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Zimbabwe OFDA Baseline 2018

CARE International in Zimbabwe is implementing a 12-month OFDA funded project in Gwanda and
Beitbridge district of Matabeleland South Province. The area is characterized by extensive farming ,where
livestock production is domineering and small grains production is the gateway to maintaining food
security levels. The current funding opportunity through OFDA aims to address the immediate agricultural
and financial needs of the most vulnerable households to recover from: the impact of successive drought
years, erratic rainfalls, mid-season dry spells, and prevent potential food insecurity. The declining
macroeconomic conditions and lack of development at the national level have compounded the impact
of the droughts and hindered recovery resulting in negative coping strategies as the majority of vulnerable
households are selling productive assets (mainly livestock) through the previous season and consequently
ad libitum before the coming farming season.

Women, Youth and Resilience Project Final Evaluation Outcome Harvesting: Understanding Changes in livelihoods, Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Government Accountability for Gender Equality.

The project was implemented by CARE International in Austria, Care International in Uganda, and two local partners, the Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD) and THRIVEGulu between 2021 and 2024 and is being followed up by a similar five-year project called the Gender Equality and Resilience Project (GEAR) to be implemented in Uganda and Rwanda. This is important to note as the findings from this final evaluation have implications for the programming of GEAR.
The main objective of this final evaluation is to assess effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the WAYREP project. It offers an understanding of the extent to which WAYREP achieved its stated objectives and it answers the five evaluation questions set out in the Evaluation Matrix (see Annex 2). The evaluation results will inform the programming of GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program in Uganda and Rwanda.
The project successfully met its planned objectives, expected results, and indicators, demonstrated through the results below.
1.1: Enhanced Sustainable and Dignified Livelihood for Women and Youth
Over the five years, WAYREP significantly increased the average weekly income (49.6%) and by the end of the project, income gains surpassed the national average (Finding A). The increase in income was closely tied to an increase in confidence and self-reliance. While various groups of beneficiaries (e.g., refugees, youth, older beneficiaries, GBV survivors) experienced increases in their confidence, it was young women who experienced more significant gains in their self-confidence. These wins stemmed from their membership to savings groups and their newfound ability to earn an income (Finding H).
Although income gains were seen across beneficiary groups, gender and youth disparities were observed; men reported higher average earnings across Income Generating Activities (IGAs) compared to women
(Finding C) and younger beneficiaries in the 15-19 age group reported heightened engagement in income generation activities, compared to beneficiaries in the 20-30 age bracket (Finding B). While young people appear to have experienced more significant wins in participation, their average weekly income was lower than older beneficiaries (Finding D). Younger adults (20-30) were also less likely to develop business plans compared to older participants (31-45) (Finding E).
Specific differences were observed in Omugo Settlement in terms of income earning opportunities. Overall, in Omugo Settlement beneficiaries participated less in savings groups (Finding F) and were able to save less money compared to their peers in Arua City, Gulu City and Omugo Sub County. This is important, as the lower savings values have the risk of limiting refugees' ability to access capital to grow their businesses (Finding I). That said, South Sudanese refugees in Omugo settlement experienced unique wins from their increased economic status and improved their relationships with the host community. This is significant as it highlights the project's positive impact on social cohesion, particularly in locations where relationships between the refugee and host community relationships were strained (Finding F).
The final evaluation found that financial management practices and savings habits improved across all four locations. While most savings groups still preferred traditional savings systems that included a locked box kept in a member’s house, in Gulu and Arua City savers were experimenting with mobile savings that offered increased security, flexibility and accountability (Finding G). This points to the potential for greater exploration of mobile savings systems in GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program, especially in locations which have already started to adopt this practice.
1.2: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Reduced Acceptance for Gender Based Violence in Communities
The final evaluation found a decrease in experience of GBV from 28% at baseline (2021) to 20.7% at endline (2024) and a similar rejection of intimate partner violence (IPV), from 71.6% at baseline, to 77.1% at endline (Finding J). The project's strong focus on economic empowerment (Section 1.1 above) had a positive effect on the confidence and self-resilience of women and young (Finding H) which intern contributed to a positive shift in social norms and facilitated a reduction in the acceptability of violence (Finding K).
1.3: Evidence of WAYREP Providing Enhanced Support to GBV Survivors
The increase in GBV reporting (Finding L) suggests that survivors felt more comfortable coming forward, due to the project's efforts to raise awareness and improve survivors access to support. Beneficiaries reported there was now more support available for survivors of violence (Finding L) and improved access to mechanisms for expressing dissatisfaction with inappropriate treatment by local authorities or service providers (Finding M). The findings suggest that the project empowered survivors to seek help and enabled them to hold service providers to account (Finding L, M).
1.4: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Increased Accountability by the Government of Uganda to Implement Relevant Frameworks for Women and Girls’ Protection and Rights
Women and girls across all four locations reported increased capacity to advocate for their rights (Finding N). The project had a strong contribution to this result and motivated and supported the Government of Ugandan (GoU) and key religious and cultural leaders to implement or strengthen frameworks to protect women's and girls' rights (Finding O). These changes intern created a more enabling environment for women and girls in Uganda and provided a supportive legal framework for them to advocate for their rights Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Report Tool Whistler Declaration

