
Measuring Farmers’ Satisfaction with the Services of Agricultural Service Providers Baseline

50 page baseline report on Measuring Farmers' Satisfaction with the Services of Agricultural Service Providers in Minya and BeniSuef Governorates. Study produced with the assistance of the European Union. Read More...

Promoting Equitable Quality Education for Girls Project Baseline

The purpose of this 49 page report is to aggregate and synthesize information generated from accessing the baseline situations, and to transform it into accessible knowledge for future systematic strengthening of programming, and organizational effectiveness.

Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Action in Schools and Communities Project Baseline

This 89 page report is submitted to CARE Egypt describing the results of the baseline study process for the Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Action in Schools and Communities Project in Minia and Beni Suef.

Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education (ACCESS) Project

This 37-page report is the baseline study for the Global Affairs (GAC) funded project, “Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education” (ACCESS), which aims to increase access to schools for Syrian and Egyptian children, strengthen social cohesion among Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities, and strengthen the quality of formal and informal Egyptian education systems for boys and girls. The project responds to one of the three main thematic priorities that guide GAC’s development funding: Securing the Future for Children and Youth, under which equal access to quality education is a key tenet, particularly for girls. Read More...

For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Project Baseline Report

35 page baseline assessment of the FAIR II project is being implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbia and Montenegro by CARE and three established local Roma women lead civil society organization and presents a continuation and upgrade of CARE Balkans focus on empowering Roma women and girls to become agents of change in their families and communities, but also contribute to improved structures and practices addressing women’s rights and social inclusion, on national and regional levels. The intention is to impact directly lives of at least 7,000 people, mainly Roma women and girls and men and boys in 27 Roma communities in the three target countries through a wide range of mutually intertwined and reinforcing activities. This assessment is an initial information base, but also a set of recommended actions to be addressed by the project team, partners included, and as such used as a tool for monitoring project’s progress and effectiveness.

PROSPER: Promoting a Sustainable and Food Secure World Baseline Report

This 57 page report presents findings of the baseline study of the third phase of Cargill and CARE’s global partnership in Ghana labelled PROSPER, Promoting a Sustainable and Food Secure World. The PROSPER project is a component of Cargill’s global Cocoa Promise, a corporate social responsibility initiative aimed at sourcing cocoa sustainably by improving the livelihoods of individuals living in cocoa-growing communities and supporting community development. Read More...

Informe de Diagnostico Inicial Proyecto Esperanza Para Mujeres Jovenes

Initial assessments for parents, girls from third – sixth grade, and girls with learning disabilitie... Read More...

Education pour le changement

89 page baseline evaluation of the education for change project with PCTFI funding in Mali Read More...

Aesa baseline report

This baseline survey was conducted on a small number of selected indicators to understand and docume... Read More...

Philippines-haiyan-care baseline study

This 110 page study reflects the baseline findings of the Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assistance p... Read More...

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