Gender Equality

Conéctate: Evaluación de Procesos

Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:

1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.

En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de procesos que tiene como fin hacer un análisis sobre el proyecto (componentes 1 y 2)1 y recopilar evidencias sobre los cambios generados entre la población; esto con el fin de proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...

A Decade of Results in Social Transformation for Chronically Food Insecure Rural Women

CARE Ethiopia recognizes that gender-transformative approaches are ambitious, and context-specific, and that change is an incremental process instead of an endpoint, 4 but critical pause points to reflect on learning are key, and thus this document captures the critical knowledge and results CARE Ethiopia has identified over the past decade relevant to their first impact group “Chronically Food Insecure Rural Women” (CFIRW). Read More...

A Decade of Results in Social Transformation for Urban Female Youth

In Ethiopia, ensuring that both women and girls participate in and provide leadership through the urbanization process
is key and can only be accomplished by removing economic and socio- cultural barriers. Evidence from a series of
independent studies funded by USAID, the World Bank and the UNDP in 2017-2018 clearly show that urbanization and
industrialization processes in Ethiopia must be gender responsive in order to deliver sustainable outcomes.
CARE Ethiopia would challenge this and state that it must be gender transformative. For CARE Ethiopia this means
ensuring that: urban girls and women are empowered to equally access economic and social opportunities and
services; institutions become more responsive to the specific and contextual needs and priorities of urban girls and
women and with a focus to understand the heterogeneity of women and girls and their specific vulnerabilities, and that
socio-cultural norms and practices should promote gender equality. CARE Ethiopia’s Theory of Change for resource poor
urban females (see Figure 2), moves beyond individual self-improvement, towards transforming the power dynamics
and structures that served historically to reinforce gendered inequalities in urban communities. Read More...

Souqona Project: Midterm Evaluation

Souqona is a five years project that was launched in April 2016, as part of the program “Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets” launched by the Australian Government, which constitutes the third phase of the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) programme in the oPt. Souqona aims at increasing income, agency, and market opportunity for Palestinian Farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development. The project is seeking to better connect women and men Palestinian vegetables, dairy and seed farmers to markets. It is implemented in 23 locations in three governorates located in the Northern Areas of West Bank (Nablus, Jenin, and Tubas).

Advance Consulting Services was commissioned to undertake a midterm review of the project to determine the relevance, efficiency, achievement of results, and sustainability of the first phase of the project that will end in March 20191. Read More...

Manual for Male Involvement in Maternal and Infant Nutrition

Men’s involvement in the health of women and children is considered an important avenue for addressing gender influences on maternal and newborn health. Over the past 20 years infant and under-five mortality rates have been on the rise in Kenya, with current poor infant feeding practices contributing to more than 10,000 deaths each year.

In order to improve these practices, it is essential that mothers, caregivers, and family members have accurate information, as well as support to overcome barriers. For instance, engaging male partners in breastfeeding promotion and education, as well as providing fathers with knowledge and skills for optimal nutrition practices, including breastfeeding, has been shown to positively impact exclusive breastfeeding rates.

This training manual is highly participatory and relies on modelling activities, integration of critical assessment of activities throughout the training, called “Stepping Out,” and ultimately application and practice (Teach Backs). Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Midterm Evaluation Report

This report refers to the midterm evaluation (MTE) of “SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project” funded by Austrian Development Cooperation through Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. The project was commenced in October 2017 and will be implemented through September 2020 in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The ultimate impact was to improve the food security and resiliency of chronically food insecure households in Belesa Woredas.

The purpose of this mid-term evaluation was assessing the degree of success of the project thus far. Read More...

Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Gender In-Depth Assessment

Marginalized communities or individuals are those who are denied or excluded from services, information, education, among others, due to different socio-economic reasons. Because they are marginalized they often are not consulted, their voices are not heard and they have no influence over decisions that affect their lives. Development initiatives often target poor regions, communities or even households. But looking into the reasons why marginalized individuals may further be excluded and what needs and priorities those marginalized groups have, is not commonly exercised. This is why this analysis will focus on answering these questions in particular.

Since East and West Belesa are amongst the most food insecure woredas with critical water needs, the project decided to target poor and food insecure communities with limited to no access to clean water. The project specifically targets marginalized rural women and girls (14-17 years), unemployed youth (15-29 years) and people with disabilities. To achieve meaningful engagement of marginalized groups as well as to ensure that all people, especially women and girls, in the targeted areas are benefiting from SWEEP, CARE conducted this in depth gender assessment. Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection in East and West Belesa Project

CARE Ethiopia, with the financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), will implement a three years’ project entitled “Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection (SWEEP)” Project in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gonder Zone, Amhara Regional State. The SWEEP project will address the socio-economic and environmental problems causing food insecurity in East and West Belesa, including poor access to water supply and environmental degradation; social barriers and gender inequality; as well as limited livelihood opportunities and low productivity. As part of the inception phase of the project, this particular baseline survey has been carried out with the ultimate aim of gathering evidence from different sources and set benchmarks and baseline values for each project outcome indicator. Read More...

Socio-Economic Status Analysis for Potential Job Creation Interventions Assessment Report

CARE Ethiopia is implementing a three-year project entitled “Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection (SWEEP)” in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gonder Zone, Amhara Regional State. The project focuses on marginalized rural women and girls, people with disabilities and unemployed youth. As one of the project activities, this “socio-economic status analysis of unemployment among youth (15-29) and other vulnerable target groups (female family heads and persons with disability) for potential job creation interventions” was conducted.
In this assessment, the sustainable livelihood analysis framework was used to understand the socio- economic context of the target group. Read More...

Learning from the SAFE Justice Community Score Card: Final Learning Report

The SAFE Justice Community Score Card process was a local adaptation of Community Score Card models used globally and in Nepal in other sectors. Its design was led by CARE Nepal, through a participatory process with DFID and IP-SSJ partners, and focused on GBV response services provided by the Nepal police and Judicial Committees. This report details the final reflections of CARE Nepal and partner project staff on how the process worked and what could be strengthened in future. It also provides a set of recommendations for the sustainability and institutionalization of the CSC in the justice sector.

The CSC models introduced within SAFE Justice and in Search for Common Ground’s Pahunch project (around the same time) were the first to be trialed in the justice sector in Nepal. The CSC model CARE has implemented through SAFE Justice was informed by CARE’s extensive global experience with CSCs, but is also heavily based on the outputs of a co-design workshop with CARE Nepal, Search for Common Ground Nepal, SAFE Justice partners, and DFID Nepal, in Kathmandu in August 2017.1 This local model was documented and set out in a bespoke manual (SAFE Justice Community Score Card: A Field Guide for Nepal),2 and that manual was then updated and re-issued based on findings from a review and adaptation process in 2018, and then again based on the final reflection process outlined in this report (in August 2019).3
Overall, the chosen sectoral focus of the justice sector, and in particular the application of the CSC model in the midst of Nepal’s transitioning subnational governance structure, was an ambitious choice within SAFE Justice. Despite this, the process has demonstrated strong positive results, particularly in terms of improved police-community relations and community awareness of, and connection to, the new Judicial Committees.
However, the context did necessitate a particularly flexible and adaptive approach, in order to shift the structures and stakeholders involved with the CSC, in step with major political changes. While the CSC was not set up as a formal ‘pilot’ per se, CARE tried to treat it as such, scheduling deliberate junctures to reflect on the functioning of the model, hear from frontline staff on what is working and what is challenging, making and documenting concrete adaptations along the way. Read More...

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