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool Canada Humanitarian Assistance

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

Cocoa Sustainability Initiative III

The Cocoa Sustainability Initiative phase 3 (CSI III) is a three-year partnership between General Mills Foundation and CARE International that will be implemented over the period December 2020 to November 2023. The project seeks to improve the food and nutrition security of over 3,500 cocoa farmers and their families in 20 communities in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District in the Central Region of Ghana by promoting sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, inclusive agriculture systems, women’s empowerment and improved nutrition practices. Building on the success of CSI phase I and II, CSI III addresses a range of interconnected issues, from low agricultural productivity and income to gender equality and voice to inclusive governance, child protection, nutrition and climate change resilience. The aim of the study was to provide baseline values for project indicators to help track the progress and impact of the project during and after implementation. Drawing on face-to-face interviews, a mixed method approach with critical gender lens was employed in data collection and analysis. Specifically, data were collected through a household survey (N=225) and Focus Group Discussions with men and women (N=10). A summary of key findings and recommendations are presented below. [71 pages] Read More...


This document is the final report of the performance evaluation of the binational project Zika Response in Ecuador and Peru, implemented in Ecuador and Peru by CARE from 2016 to 2019. The main objectives of the project were to strengthen community, local and national capacities to respond to the outbreak of Zika virus and other vector-borne diseases, as well as to improve regional and national efforts to reduce Zika transmission rates.

The evaluation of the project in Ecuador was carried out in the intervention zones of 10 cantons of the provinces of El Oro, Manabí and Esmeraldas, between August and September 2019; in Peru, in 20 districts of 10 provinces of the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca. After the elaboration of the work proposal and the methodological design of the evaluation, secondary information was collected and primary information was collected at field through interviews, focus groups and social mapping (in Ecuador), and a Likert scale survey (in Peru). The evaluation was framed in five blocks: General Aspects, Community Mobilization, Community-Based Surveillance, Social and Behavioral Change, and Inter-Institutional Planning and Coordination.

The main findings of the evaluation determine that the project achieved, for the most part, the objectives of the project, having as its main achievement the facilitation of inter-institutional coordination of the different actors in the territory. In Peru, the experience of community-based vector control, supported by technological and communications innovations, stands out. In both countries, the project successfully mobilized the community to carry out prevention strategies against Zika and increase knowledge of the risks of this type of disease, as well as useful individual and collective strategies for its prevention. Read More...


