Women's Economic Empowerment

Projet Nutrition at Center (N@C)

CARE implemented an innovative, comprehensive five-year approach (2013-2017) with the goal of reducing anemia in women of childbearing age, and anemia and stunting in children under two years old. The approach integrated i) maternal and child health (MCH), infant and young child feeding (IYCF); ii) Water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH); and iii) food security (FS) and women's empowerment. Conducted in four (04) developing countries (Bangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia and Zambia), nutrition at the Center (N@C) aims to develop, document and disseminate the effectiveness and efficiency of an integrated approach that will improve sustainable nutritional status of mothers and children. Read More...

The Double Day: Exploring unpaid work and care for female garment workers in Bangladesh

The UK Government funded Work and Opportunities for Women (WOW) Programme is a five-year initiative to enhance the economic empowerment of 300,000 women working in global value chains by 2022. WOW is delivered by a consortium comprised of BSR, CARE International, the University of Manchester, and Social Development Direct, and led by PwC.

WOW’s approach to reaching women workers is through partnerships with multinational companies and business initiatives to improve women’s participation in their supply chains. One such partnership is with a fashion retailer who expressed an interest in learning more about the unpaid care that female garment workers in their supply chains carry out—recognising it as a major barrier to women’s economic participation.

The WOW alliance entered into a collaborative partnership with the company to undertake original primary research into the unpaid work and care burden facing female garment workers in Bangladesh.
The research has been collated into an external report – The Double Day – launched in July 2020 by the WOW Alliance.

Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI)

The Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI) aimed to support inclusive and sustainable rural economic development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and Ranil(l)ug. It was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Municipality of Prishtinë/Priština and implemented by CARE International in Kosovo.
The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture, capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and socio-economically vulnerable groups.
The final evaluation of the RESI took place between 6th October and 11th November 2019. The evaluation aimed to make an independent assessment of the outputs, outcomes and impact of the project towards the end of its 36 month cycle. The evaluation also set out to identify lesson learned, avenues for replication and practical recommendations for the future. Read More...

GEWEP II: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Programme II Final Report

GEWEP II works with and for poor and vulnerable women and girls. More than 8 160 000 women and girls live in our programme areas, and the end programme target is to directly work with 1 022 200.
The main impact is through Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). The VSLA model came out of a pilot in Niger in the early 90s. Nearly 30 years later, there are more than 6.7 million VSLA members across the globe. Other organisations and governments have adopted CARE’s model, thereby multiplying impact. GEWEP continued to scale up VSLAs, and advocated for governments to recognize the model. The Governments of Burundi, DRC, Niger and Rwanda all recognize the important contribution of VSLAs to women’s economic empowerment, manifested within national strategies, policies and funds.
Women’s economic empowerment opens up for women’s participation. GEWEP supported women to come together and find confidence and common cause through VSLAs. We find VSLA women who actively participate in decision-making in formal structures, and who manage to stay there despite resistance from some men. This is the main success for women’s participation, across countries.
The shrinking space for civil society remains the most difficult challenge. In all countries, CARE’s main approach was to maintain good relations with those that are directly engaging with the field of women’s rights or who control the implementing areas or relevant political processes. This approach was successful in terms of preserving enough working space for CARE, GEWEP partners and other civil society actors working in the same field. Read More...

Final Report On End Line Study of Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls in Clothing Industry Project

Employing more than 2.5 million women (60%), the RMG sector in Bangladesh is one of the largest sources of employment for women. CARE Bangladesh and UN Women partnered to undertake the Promoting Women Worker’s Empowerment Project as a 5 months pilot to help workers, particularly women, develop their skills and experience and access leadership opportunities which may lead to career advancement, improved work environment for the workers. The study was undertaken with several objectives- (i) To identify the progress on knowledge, skill and aspiration of women RMG workers in the working factories from the baseline (ii) To identify the initiatives that Management of the working factories are planning for career Advancement for women RMG workers (iii) To examine the appropriateness of the career pathways that was identified in baseline and identify the further recommendations for career Advancement for women RMG workers (iv) Evaluating the project indicators to measure the progress of the project (v) Developing a learning brief on the Project from baseline and end line . Read More...

Las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas y su inserción en el mercado laboral peruano: dificultades, expectativas y potencialidades

El trabajo se centró en las regiones de Lima y Callao, La Libertad y Piura, utilizando una aproximación metodológica mixta. A nivel cuantitativo, se analizaron los resultados de la encuesta realizada por CARE Perú, acerca de los medios de vida, medios de protección y salud mental de la población migrante venezolana de Lima y Callao, Piura, La Libertad y Tumbes a inicios de 2020. Con un marco muestral de 503 casos, se obtuvo una perspectiva general sobre diferentes aspectos de la situación laboral de las mujeres migrantes venezolanas en las regiones de estudio. A nivel cualitativo, se realizaron 33 entrevistas semi-estructuradas, que permitieron ahondar en las percepciones de las mujeres venezolanas y de las y los empleadores peruanos. Dada la situación de emergencia sanitaria, a raíz del COVID-19, las entrevistas se llevaron a cabo vía telefónica.

