaders d’associations de professionnels, services techniques impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de la Politique Nationale Genre du Niger, etc.). La combinaison de ces deux approches a permis de mesurer l’ampleur du phénomène et d’en déterminer des causes et conséquences sous-jacentes.
Les résultats de l’étude révèlent que le phénomène des VBG à l’instar de toutes les régions du Niger est une réalité dans la région de Diffa et particulièrement dans les six communes d’intervention du projet. La particularité de cette région est liée à la crise humanitaire en cours qui a aggravé certaines violences et fragiliser davantage les mécanismes de réponses existants.
Les réponses à la question qui porte sur les VBG montrent que la résolution de ces cas est plus du ressort des mécanismes communautaires traditionnels ou familiaux que du système de protection formel.

Migrant Women Mini-survey on Sexual Harassment Aung Myin Hmu Project: Industry Solutions for Safe Employment

This AMH project aims to provide safe work opportunities for migrant women by working with the private sector and the government to provide in demand vocational training and job matching while ensuring that women can access appropriate social and protection services.
The study follows up with the project measurement framework to simplify and better visualize the below project indicators.
1) HLO2.2 % of migrant women who report experiencing discrimination and abuse in public and/or at the workplace
2) HLO 2.4 % of women who report feeling safer due to SH awareness activities and existence of complaint mechanism
3) IO 2.2.3 % of women report experiencing sexual harassment at their workplace

Enhancing Women’s Voice to STOP Sexual Harassment Final Evaluation – Myanmar

The Enhancing Women’s Voice to Stop Sexual Harassment project (STOP), an initiative of CARE Australia, has been working since 2017 to prevent and address the under-reported problem of sexual harassment (SH) in mainland Southeast Asia’s garment sector.
At the time of writing, STOP is the only initiative that addresses this issue on a multi-country scale within the sub-region. Operating across a pool of garment factories in four Mekong countries—Cambodia, Lao PDR1, Myanmar and Vietnam—STOP aims to enhance women’s voice and economic rights at both the national and factory levels. Based on a socio-ecological model of violence prevention, CARE Country Offices (COs) are working with participating factories to create workplaces where female workers feel safe and experience less SH through the implementation of standardised SH reporting mechanisms and rigorous training programs. Supported by CARE Regional staff, each CARE CO engages with relevant country, regional and international stakeholders to strengthen the national regulatory environment to promote laws, policies and mechanisms to address SH in the workplace.
In 2018, CARE Australia commissioned a consortium of researchers from UNSW Sydney and UNSW Canberra to undertake an independent evaluation the STOP project and provide a separate Social Impact Assessment (SIA) focused on Cambodia STOP as the particular case study. It is important to note that the SIA is intended to complement the findings of the Final Evaluation (FE) of the STOP, as implemented in the other three project sites. In this way, the SIA and the Final Evaluation should be read as two parts of a single whole.
The STOP project is evidence-based. This strength of evidence is reflected in the rapid review of evidence first published by CARE (Campbell and Chinnery 2018) in November 2018, which provides a comprehensive discussion of how to prevent and respond to SH in the workplace. The continued inclusion of evidence into the project cycle ensures that the STOP project is built on current best practice.
This report provides an overview of Final Evaluation findings of the full STOP project and evaluation findings relating to the STOP project in Myanmar. Read More...

Diagnóstico CAP

El presente Diagnóstico sobre la implementación de Productos, Servicios y Capacidades para evitar la violencia basada en género, especialmente acoso, abuso y violación sexual, y protección a niñas, niños o adolescentes (NNA) en el Sistema Educativo, se realizó en el marco del proyecto Educación Libre de Violencia, implementado por CARE en asocio con COCASEN y en estrecha articulación con el Ministerio de Educación. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo evidenciar la dinámica en las instituciones responsables de atender estos casos y sus respuestas frente a NNA, estableciendo dos dimensiones de análisis: 1) Identificar información relevante para el desarrollo de un Modelo de Gestión sobre violencia sexual contra NNA, y 2) Identificar prácticas relacionadas con la percepción y respuestas a los casos de violencia sexual contra NNA al interior del sistema educativo. Read More...

