
Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project (SWEEP) Gender Assessment II

East and West Belesa woredas (districts) are located in the central Gondar zone of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. The people of East and West Belesa woredas are dependent on subsistence farming and rain fed agriculture in a context of recurrent drought and severe land degradation. The overwhelming majority live in extreme poverty and face food shortages as a result of the frequent shocks these conditions expose them to. The condition is more devastating for women, girls and marginalized households – for example, female-headed households and households including persons with disability who are often excluded from social and economic entitlements.
CARE, with the financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and funds from Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) has implemented a three years' (October 2017 to September 2020 – then extended to February 2021) project titled "Water for Food Security, Women's Empowerment and Environmental Protection (SWEEP)" to address the socio-economic and environmental problems causing food insecurity in 20 kebeles of east and west Belesa woredas. The project was implemented by CARE in collaboration with local government, communities and universities. To increase the resilience of households, the SWEEP project followed an integrated and holistic project implementation approach, which put marginalized people at the center.
At the end of the project period, a gender assessment was conducted to see and capture the changes in the lives of women; especially the results of the women empowerment and the social norms change components of the project. Findings from the Rapid Gender Assessment (May 2017) and In-depth gender Assessment (May 2018) were used as a baseline to compare the before and after situation of women in the community. This report is prepared to share the findings of the end line gender assessment II, which was conducted between December 14 and 23, 2020. Read More...

Estudio sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre COVID-19 y diseño de estrategias metodológicas de información, educación y comunicación (IEC)

Este estudio se realizó en el marco del Proyecto Fortalecimiento de la Respuesta Sanitaria Local que tiene como objetivos: i) fortalecer las capacidades de respuesta organizada de los sistemas de salud locales y las comunidades/territorios del área de influencia operativa de Antamina frente a la emergencia COVID-19, priorizando a la familia y ser humano en su protección, cuidado y capacidad de contagio; y ii) acompañar el tránsito hacia una comunidad/territorio saludable que gestione un nuevo escenario post emergencia, protegiendo y promoviendo la salud de la población.
El objetivo específico del estudio fue conocer la situación actual con relación a los Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas (CAP) frente a la COVID-19 y otros cuidados de la salud, de las familias, agentes comunitarios de salud y comités COVID-19 comunales y distritales, así como entender el nivel de organización y articulación de los servicios de sanitarios y las organizaciones de base o comunales. Para ello, se aplicaron tres instrumentos. En primer lugar, una encuesta CAP a familias, aplicada a 276 jefas/es de hogar de las cinco UGT. En segundo lugar, una encuesta en los establecimientos de salud de las cinco UGT, aplicada a 111 profesionales de la salud. En tercer lugar, entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a 5 agentes comunitarias de la salud y a 5 profesionales de la salud de los establecimientos de las UGT. Read More...

Rapport d’évaluation finale du projet : Préserver la Dignité et Réduire les Souffrances des personnes affectées par les effets des mouvements de population dans la commune de N’guigmi II

Le projet PREDIRES II a été mis en de Septembre 2019 à Août 2020. Il est axé sur les volets sécurité alimentaire, Violence basée sur le genre et la santé sexuelle reproductive. Le projet a touché 500 ménages vulnérables issus de 9 villages de la commune de N’guigmi. Les activités réalisées vont de la mise en place et formation des structures communautaires de protection et VBG, des pairs éducateurs sur IST/VIH/SIDA à l’appui alimentaire et une mise en place, formation et appui en cash pour AGR des groupements MMD.
Pour mieux évaluer la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience et l’impact du projet, une évaluation finale a été faite, objet du présent rapport. L’évaluation a été conduite en interne et le plus simplement possible par le chef de projet. L’exercice a été guidé par 05 questions d’évaluation avec un certain nombre de sous-questions. Les méthodes de collectes ont été une revue documentaire du projet et une étude qualitative (enquête des connaissances, d’attitudes et des pratiques). Pour cette dernière, des entretiens de groupe ont été menés avec des hommes (jeunes et adultes) et femmes (jeunes et adultes). Les données ont été collectées par une équipe externes dans 3 villages d’intervention du projet. Le projet est à 63% du taux de consommation en Juillet 2020. [14 pages] Read More...


CARE International in UK secured funding from Unilever-DFID to implement a Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition (HBCC) project. The project aimed to support communities respond to the Covid-19 pandemic through a multi pronged approach. CARE International implemented an extensive mass media, digital and interpersonal hygiene promotion information and messaging campaign in communities and institutions supported by the provision of water supply and handwashing kits and infrastructure as well as relevant PPE, as per context.

In Zimbabwe, the project was implemented in four provinces of Manicaland (Buhera & Mutare districts), Masvingo (Zaka & Chivi districts), Midlands (Zvishavane & Mberengwa districts) and Mashonaland West (Norton district) over a period of one year. The aim of the project was to minimize the transmission of and harmful impact of COVID-19 by delivering inclusive and interactive gender responsive mass media and digital communications, supported by product availability and community interventions that improve personal and environmental hygiene practices, and reduce stigma and discrimination. As a culmination of the project led to this independent endline review of the outcomes and impacts of the project. Read More...

Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) Project Impact Evaluation

The Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) project was implemented from October 2012 to September 2017 in one of the most shock-prone areas of the world, the drylands of Ethiopia. A key project goal was to enhance the resilience of households to shocks. In particular, it aimed to enable households to withstand and recover from the recurrent climate-related shocks—mainly drought—to which they are exposed.

