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This report is presented by Adroit Consult International following a successful evaluation of the Emergency Mobile Health, Nutrition & Protection Project in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. This main objective of the endline evaluation was to provide information on the impact of the 3 year integrated Health, Nutrition and Gender Based Violence (GBV) project and also measure results at the outcome and impact levels. The evaluation was conducted with project stakeholders such as; Community leaders, Households of beneficiaries, Individual women and men, Children under five, Health workers, Government officials, CSO/NGO partners among others, and covered the areas of Lopa Lafon and Ikotos. The evaluation reached a total of 287 respondents in project implementation areas [27 pages]. Read More...

Learning for Change (L4C): Strengthening Women’s Voices in East Africa (Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda)

CARE Austria, together with CARE Ethiopia, CARE Uganda and CARE Rwanda, has been implementing a three-year regional programme, “Learning for Change (L4C): Strengthening Women’s Voices in East Africa”, financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and CARE Austria. The programme started from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2019. The core of this programme was organisational capacity development to support transforming gender norms.
The objective was: “268,622 women and girls are meaningfully participating in decision-making at household, community,
local and national levels”. The programme theory of change defined three expected results areas (ERs) to reach this objective:
ER 1: Improved organisational climate in partner organisations and CARE reflects transformative GED and psychosocial wellbeing.
ER 2: Programmes and knowledge systems reflect an integrated gender transformative approach in the design, implementation and reporting of CARE and partners.
ER 3: Women’s voices influence strategic forums concerning women, peace and security at national and international levels (contributing to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820). The L4C programme partners have included: CARE Austria; CARE Ethiopia with 5 government partners; CARE Uganda with 7 NGO partners; and CARE Rwanda with 6 NGO partners.
The main objective of the evaluation is to assess, measure and present the progress and success of the implementation of the L4C program (outputs and outcomes), draw out lessons learnt and provide recommendations based on these findings. The methodologies of the evaluation have included documents review; key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and self-completed most significant change (MSC) tools; reflection and review workshops; qualitative analysis; and presentation at a validation workshop. Read More...

Aung Myin Hmu Project (Industry Solutions for Safe Employment)

Despite the benefits of migration for rural households, the process is difficult for migrating family members. One of the main drivers of trafficking is the need for women to travel to look for better employment opportunities, making them vulnerable to unscrupulous brokers. Enhancing job opportunities for women and improving access to educational and vocational facilities are key to combating trafficking and creating a successful migration. The Aung Myin Hmu journey began in 2017 with a recognition that female migrant workers were not receiving the skills necessary to produce quality work and improve their earnings, due to a lack of quality driven training provision for the industry. Once in-factory, reports from CARE International showed that 1 in 2 women workers in garment factories in South-East Asia have experienced some form of sexual harassment.
Aung Myin Hmu (AMH) a project of CARE International in Myanmar, worked in partnership with Legal Clinic Myanmar and Business Kind Myanmar (BKM) and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population (MoLIP) to improve the quality and safety of employment for urban migrant women. AMH established a Garment Skills Training Centre (TC), supported the establishment of accredited training lines in factories and trained factories in policy for safe and respectful workplaces (prevention of sexual harassment) in garment factories facilitated essential legal and social support to female garment workers. Working with private sector, legal, social and service providers to improve workplace and community protection systems against Gender Based Violence (GBV), AMH ensured that migrant women were able to have easy access to appropriate services.
The project period saw the growth of the industry from around 400,000 workers in 2017 to 700,000 at the start of 2020. COVID 19 had a huge impact on the industry with a 25% of workers losing their jobs or being furloughed, and then in February the military coup impacted the industry further as Brands were uncertain, they would continue working in Myanmar and factories lost orders.
AMH’s two-month courses were designed to train modern sewing methodology on semi-automatic machines, labour law and rights at work though the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Better Rights at Work Programme (BRAW) and basic skills, including communication, problem-solving skills, nutrition and personal finance management. Sexual harassment (SH) and environmental awareness training completed the curriculum. Factories have told us that AMH workers are more systematic, progress faster, can use many machines and change styles more easily.
The project promoted the residence of workers as AMH trainees had a higher rate of productivity and earned higher salaries than informally trained workers, enabling them to support their families and make healthier food choices. Trainees gave feedback that the training enabled them to be more discerning in their choice of factory, choosing those with better working conditions and which product they preferred.
A higher productivity rate also increased the factories’ profits and resilience to shocks though it is noted that those factories who placed value in training, were also likely to be those who placed value in workers and therefore could achieve a higher productivity.
During the project period, 5428 trainees graduated from AMH training centres, AMH supported government venue and factory training line of AMH partner garment factories. More than 1400 garment workers graduated from AMH garment training centre.
AMH continued to advocate for the approval of 11 drafted National Occupational Competency Standards (NOCS). Significant challenges, including political sensitivities among stakeholders about the inclusion of industrial relations content contributed to the delays in approval. However, AMH delivered the highest number of test candidates out of all assessment centres in Myanmar and made a major contribution to the overall testing numbers, convincing factories of the relevance of NOCS for the garment sector.

