Child Health

Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS) Project Final Report

The Durable Solutions for Refugees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS) was a three-year that was implemented in Somalia between 10 January 2017 to 9 January 2020 under the consortium of CARE International (Lead agency), Save the Children (SCI), Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), IMPACT Initiatives and Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC). The project was funded by the European Union (EU). The aim of the project was to contribute to the integration of internally displaced persons, returnees and refugees in Somalia by improving access to basic quality services such as education, health, hygiene and sanitation, Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) intervention. Additionally, the project aimed at enhancing relevant and sustainable livelihood opportunities for youth at risk of illegal migrations, radicalization, as well as other vulnerable displaced people, returnees and host communities to enhance integration and social cohesion. The project was being implemented in Puntland, Bari, and Mudug (Bossaso and Galkacyo north districts), Galmudug, Mudug, and Galgaduud (Dhusamareb, Adaado, and Galkacyo south). The sectors targeted by the project include Education, Health, WASH, Child Protection/GBV, women and youth empowerment and integration. Read More...

The NGO Health Service Delivery Project 2012 – 2018 – Final Report

From 2012 to 2017, USAID supported the Surjer Hashi (SH), or Smiling Sun, network through the NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP). The UK Department for International Development (DfID) provided additional funding beginning in the second project year. A consortium led by Pathfinder International, NHSDP provided material and technical support to 25 NGOs, who served a catchment area of 26.3 million people through a network of 399 static and 10,872 satellite clinics and 11,842 community service providers (CSPs). In its five years of implementation, the SH network made 251,490,942 services contacts, 8,237,567 of which were for antenatal care (ANC) and 42,577,833 were adolescents or youth. More than three million visits to SH clinics for children under five years of age integrated activities to monitor children’s growth and promote healthy nutrition. By providing 7,839,430 Couple Years' Protection, the SH network averted 2,000 maternal and 10,000 child deaths and 1.9 million unwanted pregnancies. Read More...

Evaluation finale de l’Initiative Maman Lumière II de CARE Niger

Dans le cadre de son projet Initiative Maman Lumière II, CARE International en partenariat avec l'Institut National de la Statistique (INS) a organisé une enquête d'évaluation de fin de projet du 4 au 15 janvier 2020.

En 2016, une enquête de base a été réalisée dans l'ensemble des villages d'intervention du projet. Cette enquête avait pour objectif de doter le projet d'indicateurs de référence qui serviront d'éléments de comparaison à la fin du projet afin d'informer les acteurs et le bayer des progrès réalisés en trois années de vie du projet.
L'enquête d'évaluation finale à concerner tous les villages d'intervention du projet. Cependant, pour des questions sécuritaires, 18 villages du département de Madarounfa n'ont pas été couvert par l'opération.

La méthodologie utilisée pour cette étude est basée sur un sondage par grappe à deux degrés. Les populations cibles sont définies selon les modules : les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et les femmes de 45 à 49 pour l'anthropométrie, les enfants de 0 à 23 mois pour l'ANJE, les enfants de 0 à 11 mois pour la vaccination.

La collecte des données a été effectuée sur des tablettes avec l'application ODK (Open Data Kit). L'analyse des données est effectuée sur ENA for SMART et STATA. Read More...

UBALE: United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations – PARTICIPATORY GENDER ANALYSIS FINAL REPORT

United in Building and Advancing Life Expectations (UBALE), is a five-year (2015-2019) Food for Peace program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a consortium led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in partnership with the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), Save the Children, and the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM). The program aims to reduce chronic malnutrition and food insecurity and build resilience among vulnerable populations in three districts in Malawi, Blantyre Rural, Chikwawa and Nsanje.

This report describes the process and findings specific to the UBALE program. Read More...

Informe Final del Proyecto “Combatiendo la Anemia en el Centro Poblado de Cieneguillo Centro en Sullana II”

CBC PERUANA S.A.C, en el marco de su contribución para el Desarrollo Social del país, ha promovido y financiado el proyecto Combatiendo la Anemia en el Centro Poblado de Cieneguillo Centro en Sullana como parte de su programa de responsabilidad social. El Proyecto aportó a la mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones del área de influencia de la empresa. La finalidad del proyecto fue, a través de diversas acciones, contribuir a mejorar el estado de salud general de los niños menores de 36 meses en la Región Piura. Por encargo de CBC, CARE Perú es la Institución responsable de la ejecución de la cuarta fase del proyecto, en el período de 2019 a diciembre 2019.
Para el 2019, el objetivo de CBC de la mano de CARE Perú, se orientó a lograr la sostenibilidad de todas las acciones desarrolladas en la fase previa del Proyecto (2018), de manera que las estrategias sean efectivamente apropiadas por las autoridades locales y regionales, especialmente en el marco del cambio de gobierno. Por ello, la incidencia política en los nuevos representantes.

