Women's Economic Empowerment

Diagnóstico sobre corresponsabilidades de género en participantes del proyecto IGNITE y propuesta de intervención

CARE Perú en el marco de su mandato institucional de promover la igualdad de oportunidades de las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en el Perú, a fin de contribuir en la erradicación de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la discriminación en el país, en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, en alianza con Mastercard, viene implementando el Proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder emprendedor de las empresarias” con el objetivo de contribuir a la creación de empleo, mejorar el bienestar de las familias a través de un mejor acceso a productos financieros personalizados para mujeres emprendedoras, y promover un mayor uso de las soluciones financieras digitales, con el propósito de acortar las barreras financieras y no financieras para el emprendimiento de las mujeres.

A partir de los resultados de la Línea de Base del Proyecto IGNITE se advirtió que el 61.9% de las personas encuestadas identificó un conjunto de dificultades que enfrentan las empresarias mujeres para sacar adelante su negocio, siendo una de ellas, la elevada carga de responsabilidad en el hogar que les impide tener más tiempo para dedicarse a los negocios. Read More...

Exploración cualitativa del uso del crédito “Emprendiendo mujer” en las participantes del proyecto IGNITE

El estudio de exploración cualitativa se ha centrado en el desarrollo de entrevistas individuales, sesiones grupales e historias de vida, todo bajo modalidad virtual, ya sea por llamada telefónica o la plataforma Zoom. Ello ha permitido conocer desde la experiencia de las propias clientas de la Financiera confianza, el uso dado a los créditos y cómo ello ha repercutido en el desarrollo personal y como empresarias.

El proceso de indagación ha facilitado el acceso a información de primera fuente y proporciona datos importantes para Financiera Confianza y para CARE Perú en lo referente al proyecto IGNITE y las acciones que pueden desarrollar para ofrecer un servicio integral y complementario al producto del crédito que la financiera ofrece a las clientas. Read More...

Estudio Revisión participativa del ciclo de servicio del crédito “Emprendiendo Mujer” – Proyecto IGNITE

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC). Read More...

The Ignite Initiative : Unleashing the Power of Women Strivers

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC).

Expanding Learning on the Effectiveness of Integrating Gender-based Violence Prevention, Mitigation, and Response and Cash and Voucher Assistance

This program aimed to include adult women and men, aged 18 years or older, who were survivors of or at risk of GBV, including those with diverse SOGIESC and those living with a disability or disabilities. CORPRODINCO caseworkers were all female and enrolled survivors who voluntarily disclosed an incident of GBV. Caseworkers assessed participants’ need for cash assistance for protection, examining the economic drivers of their exposure to GBV risks, as well as the financial barriers to their recovery; this process took place according to the program’s standard operating procedures, which were aligned with best practice guidance and tools. Survivors who met the program’s eligibility criteria and were enrolled were guided through the steps of the cash referral during GBV case management by their caseworker. Read More...


Women in Factories (WIF) is an initiative of the Walmart Foundation’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Program.
• The Advanced Training curriculum was developed by CARE International.
• The AT course requires 100 hours of training.
• There are 5 main training units.
• Topics include health and nutrition; functional literacy and personal finance; communication; gender, social status and relationships; and leadership.
• The WIF Advanced Training was introduced in Honduras and El Salvador in 2013. Read More...


Women in Factories (WIF) is an initiative of the Walmart Foundation’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Program.
• The Foundational Training curriculum was developed by CARE International.
• The FT course requires 15 hours of training.
• There are 7 modules covering communication, managing work and career, gender awareness, personal hygiene, and reproductive health.
• The WIF Foundational Training was introduced in Honduras and El Salvador in 2013.
• The Walmart Foundation’s delivery partner in Central America was World Vision. Read More...


Women in Factories (WIF) is an initiative of the Walmart Foundation’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Program:
• The Advanced Training curriculum was developed by CARE International.
• The AT course requires 99 hours of training.
• There are 5 main training units.
• Topics include health and nutrition; functional literacy and personal finance; communication; gender, social status and relationships; and leadership.
• The WIF Advanced Training was introduced in India and Bangladesh in 2012.
• The Walmart Foundation’s delivery partners are CARE in Bangladesh and Swasti in India. Read More...


Women in Factories (WIF) is an initiative of the Walmart Foundation’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Program:

The Foundational Training curriculum was developed by CARE International.

The FT course requires 9 hours of training.

There are 7 modules covering communication, managing work and career, gender awareness, personal hygiene, and reproductive health.

The WIF Foundational Training was introduced in India and Bangladesh in 2012.

The Walmart Foundation’s delivery partners are CARE in Bangladesh and Swasti in India.

VSLA By the Numbers: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact and ROI of VSLAs

Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) have been a foundational programmatic approach at CARE since 1991. Since then, CARE has helped over 13.7 million people join savings groups. The savings group model has been adopted and adapted by a variety of organizations globally. Through this report, we will examine the social and financial effects and returns of savings groups as well as how groups affected members’ resilience to COVID-19. The results gave an overview of the financial return on investment (ROI), group economic outcomes, savings groups costs, and individual and household effects for savings groups both inside and outside of CARE.

In order to calculate a return on investment, the financial benefit for a typical participant over three years was considered as well as the financial benefits for a replicated VSLA for two years related to the cost that the donor/implementer spends to set up and oversee the VSLA for its first cycle. Using internal CARE data such as budgets, evaluation, and impact reports, the average ROI of costs to establish a saving group was between 7:1 and 20:1. For every $1 invested by CARE, there is evidence for the savings of a typical VSLA participant to increase between $7 and $20. For the average VSLA participant, median income increased by $9.35 (+/- $0.55 USD) within the first year of joining the group for each $1 USD invested. Additionally, average income increased by $18.85 (+/-$1.15 USD) within five years of each $1 USD invested. Using industry data and internal CARE data, this analysis showed that for every $250 USD invested three net new children attended school.

The financial effect of a VSLA appears to outlast the formal lifecycle of the group. Evaluation of VSLAs as they phased out found that the return on savings (ROS) was 50% (+/-10%) during the supported formal lifecycle of the group and decreased to around 35% (+/-19%) after the VSLA is phased out. However, the positive outcomes and impact of participating in VSLAs continue even after project phase out. Members continue saving and getting benefits. Share value even increase for 57% (+/-13%) of groups in the available data.

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