Mid-term Review/Evaluation REPORT – Support to Development of Agricultural Cooperatives

The project Support to Development of Agricultural Cooperatives is funded by the European Union and implemented by CARE and Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation (MEDF). The project started in December 2017 and will run until February 2021.

As overall goal, the proposed Action aims at contributing to higher productivity and competitiveness of agriculture sector, as one of the most important sectors of the Macedonian economy. In order to improve the current situation, predominantly in the segment of agricultural production of individual farmers, the project intends to utilize recommendations of the latest assessments of the efficiency of domestic agriculture and work on the specific objective: to increase market competitiveness and cooperation among farmers in Macedonia, through creating favorable conditions for the development of the existing and creation of new agricultural cooperatives.

As agreed by the project team and described in the ToR, the mid-term review/evaluation was conducted in November and December 2019 by CARE Balkans Gender Programme Coordinator for the first 21 month of the project implementation with an aim to provide an answer on what has proved to be successful so far, what should be addressed and improved until the end of the project and which segments in particular have the highest sustainability potential. Read More...

Enhancing Mobile Populations Access to HIV and AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Endline Report

CARE’s Enhancing Mobile Population’s Access to HIV/AIDS Services Information and Support program (EMPHASIS) is a 5 year program, which began in 2009, implemented in CARE Country offices in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. EMPHASIS aims to address cross-border mobility-related vulnerabilities focusing primarily on HIV and AIDS and gender programing for mobile and at-risk populations. EMPHASIS is funded by the Big Lottery Fund, UK.
The CARE EMPHASIS project team identified key project and outcome indicators to measure the success of the project. These indicators were drawn from the project log-frame; EMHPASIS specifically designed its interventions to achieve measurable progress across these indicators. The primary goal of the end-line survey activity was to collect the required data to measure the progress of these key project and outcome indicators longitudinally to the baseline data and between purposefully selected control populations at the end-line activity. [67 pages]

Restoring Water Supply System and improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in West Mosul, Iraq – Phase III Baseline

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE will implement a six - months project aimed at restoring water supply system and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in West Mosul, Iraq. The project will be implemented in West Mosul Zenjele and Ghazlani neighborhoods targeting IDPs, host communities and returnees with 47,500 direct beneficiaries.
The baseline assessment targeted areas identified as high priority by Directorate of water that are in need of rehabilitation and replacement of non-functional parts of water infrastructure. Local authorities are currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and require support from donors and humanitarian agencies, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to have durable solutions through sustainable restoration of services such as water and sanitation. The project will directly support repair of two vital water infrastructure at Ghazlani water treatment plant and Yarmouk booster pumping station in the area of West Mosul while supporting the Municipal Authorities by building their capacity to eventually recover their costs.

The purpose of the Baseline Survey was to obtain a better understanding of the current situation in relation to water supply, sanitation and hygiene amongst the population in the target areas, and establish baseline benchmarks on key project indicators, which will enable the level of success of the project to be measured at the project end. The results of the baseline survey will later be used to evaluate the extent to which the project has met the desired impact post project implementation compared against project endline results.
The baseline assessment assesses:
• Access to safe water and sanitation situation pre-implementation.
• Challenge of solid waste management systems and existence practices.
• Hygiene education sessions on household level
• knowledge, perception, attitude and practice in relation to hygiene, water and sanitation.
[24 pages]

Final Evaluation of “Promoting Peace in East Darfur”

