Special Evaluation/Report

Strengthening the Economic Leadership of Rural Indigenous Women in Guatemala (Phase II)

One of CARE Guatemala's main objectives is to achieve women’s personal and economic empowerment, promoting gender equality and strengthening their access to new equitable opportunities for personal and comprehensive development through sustainable production systems, markets and inclusive and equitable public policies, which allow their participation and development as well as their families’.

Within the framework of its Food and Economic Justice for Women and Youth Program, CARE Guatemala implemented the "Strengthening the Economic Leadership of Rural Indigenous Women -Phase II" project, with funds from the Peierls Foundation, executing actions in eleven communities from the municipalities of San Lucas Tolimán and San Andrés Semetabaj, department of Sololá.

CARE Guatemala presents results from the January 1 - December 31 2023 period, in which the scope of this intervention is reported, including comprehensive actions promoting access to differentiated conditions in favor of women victims and survivors of gender-based violence and indigenous women with limited economic resources, considering that out of 161 participants, 83% are women who became aware of gender limitation conditions in their environment and later, based on their new conditions, promoted decision-making in the family and community sphere.

The project was executed combining different approaches allowing to improve living conditions of participants and their families, mainly incorporating training topics and work sessions related to i. Personal empowerment (self-esteem, leadership, autonomous decision-making); ii. Economic empowerment (economic initiatives and income generation); iii. Effective influence to comply with policies and programs in favor of women's rights, all of which contributed to improving the participants’ standard of living. The economic empowerment of women has been the main contributing factor for promoting gender equity and equality, allowing access to opportunities for comprehensive development, sustainable production systems, markets, and inclusive public policies which have promoted their participation and obtaining benefits for their economic development.

To contribute to income generation and for women’s economic autonomy, actions were carried out to establish productive units and/or value chains, which strengthened their operations, working logistics, learning digital marketing, the services they promote as a business and strengthening their organizational capabilities for economic activities. Actions implemented promoted through the example of participants, led other participating women from the communities to empower themselves personally, demanding the fulfillment of their rights and opportunities, preventing in this manner, gender-based violence in all its aspects. At the same time, the project worked with the Advocacy School application, which strengthened women's voice and leadership, based on virtual mechanisms adapted to the participants' free time. Read More...

The True Cost of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns in South Sudan

By November 2023, South Sudan had received 7,076,570 doses and administered 5,101,991 doses of COVID-19 vaccine through various vaccination strategies to curb the detrimental effects of COVID-19. The country has fully vaccinated 5,033,836 individuals across 80 counties of 10 states and 3 administrative areas .
CARE got funding from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) through Crown Agents (prime recipient of UNICEF). CARE International South Sudan conducted both static and intensified National COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign (NCVC)/Integrated COVID-19 Vaccination and Preventive Therapy (ICVOPT) in 9 counties from 3 states and 2 administrative areas out of 80 counties in South Sudan. CARE implemented the NCVC in Jonglei State (Twic East, Bor South & Duk counties), Western Bahr El Ghazal State (Jur River and Wau counties), Unity State (Rubkona and Mayom counties), Greater Pibor Administrative Area (Pibor County and Boma sub-county), and Ruweng Administrative Area (Pariang county).

Breaking the Cycle: Food Insecurity, Protection and Armed Conflict in Colombia

Conflict. Hunger. Protection risks. In Colombia, these three phenomena have been interconnected in a reinforcing cycle for decades. Efforts to address each component of this negative cycle are vital, but approaches are often disconnected, leading to short-term or incomplete solutions. As a result, communities struggle against growing odds to build resilience or stability.

Using participatory methods, a research team led by CARE, the World Food Programme (WFP), and InterAction interviewed 16 focus groups in 2 departments of Colombia to learn directly from diverse perspectives what threats, vulnerabilities, capacities, and risksi affected people faced. Though the negative cycle effect was widespread, differences between and within communities meant that often people experienced armed conflict, hunger, and protection risks in vastly different ways, indicating that one-size-fits-all solutions won’t be enough to bring lasting positive change.

Despite the differences in personal and communal experience of risk, two categories of variables emerged that defined how individuals were affected by conflict, hunger, and protection risks: context-specific conflict dynamics and institutionalized discrimination. Read More...

Harmony in Crisis: Unveiling Lessons of the Humanitarian Partnership Platform in Philippine Disaster Management

CARE launched the Philippines Humanitarian Partnership Platform (HPP) in 2016, which serves as an avenue to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of CARE and its partners’ humanitarian and development plans and work. This initiative focuses on strengthening coordination, decision- making, and collective action. Comprising 14 active member organizations including CARE and with a presence in all regions of the Philippines, the HPP has adeptly assessed and responded to 32 disasters since its inception. In FY 2022, coinciding with the devastation caused by Super Typhoon Rai—the second costliest typhoon in Philippine history after Typhoon Haiyan—the HPP supported 2,201,920 participants, both directly and indirectly. In FY 2023, it supported nearly 400,000 people in crises. Fifty percent of those directly assisted in the last 2 years are women and girls.

1. Rapid responses with flexible funding: 76% of humanitarian funding in the Philippines goes to local partners, compared to the wider sector's average of around 1.2% in 2022.
2. Gender at the center: 88% of responses mainstreamed GBV protection, surpassing the 67% in CARE’s global project portfolio.
3. Better coordination, broader reach: By coordinating across diverse actors, including corporations and local governments, local organizations can help more people faster.
4. Enhanced Learning and Accountability: All projects (100%) feature Feedback and Accountability Mechanisms, exceeding the 79% in CARE’s global project portfolio. These mechanisms are vital for rapid learning and ensuring accountability to the communities served.
5. All projects met or exceeded reach and impact targets, based on a rapid analysis of available project reports. Read More...