Con respecto a la condición migratoria de esta población, los principales hallazgos son los siguientes: Alrededor del 66% de las mujeres encuestadas tienen entre uno y tres años en el país, lo que coincide con el aumento de los flujos de ingreso durante los años 2018 y 2019. Por su parte, en relación a la documentación migratoria, de las mujeres venezolanas que se encontraban en situación regular, el 56% de ellas contaban con PTP, mientras que el 35% con carné de extranjería.


En el periodo 2017-2019, CARE desarrolló el proyecto “Educación para el desarrollo y la inclusión financiera” (en adelante Proyecto EFI) con el propósito de alcanzar a 3 543 familias en situación de pobreza periurbana y rural para contribuir a mejorar sus ingresos económicos y su calidad de vida de manera sostenible.

El componente 2 del Proyecto EFI tenía como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades emprendedoras y habilidades financieras de 5 mil estudiantes de educación secundaria de cuatro regiones (Arequipa, Junín, Lambayeque y La Libertad), a través de la capacitación a docentes y dotación de recursos pedagógicos (cuadernos de trabajo de educación emprendedora, financiera y previsional) y la incorporación de la temática en las programaciones curriculares.
Este componente se enmarca en el desarrollo de políticas educativas sectoriales vinculadas a mejoras de la calidad educativa en materia de Educación Emprendedora, Financiera y Previsional (en adelante EEFP), a través de la implementación de la Competencia 19 del Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica (en adelante CNEB), que establece las capacidades y los niveles de desarrollo que deben desarrollar todos los estudiantes del Perú a lo largo de su educación básica (es decir en todas las modalidades y niveles).
El proyecto capacitó a 465 docentes de Educación para el Trabajo (EPT), Ciencias Sociales (CCSS) y de otras áreas, con una metodología innovadora e interesante. La capacitación incluyó además la distribución del material (guías para docentes y cuadernos de trabajo para estudiantes). Docentes y directores coinciden
que el proyecto EFI ha promovido aprendizajes relevantes para la vida de los estudiantes, contribuyendo a su desarrollo integral. Los/las docentes reportaron que su participación en el proyecto contribuyó a que fortalezcan desempeños específicos del Marco del Buen Desempeño Docente: el conocimiento actualizado y comprensión de las teorías y prácticas pedagógicas y de la didáctica de las áreas a su cargo (Desempeño 3); el diseño creativo de procesos pedagógicos capaces de despertar curiosidad, interés y compromiso en los estudiantes, para el logro de los aprendizajes previstos (Desempeño 6); y, en menor medida, el diseño de una evaluación de manera sistemática, permanente, formativa y diferencial en concordancia con los aprendizajes esperados (Desempeño 9).

El proyecto EFI permitió capacitar en EEFP y planes de negocio a 7 172 estudiantes. La ampliación de 2019 permitió capacitar adicionalmente a más de 274 mil estudiantes de otras escuelas, logrando un alcance de capacitación de 281262 estudiantes. El proceso de asesoramiento y diseño del proyecto de emprendimiento fue enriquecedor para docentes y estudiantes, e implicó reflexionar sobre una propuesta de valor atractiva, viable, y que incorporara productos y saberes locales.

Ethnic Minority Women’s Empowerment in Vietnam

Women in remote ethnic communities in Vietnam are not equally benefiting from the remarkable economic growth over the past decade. They experience high levels of poverty, unequal participation in economic opportunities, limited options to adapt to changes in the climate, and have a limited voice in decisions that affect them. CARE’s Ethnic Minority Women’s Empowerment project (EMWE), supported by Australian Aid, works with ethnic minority women to overcome these challenges. Read More...


The COVID19 pandemic has severely impacted the garment industry in Cambodia. As of July 2020, over 400 factories have temporarily or permanently closed down and over 150,000 workers are out of work.1 The garment industry employs approximately 750,000 workers in Cambodia, 89% of whom are women.
CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis demonstrates the disproportionate impact that COVID19 has had on women in Cambodia and around the world. A lot of attention has been placed on the garment industry, but there is little detailed information available from the workers themselves on the impact of the pandemic and what support they need.
The objectives of this needs assessment are to:
• Better understand the needs of women garment workers during the COVID19 pandemic
• Develop evidence-based recommendations for CARE and civil society partners, workers’ organizations,
employers, brands and government stakeholders in Cambodia on how to best address the needs of women
garment workers during the COVID19 pandemic.

Laos Rapid Gender Analysis COVID-19 July 2020

As of 29 June 2020,10,280,397 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 505,145 deaths have been recorded across 213 territories countries and territories and 2 international conveyances. To date, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has confirmed 19 cases, mainly in the Vientiane Capital. The Government of Lao PDR has acted swiftly since the first reported infection to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Since 13 April 2020, no new confirmed cases have been reported.

Although Lao PDR has been able to avoid the worst health impacts of the pandemic, prevention measures such lockdown, closure of schools and businesses, social distancing and travel restrictions, have had significant economic and social impacts across the country. Gender roles, relations and norms within Lao society have influenced the impact of these measures on different genders. Drawing on primary and secondary data, this Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) has found that the pandemic has both reinforced traditional gender norms as well as provided opportunities for men and women to work together to address the current crisis. This reflects broader gender roles and relations in Lao society in which forces of modernization are challenging and changing traditional gender norms. Read More...

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