Resumen ejecutivo
Descripción general Este documento expone un resumen de los hallazgos de la evaluación externa del proyecto “Fortaleciendo el Movimiento de Trabajadoras del Hogar a través del Aprendizaje y la Tecnología”- MovTRH&Tech, financiado por Cummins e implementado en dos fases entre el 2019 y el 2023 en Colombia, México, Brasil y Perú. Usando los criterios de evaluación que propone la OCDE, el informe presenta una valoración de los alcances estratégicos del proyecto, así como, lecciones aprendidas, buenas prácticas conclusiones y recomendaciones.
Hallazgos La pertinencia del proyecto se destaca desde su diseño, ya que, respondió a las necesidades de los movimientos de TRHs, incluyó acciones diferenciadas por país y empleó un enfoque participativo, adaptándose a contextos específicos. Se alineó con prioridades de instituciones y programas, contribuyendo a los ODS 5 y 8, la implementación del Convenio 189 de la OIT, leyes nacionales en México, Perú, Colombia y Brasil, los objetivos del Programa Regional Igual Valor Iguales Derechos, la visión 2030 de CARE y sus indicadores y la iniciativa Cummins Powers Women, entre otros.
El diseño de las aplicaciones contribuyó a la pertinencia, ya que, fueron diseñadas de manera participativa y diferenciada para cada país llevando a que respondieran a las necesidades propias de cada contexto. Así mismo, las campañas de comunicación y marketing contribuyeron a la pertinencia pues su desarrollo fue centrado en la experiencia y participación de las TRH, lo que constituyó un importante éxito para lograr sensibilización a diferentes públicos y ampliar el alcance esperado en un comienzo.
Strengthening the Domestic Workers Movement Through Learning and Technology (Phase III)
This document presents a summary of the findings of the external evaluation of the project “Strengthening the Domestic Workers Movement through Learning and Technology” - MovTRH&Tech, funded by Cummins and implemented in two phases between 2019 and 2023 in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and Peru. Using the evaluation criteria proposed by the OECD, the report presents an assessment of the strategic scope of the project, as well as lessons learned, good practices, conclusions and recommendations.
Findings The relevance of the project stands out from its design, since it responded to the needs of the HRT movements, included actions differentiated by country and used a participatory approach, adapting to specific contexts. It was aligned with priorities of institutions and programs, contributing to SDGs 5 and 8, the implementation of ILO Convention 189, national laws in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Brazil, the objectives of the Equal Value Equal Rights Regional Program, vision 2030 of CARE and its indicators and the Cummins Powers Women initiative, among others.
The design of the applications contributed to relevance, since they were designed in a participatory and differentiated way for each country, ensuring that they responded to the needs of each context. Likewise, the communication and marketing campaigns contributed to relevance since their development was focused on the experience and participation of HRT, which constituted an important success in raising awareness among different audiences and expanding the scope initially expected. Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool High Level Panel WEE

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis North West Syria-Idleb

This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping mechanisms of women, men, boys and girls living in Idleb Governorate. Idleb has long been a safe haven for hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people (IDP) since the early years of the Syrian conflict. The growing population of IDPs overstretched the already limited capacity of the governorate. Since 1 December 2019, almost one million people were forced to flee from their homes to escape from the violence and four out of five people who have been displaced are women, girls or boys.
1 Humanitarian workers in the field raised concerns over the effects of the current situation on women and children, due to displacement, crowded living conditions, the lack of privacy, exploitation, and other factors.
2 Women and girls are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises due to the exacerbation of already existing gender inequalities and vulnerabilities. An inclusive, effective and successful humanitarian response should understand and address different needs, vulnerabilities, capacities and coping mechanisms of women, men, girls and boys.
For this purpose CARE conducted three Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) in 2014, 2018 and 2019 in North West Syria. The fieldwork of the last RGA was completed in August 2019 and the report was finalized in December 2019. However, as the situation deteriorated after heavy airstrikes and shelling targeted Idleb in mid-December, CARE decided to conduct a new RGA to better understand and respond to the evolving crisis. The objectives of this RGA are to inform program activities and procedures, including how to better target women and girls in ways that are safe, equitable, and empowering within the local context and develop a set of actionable recommendations for the different sectors based on key findings. The RGA used a CARE RGA3 methodology. It included a household survey of 396 participants: 186 women and 210 men. Read More...

End Phase Evaluation: Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) Phase II Project in Sierra Leone

The Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health System Services (ECRHS) project is funded under the German Financial Cooperation (BMZ) with Sierra Leone through KfW. Two phases have been successfully completed during the project implementation. The first phase of the project was launched in November 2015 and ended in 2018. The first phase was originally designed to respond to the Ebola outbreak. The second phase of the ECRHS project was considered an extended phase of the ECRHS I; and started in January 2019. Whereas the primary focus of ECRHSI was on public health emergency response, the aim of phase II of ECRHS is the sustainable establishment of an epidemiological control system, whilst also strengthening the performance of the health system with a focus on reproductive health / self-determined family planning. The purpose of this report therefore is to present findings of the final evaluation of the ECRHS II programme evaluation which was carried out with the general objective of ‘assessing the result and impact of the project goal and outcomes in targeted northern region of Sierra Leone’. Read More...

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