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Search Results for “핸드폰소액결제내역ⓘ 【캬툑G5555】【지오머니】 kt소액결제선결제knew구글기프트카드소액결제무직자신용대출온누리상품권깡spend 100만원소액대출▷ ㄲ무직자소액대출propose” – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 핸드폰소액결제내역ⓘ 【캬툑G5555】【지오머니】 kt소액결제선결제knew구글기프트카드소액결제무직자신용대출온누리상품권깡spend 100만원소액대출▷ ㄲ무직자소액대출propose

ECOFERME Final Evaluation

This 28 page document details the results of the ECOFERME project, including a 100% yield increase in a very bad agricultural season and a 154% achievement of farmers adopting conservation agriculture techniques Read More...

Improved WASH Services to the Myanmar Refugees Population in camps 15 (Jamtoli) and 16 (Potibonia), Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar

Applying both quantitative and qualitative tools and approaches, the end-line assessment was conducted in February 2022. It covers 415 respondents' households from camps 15 and 16—data collection done with tablets in KoBo. The samples were drawn systematically. First, the sample size was determined following the most common statistical formula. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1) To know the present situation context on WASH; 2) To identify the targeted respondent's current Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP).

The study findings reveal the following:
- The most commonly reported primary sources for drinking water were Piped water tap/Tap Stand, reported by 66% of households.
- In terms of water collection, male engagement has been increased. Overall, 86% of households reported women, followed by adult males (55%) and Children (6%). However, the male also helps them when they cook and cloth wash.
- Overall, only 2% of households reported a combined travel and waiting time of more than 30 Water containers.
- Females preferred to get 'Kolsi' (a pitcher) instead of Bucket or Jerrycan for carrying water. On the other hand, male and adolescent children preferred Jerrycan for carrying the water.
- 76% of respondents feel safe collecting enough water to meet their households' needs, such as drinking, cooking, laundry, bathing etc. However, women also reported that they feel unsafe because men go to water points to collect water.
- A significant proportion of households (88%) do not treat drinking water. Because they believe the drinking water source is safe—12% of households use the aqua tab to treat their water.
- The most-reported defecation (sanitation options) for household members five and above was communal latrines 86%, followed by shared latrines 14%, and single-household latrines 7%. Others places (2 %), bucket and open defecation was seldom reported 1%.
- The accessible latrine is one of the beauties of this project. This latrine is included: The railing on the way, The handle inside, The tap, The commode, The single-use.
- The community also thinks that these latrines will be equally helpful for elderlies.
- A significant 79% responded to the affirmative of privacy of latrine use. A significant number of
- 18% of the households' female members use the designated bathing facilities. However, this figure is low because of privacy concerns.
- All (100%) respondents mentioned that they cleaned every time they filled with fresh/clean water. While at the time of hurriedness, that type of cleaning activity has disrupted.
- 100% of households owned soap at the time of the interview. The study further explored other hand washing options/solutions households use when they do not have soap; because of CoVID-19, all respondents, even children, are aware of handwashing. They can recall the critical time of handwashing.
- Regarding the best way to receive health and hygiene messages, 45% stated Home visits by volunteers, and 2nd choice is by the local leaders. However, the study findings also revealed that only 7% of households said they do not know how to prevent diarrhea.
- 69% of females used reusable clothes, 16% used disposable pads. The reusable cloth is the most preferred for use during the menses.
- Most female respondents said they wash and reuse the MHM materials and dispose of way is Household/Trash bin, Throw in the open waste area/communal bins, In the latrine, Bury in the soil, and, Burn them
- Consideration of men, women and girls carrying water and provide water container that these particular groups prefer;
- The child-to-chid session needs to discuss the importance of Gender Marker because children remove the gender markers frequently, which causes a problem for the women;
- Need to keep attention to the elderly person in terms of WASH facilities along with Persons with Disabilities;
- Video documentaries for hygiene promotion may be more effective together; in this connection, CARE can collaborate with "shongjog" which is the open platform of CwC in Rohingya Camp. Read More...

