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Search Results: t KT다이아매입が{”✾KT수수료 KT소액결제 KT소액결제 KT최고가매입


Globally, there are concerted efforts being directed towards reducing disaster risks particularly in developing countries where the vulnerability of people, their assets and livelihoods are increasing du to natural hazards. The international principle of common but differentiated responsibilities also sees different forms of support being channelled from the more developed countries to those less developed. In the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) where Zimbabwe is domiciled, there is a rising trend of vulnerabilities to droughts, floods, storms, and epidemics among others. These hazards arbitrarily impose a heavy burden on majority of the poorer population, worsening their food insecurity, exposing many of them to gender-based violence, communicable diseases, reduced access to pertinent health services and compounded socio-economic setbacks. In that respect, Care International, Dan Church Aid and Plan International established a Rapid Response Management Unit (RRMU) to implement a comprehensive rapid response framework for rapid onset emergencies in seven (7) provinces in Zimbabwe from February 2020 to June 2021. The targeted provinces were Harare, Masvingo, Bulawayo, Midlands, Manicaland, Matabeleland South and Matabeleland North. Read More...

RED/SAACC-Niger Baseline

Le projet de recherche-développement pour la sécurité alimentaire et l’adaptation climatique des systèmes ruraux de production au Niger (RED/SAACC-Niger) a pour objectif d’améliorer d’ici fin 2021, les revenus, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de 15.000 exploitations agricoles familiales fragiles à faible résilience, dans 15 communes des régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri . Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Mid Term Evaluation

This Assignment was commissioned by CARE DENMARK – the Lead Partner of the Consortium of five (5) Partner Institutions (namely, CARE; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC); Dynamic Agro-Pastoral Development Organization (DADO); and SORUDA) – to carry out the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the “Inclusive Market-based Development for Smallholder Farmers in Karamoja, Teso and Acholi Sub-regions” Project – implemented by the Consortium. The Project is supported by the European Union (EU) – under the Supervision of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), through the 11 Project Area District Local Governments of: Abim, Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong, Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk, Napak; as well as Katakwi and Kitgum – in partnership with other stakeholders – on behalf of the Government of Uganda.
The Overall Objective of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE), was to: “review the implementation of the project, since its inception – with the aim of generating evidence towards promoting project performance improvement, accountability, learning and evidence-based decision-making and management”. In particular, the Evaluation was intended to: “assess results achieved to date in comparison with the outcome indicators outlined in the Project Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning framework”. Accordingly, the MTE report documents: the background to the Assignment; the general approach to work and methodology employed; Project design (including relevance and coherence); as well as Project management systems, processes and operational environments. It also documents: Project performance and effectiveness during the period under review – up to its mid-term point; as well as the identified major achievements; challenges; constraints; risks; weaknesses and threats that characterized the Project. Lastly, it, further, documents resource management and efficiency in Project implementation; project “impact”; sustainability of Project Interventions and outcomes; the major conclusions; recommendations for the way forward; as well as lessons learnt – over the period under review. Read More...

Evaluation d’Impact du Projet D’Etablissement des Cultures Vivrières

La présente évaluation commanditée par CGOZA, se rapporte à l’établissement des cultures vivrières en zone sahélienne et soudano sahélienne au Mali. Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des activités de recherche/action de technologies éprouvées relatives à l’établissement des cultures, l’Institut d’Economie Rural et le Groupe de Coordination des Zones Arides, ont mené des actions de Recherche/Développement auprès des producteurs de cultures vivrières des régions de Koulikoro, Ségou et Mopti. Certaines ONG membres de GCOZA Mali ont bénéficié des financements auprès de NORAD pour mener la mise en œuvre d’une phase de diffusion. Read More...

ProJeunes Final Evaluation Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin

Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin (PROJEUNES) est un projet de 3 millions de dollars canadiens destiné à lutter contre les mariages précoces et forcés d'enfants au Bénin, dans 20 villages aux départements de l'Alibori et du Borgou. PROJEUNES est un partenariat entre CARE, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights et le gouvernement du Bénin (Ministère de la Santé, Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Microfinance et Ministère des enseignements secondaire, technique et de la formation professionnelle). Le projet est un partenariat de trois ans, d'avril 2018 à mars 2021, financé par le gouvernement du Canada. Ce rapport présente les progrès réalisés pour l’atteinte des résultats ultime, intermédiaires et immédiats du projet. Plusieurs collectes et analyses des données de fin du projet ont été réalisées par l’équipe de projet et un consultant externe entre mars et juin 2021. Les différentes évaluations effectuées sont les suivantes : Revue et analyse documentaires des principales lois, politiques et stratégies béninoises relatives à la SSRD/SSRAJ, aux MPFE et aux VBG; Évaluation de groupements FaFa Wa et de certaines de leurs members; Évaluation de filles à risque/vulnérables et survivantes de MPFE; Enquête auprès des ménages; Analyse qualitative contextuelle et Évaluation de 12 CS et 4 CPS. Read More...

Projet Education Civique et Soutien aux Initiatives de paix au Niger (Niger Espoir) Rapport Final

La présente étude porte sur l’évaluation finale du Projet Education Civique et Soutien aux Initiatives de paix au Niger (Niger Espoir) dans les quatre(4) régions d’intervention à savoir: Diffa, Maradi, Niamey et Zinder. Read More...

