Gender Equality
Rapid Gender Analysis Sinjar District, Ninewa Governorate, Iraq
CARE International in Iraq (CARE Iraq) with the support of the Crisis Centre of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (CDCS), is providing Livelihood and Protection services in Sinjar District in Ninewa governorate. CARE Iraq is implementing the services through its local partner Dak Organization for Ezidi Women Development (Dak). CARE Iraq undertook a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) to understand different gender norms, roles, and power dynamics, in addition to the specific needs of women, girls and vulnerable people in the project locations to ensure safe, equitable and dignified access to the services.
The conflict in Iraq and the protracted humanitarian crisis have had a severe impact on infrastructure and service delivery in general, which, together with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the unemployment rate, has led to an increase in existing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and protection risks. The continuance of political and economic instabilities is having a huge effect on the population as a whole; however, conflicts and emergencies impact women and girls differently, and understanding different roles, dynamics and needs will help improve the quality of and access to those services. Sinjar District is the most affected area by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL); it has suffered a tragic human loss in addition to the loss of infrastructure, livelihoods, and homes. Following the liberation in 2017, IDPs started to move back to Sinjar; however, until this date, the provision and availability of basic services like health, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and livelihoods, as well as reconstruction of housing and infrastructure, is relatively low. The current situation has a negative impact on the community in terms of safety and security, which is clearly reflected in the lowest IDP return rates (35%) compared to other districts in Iraq in 20211.
There are several concerns around livelihoods and the lack of adequate protection services for the targeted community that need to be addressed to ensure safe and equitable access to all members of the community. Read More...
The conflict in Iraq and the protracted humanitarian crisis have had a severe impact on infrastructure and service delivery in general, which, together with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the unemployment rate, has led to an increase in existing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and protection risks. The continuance of political and economic instabilities is having a huge effect on the population as a whole; however, conflicts and emergencies impact women and girls differently, and understanding different roles, dynamics and needs will help improve the quality of and access to those services. Sinjar District is the most affected area by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL); it has suffered a tragic human loss in addition to the loss of infrastructure, livelihoods, and homes. Following the liberation in 2017, IDPs started to move back to Sinjar; however, until this date, the provision and availability of basic services like health, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and livelihoods, as well as reconstruction of housing and infrastructure, is relatively low. The current situation has a negative impact on the community in terms of safety and security, which is clearly reflected in the lowest IDP return rates (35%) compared to other districts in Iraq in 20211.
There are several concerns around livelihoods and the lack of adequate protection services for the targeted community that need to be addressed to ensure safe and equitable access to all members of the community. Read More...
Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention, response violence prevention and response
The intended impact of the project is improved living conditions for women and girls in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar.
Outcome Statement: Improved sexual and reproductive health, GBV survivor support and protection from GBV of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox´s Bazar Bangladesh.
Purpose of the Study: This endline study has established endline values for the following project outcome indicators. This assessment has provided a comparison of baseline value and endline value of the indicators. A set of recommendations has been provided through the assessment report on project interventions. Read More...
Outcome Statement: Improved sexual and reproductive health, GBV survivor support and protection from GBV of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox´s Bazar Bangladesh.
Purpose of the Study: This endline study has established endline values for the following project outcome indicators. This assessment has provided a comparison of baseline value and endline value of the indicators. A set of recommendations has been provided through the assessment report on project interventions. Read More...
Línea de base del programa de intervención en movilidad humana del eje programático de gestión de riesgos y respuesta a emergencias
El Eje Programático de Gestión de Riesgos y Respuesta a Emergencias, está implementando, desde el 2018, proyectos orientados a la atención de las necesidades humanitarias de población refugiada y migrante, -especialmente venezolana- que está en territorio nacional, alineándose a una estrategia de implementación coordinada y articulada dentro de un Programa de intervención e implementación conjunta, dado que existen acciones complementarias y contribuyentes entre ellas. Por tal motivo, se ha determinado la realización de una línea de base que permita el abordaje integral y lectura del estado situacional de los indicadores al inicio de la intervención desde las diferentes aristas que los afectan. Read More...
CARE Perú en el marco de su mandato institucional de promover la igualdad de oportunidades de las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en el Perú, a fin de contribuir en la erradicación de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la discriminación en el país, en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, en alianza con Mastercard, se implementó el Proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder emprendedor de las empresarias” con el objetivo de contribuir a la creación de empleo, mejorar el bienestar de las familias a través de un mejor acceso a productos financieros personalizados para mujeres emprendedoras, y promover un mayor uso de las soluciones financieras digitales, con el propósito de acortar las barreras financieras y no financieras para el emprendimiento de las mujeres. Read More...
Exploring the role of boys and men of SHOUHARDO III in catalyzing Women Empowerment (WE) and reducing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during the extension phase (2020-2022)
Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III is a Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) funded by the United States Government through the United States Agency for International Development/Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), with complementary funding from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). SHOUHARDO III works in 947 villages from the Char and Haor regions in northern Bangladesh to improve the lives of 725,611 people from 170,298 households. The program seeks to improve access to public and private services for the rural poor while building their resilience. Read More...
Tipping Point Global Impact Evaluation Summary
This summary presents the major findings from a mixed methods impact evaluation study conducted in Bangladesh (Rangpur district) and Nepal (Rupandehi and Kapilvastu Districts) in 2021. This impact evaluation was coordinated by CARE and led by its research partners, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) in Bangladesh and Emory University & Interdisciplinary Analysts (IDA) in Nepal. Read More...
