Diagnóstico de la situación de las mujeres en el sector textil de la zona comercial de Gamarra

El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer un diagnóstico cualitativo sobre la situación de las trabajadoras del sector textil en el distrito de La Victoria en Lima, específicamente en el área de Gamarra; identificar las motivaciones e intereses de las mujeres trabajadoras del sector, así como las condiciones (ventajas y desventajas) que les permitan atender y exigir sus principales necesidades para su desarrollo personal y laboral. Read More...

ELLA ALIMENTA AL MUNDO – PERÚ-Informe Final de Evaluación

CARE PERÚ, desde abril 2019 a diciembre 2022 implementa el proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo”- EAM (SFtW - She Feeds the World - por sus siglas en inglés), programa lanzado en varios países por la Fundación PepsiCo a través de CARE USA. El propósito del proyecto ha sido reducir la desnutrición crónica y la anemia en niñas y niños menores de 5 años e incrementar los ingresos de 4,000 familias pobres que residen en 4 distritos priorizados, correspondiente a las provincias de Lima, Ica y Sullana con enfoque de género. El grupo objetivo son niñas y niños menores de 5 años y mujeres gestantes. Read More...

Arts for Gender Equality Fellowship (A4GE)

This report details the Arts for Gender Equality Fellowship (A4GE), an initiative launched in 2023 by CARE with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The fellowship aims to leverage the power of art to promote gender equality, empower women, and ignite social change. It brings together a cohort of global artists who use various forms of artistic expression—such as poetry, painting, photography, and performance art—to challenge societal norms, address gender-based violence, and raise awareness of women’s rights and leadership. These artists are strategically positioned to evoke empathy, spark critical conversations, and inspire collective action through their work. The project aims to create safe spaces for these artists while ensuring their work reaches a global audience to catalyze cultural shifts that traditional approaches may not achieve. Moving forward, the fellowship envisions working closely with women-led organizations to further CARE's goal of empowering 50 million women and girls to achieve greater gender equality by challenging structural inequalities.

Donor: Rockefeller Foundation
Total Page Count: 14

SAA Post-Training Impact Evaluation for the MARTAWA ZUROMAYE Project

The evaluation report assesses the impact of the SAA (Social Analysis and Action) training conducted under the MARTAWA ZUROMAYE project, aimed at empowering gender-based violence (GBV) survivors and enhancing their capacity to respond to issues such as early forced marriage (EFM) and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The evaluation found that 83% of participants retained knowledge and demonstrated shifts in attitudes regarding GBV after training. It also emphasizes the need for refresher trainings to maintain the effectiveness of the SAA model, using real-life experiences to deepen understanding.

Total Page Count: 20


Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Programming

Learning brief on CARE's sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) implementation programming in in Cox’s Bazar (CxB), Bangladesh, home to nearly a million refugees from Myanmar. Read More...

PROHORI: Combating Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh in the Context of COVID-19

In July 2021, CARE Bangladesh and its local partner GBK launched the Prohori project to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) and respond to survivors of violence through safe spaces, behavior change communication and capacity building approaches that address gender norms and practices. The 12-month project was generously funded by Voices Against Violence: The Gender-Based Violence Global Initiative, a public-private partnership led by Vital Voices and funded with support from the State Department and the Avon Foundation. The project targeted female garment workers and their male partners in Gazipur District, and female agricultural workers and their male partners in Rangpur District. CARE implemented activities in four locations in Gazipur, a peri-urban industrial area in central Bangladesh, and GBK implemented activities in five locations in Rangpur in northwest Bangladesh. Prohori used a blend of community-based, participatory approaches to prevent IPV, improve IPV survivors’ linkages to post-GBV referral services, and strengthen the capacity of first responders to respond empathetically to people who disclose they have experienced GBV. The project built 9 Women and Girls’ Safe Solidarity Spaces (WSSSs, adding to the 18 that CARE had already established in Gazipur) and strengthened GBV services through capacity building and referral service coordination. Read More...