Takunda Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) Outcome Mapping Baseline report

The main objective of Progress Marker Monitoring/Outcome Mapping is to assess, the extent to which gender transformative changes are taking place in Takunda Program areas among men, women, and youth based on age, life stage, socio-cultural norms, and religious practices. Takunda acknowledges that gender inequality is both a cause and consequence of food insecurity; hence gender equality is at the heart of the Takunda Program. To challenge gender norms that fuel food insecurity, the Program implements Social Analysis and Action (SAA), a key gender transformative approach that triggers shifts in gender norms at the individual, household, community, and policy level. This progress marker assessment specifically measured behaviors and practices at play for the different study participants before Takunda’s Social Analysis and Action (SAA) interventions and it confirmed some of the findings of the Takunda gender Analysis study held in December 2021. The progress marker assessment measured gender outcomes/behaviors as defined by the communities, whereas the gender analysis assessed program-wide challenges experienced by different groups as defined by the program. Read More...

Ghana: Inequalities in Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a global health challenge, especially among low- and middle-income countries. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.1 targets to: “End hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and vulnerable people, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round by 2030.” In Ghana, the situation worsened in 2022. The number of individuals in food crisis surged from 560,000 in 2021 to 823,000 in 2022, marking a 47% increase in individuals suffering from lack of food access, availability, and utilization. As per the Food and Agricultural Organization, in terms of the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in Ghana, 12.9 million people, or 39.4% of the total population, were affected in 2022. Read More...

Moving Urban Poor Communities in the Philippines Toward Resilience(MOVE UP 3)

An external evaluation was conducted from 10 October 2020 to 21 December 2020for the third phase of the Moving Urban Poor Communities in the Philippines toward Resilience (MOVE UP 3) Project in the Philippines. Contributing to the resilience building of urban poor populations in highly urbanized cities that are most vulnerable to disasters, MOVE UP 3 specifically aimed at increasing the preparedness and risk reduction capacities of the local populations and government units through the replication and scaling up of interrelated urban resilience strategies on alternative temporary shelters (ATS) and resilient livelihoods (RL) including social protection and risk transfer, in hazard-prone, urban poor communities in Marikina City and Taguig City in Metro Manila, Cebu City in the Visayas, and Cotabato City in Mindanao. The external evaluation determined if the project has achieved its intended objective; identified the contextual factors that have enabled or hindered the delivery of the expected outcomes; assessed the overall performance of MOVE UP 3; and provided recommendations on how the project could further be scaled up or replicated. Read More...

Conflict and Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CCVCA) Ségou region, Mali (GENRE+II Project))

The Ségou region of Mali is experiencing a steady increase in impacts from climate change, such as more erratic and reduced rainfall, increased temperatures, intensified seasonal flooding when rains do occur, and increased incidence of human and livestock diseases. These impacts interact with population pressures and natural resource management challenges to affect historical land use practices, such as agriculture and pastoralism, in the semi-urban and rural communes within the cercles of Baraouéli, Bla and Ségou. In these communes, women engage in a range of livelihood and subsistence activities related to natural resources, such as market gardening and forest product harvesting, often significantly augmenting household income. Therefore, it is important to include women in conflict resolution mechanisms over land and water, accounting for a scenario where climate impacts are predicted to intensify.
The Genre++ project, funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), works with communities to identify and address interrelated causes and impacts of climate vulnerability, conflict and gender inequality. A novel Climate and Conflict Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CCVCA) tool was used to carry out a rapid participatory analysis of vulnerabilities and adaptive capacity with representatives from 12 communes in Ségou region (144 female, 156 male) from 9 to 20 March 2023. This report summarises the results of this analysis, discussing how climate change has interacted with other economic and demographic pressures to create tensions around natural resource management. It also details the community members’ current responses, as well as their recommendations for future action. Read More...

START Network Alert 630 Tuvalu (Drought)-Learning Grant Water and Hygiene Assessment Findings Report

In July 2022, the Government of Tuvalu declared a State of Emergency due to worsening drought conditions across the country. The northern islands were severely impacted, particularly Niutao, where local actors had to turn to distributing bottled water in response to a critical undersupply of household water for drinking and general purposes.
This survey was completed as part of a grant under the START learning initiative, and the main purpose was to conduct a water and hygiene focused needs assessment for drought-affected populations on the three northern islands of Nanumea, Nanumanga and Niutao, with a particular focus on gender and inclusion. The northern islands can be difficult to reach and are often not included in research projects for this reason. Conducting a needs assessment provides data that national and local actors can use to inform ongoing drought response efforts, particularly around longer-term, equitable access to water, as well as assisting in better planning and delivery in future responses. The number of people surveyed was 258, representing 22% of the total population aged 13 and over (although a few 12 year olds were included). A survey conducted in October 2022 by the Tuvalu National Disaster Management Office provided a starting point for the START learning grant exercise.

Uganda: Food insecurity a pressing concern

The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) was a 38-month long project (January 2020 to February 2023) with an aim to improve food security, maternal and child nutrition, and household incomes for smallholder farmers in 11 districts of Uganda. The project has three major outcomes: increased production of diversified food by both men and women smallholder farmers, enhanced market accessibility for these farmers, and improved nutrition and family planning services through gender responsive community-based approaches. As a result, here was a significant 16.3% increase in adoption and production of diverse food crops and animal products, as well as 23.8% increase in the adoption of climate-smart technologies among the project participants. Read More...

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