Harande Most Significant Change Stories

Le programme Harande, financé par l'USAID, est mis en oeuvre dans la région de Mopti pour la période 2015-2020 dans le but d'améliorer durablement la sécurité alimentaire, nutritionnelle et le revenu de 224 100 membres des ménages vulnérables d'ici 2020 dans les cercles de Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara et Douentza dans la Région de Mopti - une région du centre du Mali qui souffre de sécheresses fréquentes, de conflits récurrent et d'instabilité. Le programme est un DFAP (Development Food Assistance Program) et est mis en oeuvre par un consortium composé de CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) et deux ONG nationales : YAGTU et Sahel Eco.
Harande s'attaque aux causes profondes de l'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans 238 villages de 16 communes des quatre cercles ci-dessus cités de la région de Mopti, en se focalisant sur les ménages vulnérables

The USAID-funded Harande program is implemented in the Mopti region for the 2015-2020 period with the aim of sustainably improve the food, nutrition and income security of 224,100 members of vulnerable households by 2020 in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza districts in the Mopti region — an area in Central Mali that suffers from frequent drought and current conflict and instability. The program is a DFAP (Development Food Assistance Program) and is implemented by a Consortium made of CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) and national NGOs: YAGTU and Sahel Eco.
Harande addresses the root causes of food and nutrition insecurity in 238 villages in 16 municipalities in the four districts of the Mopti region, focusing on vulnerable households Read More...

Learning to Listen: Regional Partnerships and Impacts

In 2017, CARE asked, “What will it take to scale our impact by 10 times more than we currently do? What about 100 times?” Part of the answer to that, with significant unrestricted investments from 2017-2020, were CARE’s Impact Growth Strategies. These aim to address the “missing middle” by supporting the skills, staff, and connections needed to bring our work together across regions and partners.
A recent review of these 4 regional platforms—Equal value, equal rights (EVER) in LAC; Women on the move (WoM) in West Africa; Her harvest, our future (HHOF) in Southern Africa; Made by Women in Asia Pacific—shows significant return on the investment. These returns merit continued investment in regional platforms that take creative approaches to partnership, local leadership, and the evolution of CARE’s operating models.
• Contributing to impact for 12 million people, with potential impact for 78 million more people impacted over the coming years.
• Paving the scaling pathways by demonstrating different models of partnership, design, evidence, impact, and fundraising. These experiences provide valuable experience and evidence of what works (and doesn’t) and how to continue our ambition of sustainable impact at scale.
• Demonstrating concrete tools and ability to center the voices of the people we serve, in new partnership models, feedback systems, power structures, and evidence. This includes crucial lessons on how to live out our strategic goal of being locally led and globally connected.
• Mobilizing resources by contributing to roughly $100 million in new restricted and flexible funding.

‘Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) Project in Sierra Leone’ Midterm Report

The Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) project is funded by the German Development Cooperation (KfW) as a direct response to the Ebola outbreak, for the period 1 November 2015 to 31 May 2017. ECRHS reaches 400 communities in the four northern districts of Bombali (100), Tonkilili (110), Kambia (90) and Koinadugu (100), where the Ebola outbreak was prominent. ECRHS also reaches 233 Peripheral Health Units (PHU) located in these districts. [46 pages] Read More...

Stop TB and AIDS through RTTR (STAR): Program Report

The program goal is to end AIDS in Thailand by 2030 (reducing annual new infections to below 1,000 cases (from the current 8,134 estimated new infections annually)) and to reduce the prevalence of TB from 159 per 100,000 to 120 per 100,000 between 2015 and 2019. From 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017, the program performed outstandingly over the target in three indicators of MSW, FSW and MW reached with HIV prevention program. The percentage of result over target reported at 115.58%, 120.40%, and 119.83% consecutively. Overachieving results of these indicators described as following:

i) For MSW, the program could exceed the reach target because SRs conducting BCC workshop in
bar. At the workshop, SR introduced knowledge and information of HIV prevention including HIV,
VCCT, STIs, TB, PrEP, and PEP. Condom and lubricant were made available for MSWs. SR MPLUS
targeted non-venue based MSW who work around the public park in Chiang Mai. The online
application was also used as a channel to reach non venue-based MSWs. The SRs conducted
face-to-face individual talk for the online-reached MSWs. HIV Testing Center (HTC) operated by
SRs could offer additional service of syphilis testing to MSWs.