This is a summary on anemia indicators in Cieneguillo village. This report shows the statistical processing of indicators, the tests applied to validate the information such as: T-student test, Wilcoxon, Chi-squared and Anova. Read More...

Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment: The Journey So far; The Experience of the ENSURE Program

The ENSURE Food Security Program is a USAID-funded, five-year intervention designed to profoundly and sustainably impact 215,000 vulnerable and food- insecure Zimbabweans in Manicaland and Masvingo Provinces. The program is a shared commitment by four partners and one service provider—World Vision, CARE, SNV, SAFIRE and ICRISAT—who work together to mainstream gender equity and natural resource management in the three key areas of maternal and child nutrition and health, agricultural production and marketing, and community resilience.

The success of ENSURE can be portrayed through the accounts of thousands of women and men whose lives have been changed through its various programme interventions. Tangible gender transformative changes can be noticed on several dimensions: joint household decision making; reduced violence against women; increased women’s leadership in community leadership; men assisting women with household chores and childcare; women’s ownership of high value productive assets; and increased access and control over income.

Emergency Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Nutrition for Crisis Affected Communities in East Darfur and South Darfur, Sudan, 2017-2019

The project under evaluation was a two-year project implemented in one locality in South Darfur and three localities in East Darfur during the years 2017 and 2019. The Project was implemented by CIS in partnership with two local organizations and in cooperation with the State institutions.

The intervention activities are tailored to address urgent lifesaving needs of the vulnerable communities through improving communities’ access to WASH facilities and nutrition services. Where, the two components are expected to complement each other and the resultant outcomes are expected to reflect on the improvement of maternal and child health in particular.

The ccomparison of the actual implementation with the planned showed that the types of the activities implemented conform to the planned and that planned outputs are almost completed in accordance with the plan in quantitative and qualitative terms. while the number of beneficiaries reached exceeded the target by about 30%.
As immediate outcomes, IDPs and refugees’ camps expressed improvement in their access to safe drinking water, where 98.6% indicated obtaining water from protected sources. They also revealed satisfaction with availability of water by 65% of the HHs and the water distance has been cut to about 320 m in SD and to 106 m in ED, with an average water distance of 213 meter.

Evident progress has been made along communities’ access to and use of latrines, including women, where, 89.3% and 86.1% of target community members indicated their access to and regular use of latrines. The created hygiene awareness has induced the required positive changes in hygiene and sanitation attitude and practices among communities.

In overall, the treatment of malnutrition reached 80% of the cases and for both girls and boys the cure rate is 75% also for both sexes and the Number of MAM cases treated ranges between 10 to 15 daily, while number of PLW treated ranged between 4 to 7 women daily.

Ultimately, The WASH and nutrition interventions the project delivered so far have addressed emergency humanitarian needs of the IDPs and host communities, without which their lives would have been at great risk. The inadequate unsafe water sources are now more accessible, clean and healthy. The personal hygiene and environment has much improved due to increased awareness and positive change in attitude and practices. VSLAs have added a new livelihood means for women and their families by starting to save and becoming economically active and contributing to households’ budget.

Home-based ECD parent education and support program: Impact Evaluation Short Report

The CARE ECD program has been operational in the two districts of Funhalouro and Homoine in Inhambane Province since 2013. The program is focused around once-a-week, home visits to vulnerable families by volunteers. This report outlines the results of the impact evaluation (using a control study and qualitative and quantitative data and conducted between 2014 and 2016). The results prove conclusively that impact has been made on caregiver status, child status and the caregiving environment – the pillars of ECD as identified by the Essential Package. The program was funded by The Hilton Foundation. [32 pages] Read More...

ECD Program Impact Evaluation Report

The long-term impact aim of the program was to improve comprehensive developmental outcomes, as defined by the Essential Package, for children under five years of age. The aim of the research into the program was to evaluate program impact through nested quantitative and qualitative studies with the ultimate objectives of: i) Assessing whether the ECD program improved child development and nutritional outcomes and, if improvements did occur, ii) Determining which program components contributed significantly to that impact in the different environments. These components included nutrition, social accountability and ECD interventions. The CARE ECD program was funded by the Hilton Foundation from 2013 to 2016. [106 pages] Read More...

Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion (PRIME) Endline Survey Report

Beginning in 2012, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a 5-year project, named the Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion (PRIME), to increase vulnerable communities’ resilience to climate change and reduce hunger and poverty. This endline report presents findings on whether PRIME achieved its overall objective in the Afar, Oromiya and Somali woredas where it was implemented. It also recommends further investigations prior to developing additional interventions (e.g. PRIME Phase Two), and considerations for defining any future monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan. [64 pages] Read More...

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