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A Lifesaving GBV, Women’s Leadership, and SRMH Support for Refugees, in Uganda, Arua District, West Nile ENDLINE EVALUATION – FINAL REPORT

CARE International in Uganda commissioned an endline evaluation to establish the performance of the GAC 3 project on outcome indicators and related information to determine reasonable targets and guide for assessing the outcomes of the project interventions. This report presents the results of the end term evaluation for the GAC 3. The results are from the two sampled refugee settlements of Rhino and Imvepi in Madi Okolo and Terego District formerly Arua District in West Nile Uganda. Overall the end term evaluation survey reached a total of 280 household respondents (186F, 94M) within both settlements.
Fieldwork was conducted for five days, using mixed quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods. Quantitative data was obtained through a household survey using mobile data collection devices. A detailed questionnaire was developed, pre-tested for incorporation of relevant information. Primary qualitative data was obtained through six Focus Group Discussions (involving women, girls, boys and men) and twenty Key Informant Interviews that comprised of GAC 3 project staff, district local government officials, health workers, health partners, Office of the Prime Minister, among others. Qualitative data from mainly key informant interviews and FGDs were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques and the findings were used to strengthen the interpretation of the quantitative findings.
The end line evaluation findings indicate that there is improved feeling of safety and dignity. This was measured at household and community level. There was an improved feeling of safety and dignity as shown by the survey at 91% (92%F, M89%). Further interrogated, the respondents indicated that they felt safe at both household and community levels. At the community level people feel safe at 86% (86%F, 86%M) and at the household level they feel safe at 93% (94%M, 91%F). The study findings indicate men as change agents and as clients in relation to Gender Based Violence (GBV) seem to have been successful exhibited by the high values. Read More...

Baseline Study of GAC Project WASH Recovery Assistance to Earthquake- Affected Communities of Dhading and Sindhupalchowk, Nepal

CARE Nepal is implementing the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) funded project Wash Recovery Assistance To Earthquake-Affected Communities of Dhading and Sindhupalchowk form February 7, 2017. The goal of the project is to see improved well-being and resilience of women, men, girls and boys in targeted earthquake-affected areas of Nepal. A baseline study was conducted in order to collect baseline data for the logical model based on the indicators set in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) which will guide to set forth the project target and against which the success can be measured at the end-line.

The baseline survey included both quantitative and qualitative methods. Field data were collected during 17th to 25th September, 2017. Primary data were collected through field assessment (HH survey, FGDs and KIIs) and secondary data were collected through review of project documents and logical framework. Read More...

Curiosity Collective II : Are VSLA feminist platforms for gender transformation?

CARE has worked with Village Savings and Loans Associations (VLSAs) since 1991. Their success has been primarily measured, since then, in terms of women’s economic agency. However, there is evidence that VSLAs have broader impacts, particularly in relation to gender equality for women and
girls. To date, there has still been little consistent investment in capturing these gender transformational impacts such as how VSLAs have promoted women’s dignity, women’s voice, challenged gender stereotypes and dismantled patriarchal power dynamics; all of which are changes CARE seeks in its gender equality framework.

This paper focuses on the gender transformative aspects of the VSLAs. It explores how VSLAs can be a platform to challenge patriarchal structures that discriminate against and normalize violence against women and girls. It builds on a Meta Evaluation, Curiosity Collective I carried out by the West Africa region Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool ILO

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and Food Security in the Arab region with a focus on the Sudan and Iraq

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and food security in the Arab region. It is a joint collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and CARE International (CARE). This collaboration recognizes the need to expand the evidence base on gender-differentiated impacts of crises for informed recovery and response planning, while highlighting the imperative of collecting sex- and age-disaggregated data (SADD) more consistently.
This initiative was an innovative pilot project between FAO, WFP and CARE. The aim of the collaboration was to foster multilevel partnerships and strengthen gender analysis for the food security sector in crisis contexts. The initiative brought together technical experts in food security, nutrition and livelihoods across the agencies involved, as well as gender specialists to explore, develop and test tools, methods and approaches. The regional focus of the study identified key themes, challenges and norms across multiple contexts in the Arab region, while highlighting specific findings for Iraq and the Sudan. While sources have varying regional definitions for the Arab region, for the purpose of this review, the denomination includes the countries under the FAO Near East and North Africa region, the WFP Middle East and North Africa region, and the CARi Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The findings and successes of this initiative are intended to strengthen the relationship between gender and food security actors
regionally, and in particular within Iraq and the Sudan, while increasing the availability and transparency of gender analysis in the sphere of food security. Read More...

Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia ENPARD II Final Evaluation

The final evaluation for the EU Project - ‘Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia’ was conducted in September-October 2019, in Georgia. By this time the Project was on the completion stage into its two-year duration: November 1st 2017 - October 31st 2019. Mercy Corps, along with three other LEADER implementing agencies within the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD Phase II) has contributed to the reduction of poverty through integrated, sustainable and participatory rural development in Georgia.

The aim of the final evaluation is to assess the Project outcomes in order to better understand Project successes and challenges and provide recommendations for the design of future Project of a similar scale and direction. Read More...

Rapid Assessment of the FBMT Family Business Management Training

This rapid review was commissioned by CARE to evaluate the Family Business Management Training (FBMT) in Côte d’Ivoire using a qualitative approach.
The relevance of the FBMT in relation to the objectives of the W4C (Women for Change) program was analyzed by comparing the FBMT content and the evidence from the interviews with the objectives and indicators of the W4C logframe.
It becomes clear that the FBMT was most effective in increasing IGAs, balancing decision making and improving relationships. The effect of IGAs on household income not entirely clear yet. Access to the training is determined by participation in VSLAs. While this is not detrimental in the first place, potential entry barriers to VSLAs need to be kept in mind when scaling up.
For men the main challenges to participate in the FBMT are a perceived loss of power and possibly the available time to attend. Yet, those who participated were attracted by potential economic gains and finally recognized the advantages of improved relationships.
A mapping of training courses that are related to the FBMT and are applied in the W4C program revealed that the couple dialogues, the gender strategy interventions and FBMT overlap in some areas but the FBMT goes beyond the objectives of the other two courses. The IGA training courses, which are complementary to the FBMT, overlap with some of the contents of the FFBS1 (Farmer Field and Business School). The FFBS also overlaps with some of the FBMT contents on gender and also addresses the couple rather than just the women. However, it comprises of about double the number of training modules of the FBMT.
Training application is divided between technical advisors and field supervisors. This arrangement was not evaluated in detail but might not be the most effective and should be reviewed critically. The FBMT sustainably changed some of the behaviour of participating couples, confirming the sustainability of some of the effects of the training. The provision of the training still depends on external funding and cannot be considered fully sustainable yet. Change plans and their follow up by CARE staff are time consuming, resource intensive and might reduce the ownership of these plans by the couple that developed the plan.
The FBMT has been successful in changing household economies and relationships. Specifically the daily calendar, the income and expenditure tree and the prioritization of expenditures as practiced in the NEEDS and WANTS exercise have proven to be very effective. The perceived economic advantages of the training attract men eventually they discover the rewards of an improved relationship. The benefits of the FBMT have motivated some community members to spread its concepts to other households, which is as an opportunity for future programming. Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool Coordinated Response

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale

To enhance the opportunity for engagement of women in the workforce, CARE Jordan, in collaboration with H&M and CARE Netherland, is implementing the program, Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale. The project falls under the strategic Sustainable Development Program of CARE Jordan, which aims to provide support and address the needs of individuals and host communities in Jordan, focusing specifically on gender barriers, combatting gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and inclusive participation.
Phase I of the program (Khatwa Skills Project) set the foundation for the program by providing support for women by establishing more formal networks for them to be able to rely on their entrepreneurial journey, such as SLA groups (Savings and Loan Groups). Additionally, the Khatwa Skills Project also provided targeted vocational training to help facilitate business idea generation and central bazaars, where women could sell their goods.
This is Phase II of a 3 year (1 April 2017-31March2020) program that will follow up on the Khatwa Skills Project by providing additional vocational and financial training to women, supporting the existing SLA Groups so that women netrepreneurs have greater access to funding for their enterprises. Phase II will also provide support for women-led MSMEs and establish women’s economic group activities that will focus on developing the skills of women and female youth. Phase II of the program aims to directly target 380 vulnerable Jordanian women living in Jordan with the
primary objective being to seek to empower women and youth through the development of successful business models, including micro and small enterprises, recycling enterprises, and group businesses, often to be developed within the context of VSLAs. These models will be scaled up through targeted initiatives in awareness raising and further developing the involvement and initiatives of role models. Additionally, approximately 5,800 women, men, boys, and girls will be indirectly targeted through the program. Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool #March4Women

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

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