La stratégie pluriannuelle 2022-2027 de CARE Cameroun vise à toucher 250 000 personnes affectés par les crises, à travers une réponse humanitaire sensible au genre. La prévention et la réponse à la violence, en particulier aux violences basées sur le genre (VBG), est un axe central de cette stratégie. Au vu des nombreux besoins humanitaires non couverts dans la région de l’Ouest Cameroun, CARE souhaite étendre son action humanitaire dans cette région. C’est ainsi qu’avec l’appui du Centre de Crise et de Soutien (CDCS), CARE Cameroun en partenariat avec Horizons Femmes mettent en oeuvre le projet dénommé PASEPRO dans les districts de santé de la Midi et de Santchou sur une période de 15 mois. Ce projet vise spécifiquement à prévenir et répondre aux risques de violence, abus et exploitation encourus par les personnes déplacées internes ainsi que les populations vulnérables de la communauté d’accueil à travers des mécanismes communautaires et une meilleure coordination des acteurs. Dans une logique d’intégration transversale du genre, l’étude de base de ce projet a été couplé à l’analyse genre. Cette étude s’est appuyée sur des statistiques descriptives secondaires et des données d’enquête primaires(quantitatives) combinées à des examens structurés de documents, des groupes de discussion et des entrevues semi-structurées (qualitatives). Les résultats de cette étude mettent en exergue que le déplacement des personnes à la suite des conflits vers les deux départements a fortement influencé la division du travail d’après 54,39% personnes enquêtées. Les décès enregistrés au sein des ménages tout comme les occupations liées à la recherche des moyens de subsistance ont conduit certaines femmes à faire établir des actes de naissances. Une diminution dans l’accès aux ressources est constatée exception faite de l’accès à l’information. Ce déclin dans l’accès aux ressources tant pour les hôtes que pour les déplacés interne entraine l’émergence du travail journalier. Il convient cependant de préciser qu’avant la crise, les principaux moyens de subsistance étaient : l’agriculture (31,34%), le petit commerce (21,35%) et les travaux journaliers (6,12%) contre respectivement (27,94%) agriculture ; (25,27%) le petit commerce et (16,33%) les travaux journaliers. Une spécificité est tout de même observée pour les personnes en situation de handicap qui ont recours à la mendicité bien que l’on observe une tendance au désir d’autonomisation pour les personnes de sexe féminin en situation de handicap. Davantage de femmes (55,87%) que d’hommes (32,65%) estiment pouvoir prendre la décision dans l’achat ou la vente des actifs de manière unilatérale. Cette tendance ne s’observe pas pour ce qui concerne la santé où les hommes sont ceux qui prennent la décision dans la majorité des cas. La situation est davantage difficile pour ceux qui en plus de ces identités liées au sexe porte l’identité du handicap. Ces derniers sont perçus par la communauté comme des personnes ne pouvant pas exercer le leadership communautaire. S’agissant de l’accès aux services, 12,72% des personnes enquêtées ne disposent d’aucun document d’état civil. Seulement 37% des personnes consultées dans le district de Santchou ont accès aux soins de santé. Il convient également de préciser que bien que 78,96% des personnes consultées au cours de cette étude possèdent des comptes Mobile Money seulement 25,43% d’entre elles affirment disposer les comptes Mobile Money enregistrés à leurs noms. Read More...


The R3 consortium in Afghanistan was born in October 2020 and designed to run until March 2024. Its objective was to address the needs of the population in a context of significant displacement and chronic fragility, bridging the gap between short-term humanitarian response in the early months of displacement, and longer-term sustainability and development. The three dimensions of resilience are thus deliberately included in the title of the Consortium itself: Recovery (absorptive); Resilience (adaptive) and Reintegration (transformative). R3 programming was implemented by a consortium of NGOs led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) with the participation of Action Against Hunger (AAH), CARE, and World Vision International (WV). Across eight provinces in western and southern Afghanistan, programming spanned a range of sectors in line with the consortium’s planned holistic approach: Water, Sanitation & health (WASH), Healthcare, Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL); Shelter, Legal Assistance, Psychosocial Support, Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Read More...


The Leftemap Sista II (LS2) project has been implemented by CARE Vanuatu since 2017 with funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). The project purpose is “to support women, young women and girls, including those with disability, in rural and remote areas of Vanuatu to realise their rights to live free from violence, have increased economic opportunity and capacity to participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their lives in peace time and disaster.”1 CARE International in Vanuatu (CARE Vanuatu) commissioned a formative evaluation of the project in November 2021. The formative evaluation was required to assess progress against project outcomes for promoting women’s economic empowerment and reducing tolerance of VAWG and to produce actionable recommendations to inform the design of follow-on programming in line with the CARE Australia ANCP Design Framework.

The LS2 project has been implemented in Tafea - the southern-most province of Vanuatu – in 11 communities on the islands of Tanna and Futuna. The Tafea islands are characterised by their geographical isolation, environmental vulnerabilities, including a high risk of natural and geological hazards as well as slow onset hazards such as drought, strongly traditional culture, and limited service delivery by national government across all sectors – especially on the outer islands. Since the project Mid-Term Review in 2019, the LS2 project has been implemented to deliver two long-term outcomes, focussed on:
Outcome 1 – Women, young women and girls in Women’s Economic Livelihoods (WEL) groups in Tafea have increased access to and control over decision-making on economic resources at the household level.
Outcome 2 – Reduced tolerance of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and better access to services for survivors. Read More...

Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) Impact Study Research

Since 2006, a coalition of local, regional, and international organizations has been promoting positive masculine identities under the banner of the Young Men Initiative (YMI). YMI is a regional program built upon CARE’s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV), as well as improve gender equality in the region and address preventative measures related to youth extremism and violence. The program is being implemented in municipalities and high schools in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Kosovo*1, and Serbia. The heart of YMI is “Program Y” (youth), which focuses on transforming the school environment into one that promotes gender equality and a culture of non-violence. The core of Program Y’s intervention is a series of group educational workshops accompanied by social norms campaigns that promote a
critical and personal reflection on gender, masculinities, and health, with a strong focus on violence prevention. The objective of the impact study is to discover the changes that occurred in implementation sites in terms of the
perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of young people in the period from 2014 until 2020 in key program areas: (1) gender attitudes; (2) violence prevention; (3) sexual and reproductive health; (4) alcohol and drug abuse; and (5) the prevention of sexual violence, as a result of the direct engagement of CARE and its partners. The study also aims to identify which methods and approaches Read More...

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