ii) For FSW, the outstanding performance of resulting from the high season for tourism in Thailand.
SR SWING engaged with employers and organized outreach session in bar before FSWs started
working. The SR reached out to new FSW area in Surawong.

iii) For MW, SRs reached performance were access the target resulting from combination HIV-TB
service provided to migrants in community and at workplace. SR STM started engaging
employers of FSWs at the border of Songkhla. [20 pages] Read More...

Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Emergency Cash Transfer Programme

The programme objective was to mitigate the effects drought induced of El Nino induced food insecurity in 3 wards namely ward 8, 11 and 12 of Gokwe North district.. The aim was to improve Household (HH) food security through unconditional mobile cash transfers and increase access to nutrition intervention to prevent, identify and treat severe and moderate acute malnutrition among children (0-59 months) from February- April 2017. . Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households in the district were registered to receive monthly cash transfers to assist them in meeting expenses for basic household needs from February up to April 2017 The cash transfer value was USD7/person/month and USD10 for a single person HH and this amount met 66% of the HH Kilocal needs of the 2,100 kcal/person/day on a basic diet of maize, pulses & vegetable oil. [38 pages] Read More...

Impact Report Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro Business

The idea of EWYSEA (Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro-business) project was
conceived with the objective to create opportunities for earning income and becoming self-reliant, for both rural women and
youth groups through avenues of entrepreneurship. Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has
improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of its commitment to improve the
gender parity in rural areas, where women and youth are the most vulnerable segments of society, and to improve the food
security situation in its program areas, KU implemented EWYSEA under its umbrella project to act as a vehicle for support.
This endline study was commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of the project and its initiatives on the target
groups, and the satisfaction level of customers and stakeholders of the EWYSEA project, with direct impact of EWYSEA on
beneficiaries. The endline study was designed as mixed methodology.

In the case of women entrepreneurs, major sources of income were found to be petty trade, agriculture and livestock farming.
All depended on cash income and only 33% on in-kind income. Range of monthly average income varied from BDT 2,100-
9,300, and major expenditures were for food, health, household purchase and children’s education. Most respondents
reportedly take household decisions jointly with their husbands; furthermore as earning members in HH they now enjoy more
decision making authority. Community level participation has increased since EWYSEA started. Women entrepreneurs found
training and awareness sessions conducted by Krishi Utsho highly informative and enlightening, by receiving information on
business strategy and marketing.

EVALUATION FINALE: Projet d’accès à des services de protection pour les populations déplacées par le conflit du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest du Cameroun et des populations hôtes à l’Ouest du Cameroun (PASEPRO)