The Impact of the Food Crisis on Women and Girls in Afghanistan
CARE conducted a study on how the food crisis in Afghanistan affects women and girls differently to better understand the gendered economic, cultural, and practical barriers to food security. This research highlights key findings on household food security, negative coping strategies women and families adopt, and shortcomings of humanitarian actors in gender-responsive aid delivery. The study is based on a comprehensive desk review of existing data since August 2021, a household survey comprising of 345 women respondents, completed in both urban and rural communities, a series of qualitative interviews with 18 women, 9 focus group discussions (FGDs) with men, and key informant interviews (KIIs) with food security specialists and humanitarian actors. The data was collected in urban and rural districts in 9 provinces in the north, west, south, and center of the country. Read More...
Disaster READY Project Phase Two – CARE Baseline Report (English)
The Disaster READY Project (DRP) is a five-year initiative (2022-2026), funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government, aimed at strengthening the capacity of communities, local civil society organizations, and government entities in Timor-Leste to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters while addressing climate change challenges. Implemented by five Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) INGOs, including CARE, the project targets 20,729 individuals, with CARE focusing on 7,575 community members in Viqueque Municipality across several administrative posts. The baseline survey conducted in late 2022 involved 141 community members, including individuals with disabilities, and aimed to assess knowledge of disaster preparedness plans, local civil society capacity, and government effectiveness in disaster response. Key findings highlighted the need for improved awareness of early warning systems, the establishment of active disaster management committees, and enhanced capacity among local civil society to manage disaster preparedness efforts. The report emphasizes the importance of inclusive planning processes, particularly regarding gender and disability considerations, and suggests integrating disaster risk reduction into broader community and climate adaptation strategies to foster resilience against natural disasters and climate change impacts.
Donor: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Government
Total Page Count: 39
Donor: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Government
Total Page Count: 39
Mawe Tatu II
Mawe Tatu is a Swahili concept that translates to three pebbles. This name was chosen to illustrate the physics of dropping three pebbles into a pond to represent interventions related to women, men and youth as main components of society. As the pebbles fall, they have the immediate effect of moving the water. Each pebble also creates ripples that propagate and interact with those of other pebbles, in space and time. It is a metaphor that expresses, respectively, the short- and medium-term effects of the project as well as the long-term impact that will result in synergistic effects of Mawe Tatu's interventions. Like Mawe Tatu I, the programme works with women and youth and men to improve the socio-economic status of women and youth and their powers to influence decisions at the household and community levels.
The overall objective of this evaluation is to measure the progress and results of the programme based on the Theory of Change, to draw lessons (lessons learned) for future programmes.
To achieve this, the evaluation team used the mixed methodological approach (quantitative and qualitative) to collect data from programme participants, key informants and Mawe Tatu II programme documentation. A range of techniques were associated with this approach including: the document review to understand the logic of the Programme, focus group discussions with the participants of the Programme in the 8 health zones of the evaluated programme (Rutshuru excluded because of the context of the war between the M23 and the FARDC), a household survey which facilitated reaching several households in 9 health zones as well as 2 health zones and two control health zones. In addition, semi-structured interviews with key informants were conducted enriched by direct observations to identify different attitudes related to the evaluation questions.
Overall, this evaluation indicates that the Mawe Tatu II programme has had significant successes in terms of its 3 trajectories linked to the first Outcome, related to access (and control) to capital, knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial mindset, and the commitment of men, and other successes at the level of its other two trajectories (market access and sexual and reproductive health) as we have also noticed in the database of harvested Outcomes shared with us in the Mawe Tatu II programme documentation at the beginning of this final evaluation.
Programme participants testify that thanks to the training and awareness-raising activities in the VSLAs to which they have joined, they have made savings through which they access capital to launch their small to large businesses. Some women and young members of the few VSLAs have accessed loans in some MFIs although for MFIs and banks in general, the services do not yet offer financial services adapted to women and young entrepreneurs who are members of VSLAs and remain indifferent to cooperate and carry out business with VSLAs because they continue to find them less reliable because they lack collateral to give to taking credit. At the same time, mistrust of formal financial institutions, caused by the failures that entrepreneurs have witnessed in the past, has also created a barrier, which was not fully addressed during the programme, in the effective use of services and products. Read More...
The overall objective of this evaluation is to measure the progress and results of the programme based on the Theory of Change, to draw lessons (lessons learned) for future programmes.
To achieve this, the evaluation team used the mixed methodological approach (quantitative and qualitative) to collect data from programme participants, key informants and Mawe Tatu II programme documentation. A range of techniques were associated with this approach including: the document review to understand the logic of the Programme, focus group discussions with the participants of the Programme in the 8 health zones of the evaluated programme (Rutshuru excluded because of the context of the war between the M23 and the FARDC), a household survey which facilitated reaching several households in 9 health zones as well as 2 health zones and two control health zones. In addition, semi-structured interviews with key informants were conducted enriched by direct observations to identify different attitudes related to the evaluation questions.
Overall, this evaluation indicates that the Mawe Tatu II programme has had significant successes in terms of its 3 trajectories linked to the first Outcome, related to access (and control) to capital, knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial mindset, and the commitment of men, and other successes at the level of its other two trajectories (market access and sexual and reproductive health) as we have also noticed in the database of harvested Outcomes shared with us in the Mawe Tatu II programme documentation at the beginning of this final evaluation.
Programme participants testify that thanks to the training and awareness-raising activities in the VSLAs to which they have joined, they have made savings through which they access capital to launch their small to large businesses. Some women and young members of the few VSLAs have accessed loans in some MFIs although for MFIs and banks in general, the services do not yet offer financial services adapted to women and young entrepreneurs who are members of VSLAs and remain indifferent to cooperate and carry out business with VSLAs because they continue to find them less reliable because they lack collateral to give to taking credit. At the same time, mistrust of formal financial institutions, caused by the failures that entrepreneurs have witnessed in the past, has also created a barrier, which was not fully addressed during the programme, in the effective use of services and products. Read More...