A Lifesaving GBV, Women’s Leadership, and SRMH Support for Refugees, in Uganda, Arua District, West Nile ENDLINE EVALUATION – FINAL REPORT

CARE International in Uganda commissioned an endline evaluation to establish the performance of the GAC 3 project on outcome indicators and related information to determine reasonable targets and guide for assessing the outcomes of the project interventions. This report presents the results of the end term evaluation for the GAC 3. The results are from the two sampled refugee settlements of Rhino and Imvepi in Madi Okolo and Terego District formerly Arua District in West Nile Uganda. Overall the end term evaluation survey reached a total of 280 household respondents (186F, 94M) within both settlements.
Fieldwork was conducted for five days, using mixed quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods. Quantitative data was obtained through a household survey using mobile data collection devices. A detailed questionnaire was developed, pre-tested for incorporation of relevant information. Primary qualitative data was obtained through six Focus Group Discussions (involving women, girls, boys and men) and twenty Key Informant Interviews that comprised of GAC 3 project staff, district local government officials, health workers, health partners, Office of the Prime Minister, among others. Qualitative data from mainly key informant interviews and FGDs were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques and the findings were used to strengthen the interpretation of the quantitative findings.
The end line evaluation findings indicate that there is improved feeling of safety and dignity. This was measured at household and community level. There was an improved feeling of safety and dignity as shown by the survey at 91% (92%F, M89%). Further interrogated, the respondents indicated that they felt safe at both household and community levels. At the community level people feel safe at 86% (86%F, 86%M) and at the household level they feel safe at 93% (94%M, 91%F). The study findings indicate men as change agents and as clients in relation to Gender Based Violence (GBV) seem to have been successful exhibited by the high values. Read More...


CARE International in Nigeria is implementing the AMAL initiative (Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds) to meet adolescents’ SRH needs through the creation of adolescent-responsive health systems and equitable community environments. The AMAL Initiative includes three components: a Young Mothers Club (YMC) for first-time mothers and pregnant adolescents, participatory exercises with health providers, and reflective dialogues with community members. The AMAL Initiative seeks to inform the global evidence base and dialogue around nexus approaches to adolescent-responsive SRH and gender-based violence (GBV) programming. After over a decade of conflict between non-state armed groups and the military, the humanitarian crisis in northeastern Nigeria is intensifying and the health needs of the population are growing. Deteriorating conditions such as ongoing displacement of peoples, lack of resources and shelter, and increased risk of sexual violence have contributed to increases in early and forced marriage for adolescent girls. These high rates of sexual violence and forced early marriage result in significant increases in adolescent pregnancy thereby further compounding the health risks experienced by girls and women in communities. Read More...

Dignified and Violence-Free World of Work: A Study on Women Working in Informal Sectors in Nepal

A significant percentage (66.5%)1 of women in Nepal work in informal sectors and are vulnerable to all forms of violence and exploitation. The violence experienced by women in informal sectors ranges from physical, sexual, and verbal harassment to labor and economic exploitation by employers, co-workers and family members. Existing legal provisions such as Sexual Harassment (Elimination) at Workplace Act, 2015 do not have specific provisions for informal sectors whereas other mechanisms to address violence against women, in general, remain ineffective in implementation. In addition, socio-cultural norms and structures limit women’s access to justice-seeking mechanisms. Despite pervasive instances of violence and harassment experienced by women in informal sectors, there is a dearth of comprehensive documentation and evidence building on this issue. In this light, the paper examines the existing status, nature and experiences of violence faced by women working in diverse areas of the informal economy. It also critically analyses key gaps in existing legal provisions/policies and barriers to implementation from the perspective of informal sector workers.
The paper is based on the findings from 36 case studies of women working in 15 different informal sectors, Gendered Political Economy Analysis (GPEA) with community and policy stakeholders and desk review of relevant policies/legal provisions. The paper shows that women’s gendered social roles, lack of collectivisation and representation in decision-making bodies puts them in a weaker bargaining position to voice against instances of violence or to make it a priority agenda of advocacy for policymakers. Similarly, the findings of the paper indicate that lack of adequate and effective polices/provisions on safe working conditions and their implementation leads to invisiblisation of violence at the workplace, enabling powerholders to continue cycles of violence and exploitation without accountability. The paper contributes towards mainstreaming discourses around dignified work for women in the informal economy. It also serves as an evidence-based advocacy document to influence governments to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190, which is a binding international treaty that protects all workers in formal and informal economy. Read More...

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