This report has drawn on the data collected as part of the PRIME Impact Evaluation (IE) Baseline and Endline Surveys, as well as two Recurrent Monitoring Surveys, to meet three objectives:
(1) Document the changes that have taken place over the project’s implementation period in key resilience-related variables (shock exposure, livelihoods, resilience capacities, coping strategies, wellbeing outcomes, and resilience);
(2) Determine whether the project’s resilience-strengthening interventions served to strengthen households’ resilience to shocks;
(3) Identify which resilience capacities—including specific absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities—were strengthened, and by which types of interventions, in order to inform and enhance the effectiveness of future resilience-strengthening projects.

The PRIME impact evaluation was conducted in two of the three project areas: Borena in the regional state of Oromiya and Jijiga in Somali, for a sample of 2,750 panel households. It draws on both quantitative and qualitative data, the latter collected through key informant interviews and focus group discussions [188 pages] Read More...


CIP provided response to vulnerable community effected by COVID and lockdown by the government. The project response was targeted to provide emergency food security assistance such as Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass packages and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries as well as also help to accomplish the daily needs from provided packages which lead to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19. CARE international in Pakistan conducted Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) study in selected union councils of district Pishin with beneficiaries of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback about the utilization of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of Packages items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication. PDM Study was conducted in Ten (10) villages of UC Walma, UC Ghaizh to cover maximum number of project beneficiaries. Total 75 recipients of Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass were interviewed taking 5% as sample of the total distribution.

Uganda Case Study External End Evaluation Partners for Resilience 2016-2020 programme

This report presents the findings and analysis from the evaluation of the PfR II Uganda country case. It is one of five case studies that were requested in the Terms of Reference (ToR) and subsequent exchanges with the PfR Evaluation Management Team (EMT) during the inception phase. The report starts with a short description of the PfR II Uganda country programme, followed by a clustering of findings and judgements along the structure of the evaluation matrix which had been agreed upon with the PfR EMT during the inception phase. The report ends with a section that lists a number of emerging observations and preliminary conclusions from this case. The annex compiles the documents reviewed, the persons interviewed and the results of the outcome harvesting workshop which was conducted at the end of the Uganda country visit. This visit was carried out by Mr George Kasumba, local consultant, and Mr Matthias Deneckere, ECDPM. The Uganda evaluation was supported by desk research conducted by ECDPM staff members Matthias Deneckere and Ashley Neat prior to the country visit. Read More...

Water Sanitation and Hygiene Project in Schools Implemented in Chiredzi, Mwenezi and Zaka Districts

In response to the prevailing situation, UNICEF is supporting the National Action Committee for WASH in implementing WASH in Schools Project. The project is being implemented in 3 districts namely Chiredzi, Mwenezi and Zaka in Zimbabwe by CARE International. Lack of access to sanitation and water facilities are major contributing factors for WASH related diseases like diarrhoea and school dropouts among children with special needs (disability, girls who have reached the age of menstruation). WASH in school programmes have been identified as one way which results in health benefits as well as improved educational outcomes. Therefore, WASH in schools helps fulfil children’s rights to health, education and participation. Increased school attendance and equitable access and retention of disadvantaged children will be attained through improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene in schools. [64 Pages] Read More...

ProJeunes Final Evaluation Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin

Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin (PROJEUNES) est un projet de 3 millions de dollars canadiens destiné à lutter contre les mariages précoces et forcés d'enfants au Bénin, dans 20 villages aux départements de l'Alibori et du Borgou. PROJEUNES est un partenariat entre CARE, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights et le gouvernement du Bénin (Ministère de la Santé, Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Microfinance et Ministère des enseignements secondaire, technique et de la formation professionnelle). Le projet est un partenariat de trois ans, d'avril 2018 à mars 2021, financé par le gouvernement du Canada. Ce rapport présente les progrès réalisés pour l’atteinte des résultats ultime, intermédiaires et immédiats du projet. Plusieurs collectes et analyses des données de fin du projet ont été réalisées par l’équipe de projet et un consultant externe entre mars et juin 2021. Les différentes évaluations effectuées sont les suivantes : Revue et analyse documentaires des principales lois, politiques et stratégies béninoises relatives à la SSRD/SSRAJ, aux MPFE et aux VBG; Évaluation de groupements FaFa Wa et de certaines de leurs members; Évaluation de filles à risque/vulnérables et survivantes de MPFE; Enquête auprès des ménages; Analyse qualitative contextuelle et Évaluation de 12 CS et 4 CPS. Read More...

Addressing Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Vietnam and Cambodia

Purpose: This final evaluation aims to build an impact assessment of the sexual harassment prevention (SHP) package in the targeted suppliers of Primark in Vietnam. In particular, the final evaluation aims to assess the appropriateness and the effectiveness of interventions of the SHP package and review the possibility and lesson learnt to scale up the SHP intervention to other suppliers of Primark in Vietnam.

Methods: The study employed a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Regarding qualitative methods, the study organised and collected information from 2 focus group discussions (FGD) with the Sexual Harassment Committee (SHPC) members, 6 in-depth-Interview with leaders and workers, the four most significant change stories and a program reflection workshop. The quantitative method was a survey with a sample of 196 employees working in the targeted factories. [76 pages]

Main findings: The intervention package of the project had 3 major domains of activities which included training and advocacy to leaders and managers of the factories participating in the project on SHP, supporting the factories to develop and implement SHP mechanisms, and awareness-raising and behaviour change campaigns. The project’s activities that focus on training and advocacy for the targeted factories’ leaders and managers had promoted them to proactively participate in address sexual harassment in their factories. The factory management board had publicly shown their commitment to implement the established SH prevention policies and actively participating in implementing all the project activities and creating role models at the forefront of good practice performance. Also, the findings of this evaluation show significant improvements in behaviours and the capacities of SHPC members and resource persons regarding implementing SHP activities and SH case handling. Read More...

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