Le Projet d’Accès à des Services de Protection pour les populations déplacées par le conflit du nord-ouest et du sud-ouest du Cameroun et des populations hôtes à l’Ouest du Cameroun (PASEPRO) a été mis en oeuvre par un partenariat noué entre CARE Cameroun, récipiendaire principal et Horizons Femmes, pour une période de15 mois qui s’étend du 15/10/2022 au 30/03/2024 dans les départements de la Mifi et de la Menoua. L’objectif général de ce projet était d’améliorer l’accès à des services essentiels de protection pour les populations les plus vulnérables affectées (populations déplacées et hôtes) par les conflits des régions du Nord-ouest et Sud-ouest au Cameroun, dans les zones avoisinantes (Ouest), grâce à une réponse humanitaire coordonnée.
Deux résultats spécifiques étaient attendus de ce projet : (i) au moins 8935 personnes déplacées internes ainsi que les populations vulnérables de la communauté d'accueil exposées ou affectées par les VBG sont sensibilisées et bénéficient d’une prise en charge intégrée de qualité ; (ii) les acteurs humanitaires et locaux se coordonnent pour améliorer la qualité des services VBG dans le respect des principes humanitaires et do no harm.
Rendus à la fin du projet, il s’est avéré pertinent de conduire une évaluation externe. Il s’agissait de fournir une appréciation de la performance du projet en faisant le bilan des actions / réalisations y relatives ; ce, afin de mesurer et d’apprécier le niveau d’atteinte des objectifs et résultats de l’action, tels que fixés dans le cadre logique.
Après production et validation de la note méthodologique, la collecte des données s’est déroulée du 23 au 29 janvier 2024 dans les districts de santé de Santchou et de la Mifi. La méthodologie de l’étude était participative et alignée sur les standards de protection, la sauvegarde des enfants et des jeunes. Au total, pour cette évaluation 527 personnes ont été consultées (278 femmes et 249 hommes) dont 412 lors des enquêtes individuelles par questionnaires.
Il est constaté que le projet a pu fournir une aide humanitaire de manière sûre, accessible, responsable et participative comme l’affirment 74,03% des répondants (80,37% des hôtes et 69,88% des PDIs) soit 61,92% dans le district de la Mifi et 94,74% à Santchou. L’ensemble des personnes identifiées comme victimes de VBG dans les districts cibles ont obtenu au moins un service de prise en charge appropriée. Le projet a réussi ainsi à porter à la hausse, la majorité de valeurs prévues, aussi bien au niveau des indicateurs des objectifs et résultats qu’au niveau des indicateurs des activités.
En effet, 77,78% des indicateurs ont été atteints, 8,89% n’ont pas atteint la cible prévue (obtention des actes de naissance1, etc.) et 13,33% n’ont pas été mesurés ni documentés en raison de la non disponibilité des SOV (Sources Objectivement Vérifiables).On note également que 42,22% des indicateurs ont été réalisés à plus de 100% sur les activités suivantes : la formation des femmes vulnérables sur les premiers secours psychologiques en communauté ; les soutiens d’ordre juridique, psychosocial et médical ; les consultations de psychologue individuelle ; le référencement par les mécanismes communautaires de protection ; et, les causeries éducatives et groupes de paroles. Read More...

Call to Action Field Implementation (CAFI) II

CAFI seeks to catalyze the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (CTA) on the ground. The project works with women-led organizations (WLOs) to drive change and foster Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, risk mitigation, and response in humanitarian emergencies.

In 2013, governments, donors, and humanitarian organizations launched the CTA, to fundamentally transform how GBV prevention, risk mitigation, and response are addressed. The CTA aims to strengthen accountability in policies, systems, and mechanisms.
The partnership has grown to more than 100 members, but consolidating CTA implementation in the field is a key gap that needs to be addressed. As a result, CAFI was launched to advance the Call to Action 2021- 2025 Road Map on the ground.
What are the main objectives of CAFI?
● Catalyze increased representation and leadership of women and girls, specifically WLOs, in decision making structures and humanitarian assistance
● Amplify GBV expertise: scaling existing capacity of WLOs
● Address GBV root causes and coordinate effective response and risk mitigation
How does CAFI work?
CAFI aims at contributing to WLO strengthening through capacity-sharing approaches between partners. WLOs are engaged from the beginning, allowing them to co-create and adapt the project according to their needs and contexts and ensuring
accountability and women’s voice and leadership throughout the whole project cycle.

CAFI works through a consortium of 10 WLOs across Latin America and the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, the Middle East/North Africa, and Europe, who coordinate national networks of WLOs: Arab Women Organization (AWO) of Jordan, Baghdad Women Association (BWA) in Iraq, Center Women’s Perspectives (CWP) in Ukraine, Comité des Jeunes Filles Leaders (COJEFIL) in Niger, Dynamique des Femmes Juristes (DFJ) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Fundación
para el Desarrollo en Género y Familia (GENFAMI) in Colombia, Global Media Campaign (GMC) in Mali, Himaya Daeem Aataa (HDA) in Lebanon, and Tinta Violeta in Venezuela. In Iraq, Lebanon, and Venezuela, project activities are co-led by WEO, Sama for Development, and Uniandes, respectively. Read More...

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