This report presents the findings of the field work for the final evaluation of the CIS project "Promoting Peace in East Darfur" funded by the United Nations Development Programme/Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (UNDP/DCPSF) for a period of two years (2016-2018). Initiated in 2007/08, the DCPSF supports peace and stability in Darfur by strengthening community-based reconciliation mechanisms (CBRMs), providing livelihoods support, promoting effective natural resources management, and building and linking networks among peace building actors and initiatives in Darfur. This founded on processes of dialogue and consultations and addresses root causes of conflict through various activities that provide dividends of peace in Darfur while paving the way for early recovery in the Region.
The evaluation approach and methodology included desk review of the project reports, meetings and focus group discussions.
The report concludes that the project is highly relevant to the contextual realities in the targeted areas in particular and East Darfur State in general and the needs and priorities of the communities. The impact of the project can be clearly seen in conflict reduction, success of communities in conflict management and resolution and empowering women and youth. The senior State Government officials, who were met by the consultant, informed that they have attended a number of joint events organized by the Rizeigat and Maalia communities. Tribal leaders, youth and women participated in these joint events, exchange visits. The youth from the two communities organized football matches in an effort to make sports a vehicle for peace. These efforts have resulted in the establishment of the State level conflict resolution network. The report recommends more support to some CBRMs to increase their efficiency and improve their performance. It is also recommended that CARE International Sudan respond to the requests made by its partners for extending the project duration or replicating it in other areas. Read More...

Evaluation of Circuit Rider System Established in Assalaya and Bahar EL Arab Localities- East Darfur State

In the quest to address sustainability challenges in OM&M of water yards in Assalaya and Bahar EL Arab localities in East Darfur (ED), CARE supported a Circuit –Rider (CR) approach as post construction support. This study was done to evaluate the progress that has been made so far regarding the improvement in the OM&M and sustainability of
the water yards. The specific objective was to measure improvements in term of water yard break downs and the time taken to repair, community empowerment to effectively manage and operate the facility, assess the supply chain, water tariff collection and adequacy to cover O&M cost and the technology appropriateness. The study also sought
to assess the CR and WUC performance and type of training they received. Data was collected using questionnaire survey, interviews, focus group discussions and field observations and the obtained data analyzed using (IBM SPSS V.254).
The evaluation results show that the project is very relevant to the village needs and State priority and has address one of the WASH sector strategic area. The most powerful success factor of the project was its ground-breaking approach to OM&M of the water facilities through introduction of the CR approach. The approach, based on the evaluation results, proved to be very effective and efficient. Despite the gap in the training of the WUC and limited services being provided by the CRs, the project has made appropriate choice by shifting from the conventional approaches to maintenance that largely been based on community alone taking on the burden of sustaining OM&M to a system that community and SWC share the roles and responsibilities. The evaluation findings also indicate that as a result of the approach, there is highly willingness to pay for further improvement, community trust on SWC has increased and social cohesion is well evidenced from sharing the water facilities by different community groups and segment. However, social mobilization and advocacy are essential components to better organize the communities, raise their awareness and sensitize decision makers, and they have not given the required attention. Read More...

Youth Leadership Development (YLD) Ayutthaya (Central) & Rayong (East) of Thailand

NISSAN MOTORCO., LTD. through CARE International Japan (CIJ), supports the project entitled Youth Leadership Development (YLD). The overall goal of the YLD project is to build a better society through successful people with social consciousness, good livelihoods and social skills. As such, the YLD program contributes toward developing children/youth, particularly girls, with the following qualities:

1) Understanding the big picture of sustainable development and good citizenship;
2) Acquiring attitudes and actions of helping others, protecting the environment and working as teams;
3) Acquiring leadership qualities of team building, self-esteem, confidence, analytical and decision-making skills, and management for action;
4) Acquiring occupational skills and experience in initiating and/or engaging in a micro-business activity including technical fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – STEM). Read More...

Improving Effective Coverage of Maternal, New-born and Child Health Interventions for Reducing Preventable Child Deaths in Tangail and Khulna

Bangladesh has achieved success in reducing U5 & maternal mortality in last decade. UNICEF is partnering with GoB to contribute to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. To this end, MoH&FW with partnering with UNICEF and technical support from KOIKA implemented a MNCH project (IECMNCH) in Tangail and Khulna in line with UNICEF’s efforts to pay attention to low performing upazilas and HTR areas, started in 2015. CARE is one of the partners on this project.
designed to address main causes of newborn deaths (birth asphyxia, infection, prematurity)
to increase availability, utilization of quality MNCH-&-Nutrition services by
- increasing, sustaining of effective coverage of selected interventions;
- strengthening health system with increased availability & access to quality MNCH services;
-positive behaviour & social norm change through community participation & ownership for effective demand creation for increased utilization of MNCH services.

A baseline study in 2015 and an endline evaluation study in 2018 were implemented by UNICEF. Here are the endline study findings with corresponding baseline findings where necessary.

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