N utrition Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey for DINU Program in North and North-Eastern Uganda

Background: The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) is a Government of Uganda integrated programme. It is implemented in districts that include the 11 of Kitgum (Acholi), Nakapiripirit, Amudat, Nabilatuk, Napak, Moroto, Kotido, Kaabong, Karenga and Abim (Karamoja), and Katakwi (Teso) sub-regions for three years from 2020 – 2022. The overall supervision is with the Office of the Prime Minister through local governments in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders. DINU supports interventions in three specific interlinked programs: (1) Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods (2) Transport Infrastructures and (3) Good Governance. The CARE consortium focusses on the sector of food security, nutrition and livelihoods with specific emphasis on community-based interventions. A survey was launched by the CARE Consortium partners with the overall objective of generating comprehensive gender sensitive Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) information in the targeted 11 CARE consortium districts. It is intended to help inform the implementation of the nutrition component of the DINU project.
Methodology: The KAP survey was conducted from 17th November to 8th December 2020 in the 11 districts. The study populations were mothers and/or caregivers in household with children aged 0-23 months, adolescent girls aged 10 to 19 years with or without children 0-23months. Key district, subcounty and community leaders who played crucial role in programming for MIYCAN related interventions were reached. A cross-sectional survey utilising both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was used. Sample size estimation was based on WHO Vaccination Coverage Cluster Survey guidance, July 2015. Household questionnaire comprising of 5 modules was adapted from the FAO manual for assessing nutrition related KAP. Semi-structured interview guides were used to facilitate the Key Informants Interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Quantitative data collection was done using mobile phones through Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) working on the Open Data Kit (ODK) platform and hosted on the ONA platform. Quantitative Data analysis was done using SPSS 26. Qualitative data analysis was done based on the interpretative approach that involved eliciting meanings from the collected information. A total of 164 clusters were reached, 1,139 households, 1,158 children aged 0 to 23months, 1,112 women and 452 adolescents from all the 11 districts. Meanwhile, 22 FGDs and 44 key informant interviews were conducted. Read More...

Dry Dev Rapport Annual 2016

DRYDEV Niger est financé pour 5 ans (Aout 2013 à juillet 2018) par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères des Pays Bas à travers ICRAF. Drydev est mis en œuvre dans 3 pays du Sahel (Mali, Burkina Fasso, Niger) et 2 pays de l’Afrique de l’est (Ethiopie et Kenya) » et ICRAF assure la coordination.

Ce dernier coordonneLa vision de DRYDEV est le passage des ménages bénéficiaires d’une agriculture de subsistance et de l’aide alimentaire à un developpmement rural durable. Pour que cette transformation soit effective, il faudra que les interventions du programme conduisent a un accroissement de la sécurité alimentaire et hydrique, un meilleur accès au marché du fait de’excédent alimentaire généré et au renforcement de l’économie locale pour toutes les catégories de producteurs. [30 pages] Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Value Chains and Market Assessment report

The CARE consortium comprising of partner organisations such as Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro Pastoral Development Organization (DADO) and SORUDA are currently implementing a three-year project titled “Inclusive Market Based Development for Small Holder farmers in Northern Uganda. This project contributes to the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) – A Government of Uganda program aimed at consolidating stability in Northern Uganda, eradicating poverty and under nutrition and strengthening the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. Specifically, the project under the CARE consortium contributes to DINU’s specific Objective one on: ‘Improving livelihoods through increased production of diversified food, enhanced market opportunities and better maternal and child nutrition.’ The CARE consortium currently targets 11 districts including: Abim, Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong, Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Napak, Katakwi and Kitgum. Given this background, the study sought to:
• Map out existing and new Agricultural and non-Agricultural value chains and assess their potential to promote women and youth economic empowerment, and community-based nutrition and household incomes.
• Identify challenges, specific entry barriers for women and youth into the VC and opportunities along the Value chains of; 1) crops such as Soybean, groundnuts, nutritious potato, vegetable, etc.); 2) Honey; and 3) livestock (small ruminants, and other non-Agricultural value chain) and propose ways of addressing these challenges.
• Develop an individual VCs, including mapping of actors, actions, supporting functions, institutions, policy issues, along each chain and propose recommendations for specific gender sensitive value chain activities that promote women and Youth participation and economic empowerment (employment opportunities as well as increasing their incomes along the chain).
• Assess the market structure (players, channels, sourcing), demand and supply (product specifications, prices, volumes, preferences), trends, market opportunities and challenges for the different value enterprises above Read More...

USAID- Nutrition et Hygiène Rapport Final

e Projet est exécuté par un consortium piloté par CARE International au Mali, comprenant l’International Rescue Committee (IRC), le Family Health International (FHI 360) et l’Yam-Giribolo - Tumo (YA -G- TU, Association pour la Promotion de la femme). Le Projet USAID Nutrition et Hygiène contribue à l’amélioration du statut nutritionnel des femmes en âge de procréer et des enfants de moins de cinq ans, avec un accent particulier sur les mécanismes de résilience à travers la prévention (visant la fenêtre d’opportunité des 1000 premiers jours de l’enfant) et la prise en charge de la malnutrition dans huit districts sanitaires : Nara (Koulikoro), Niono (Ségou), Mopti, Bandiagara, Bankass, Tenenkou, Youwarou et Djenné (Mopti), pour une durée de cinq ans (octobre 2013 à septembre 2018). [70 pages] Read More...

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