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Search Results: 키스방사이트Сbamje。cоm 건마사이트 키스방사이트 건마사이트 유흥사이트 오피사이트

Final external evaluation report – leap

The LEAP project strategy builds on the thesis that the well-being of pastoral and agro-pastoral com... Read More...

Relief Support for Flood and Cyclone Affected Population in Need in South-East Bangladesh (RESPONSE) Project

Heavy rainfall befell Bangladesh in the last week of June 2015, causing landslides and flash flooding. 29 Upazilas (sub-districts) of the South-Eastern districts of Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban and Chittagong were the worst affected areas as identified by the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) - a Joint Needs Assessment revealed that a total of over 1.8 million people were adversely impacted.

Incessant rainfalls in turn resulted in a depression in the North Bay of Bengal and transformed in to a Cyclonic Storm ‘Komen’ on 30 July 2015, affecting 15 districts situated in the low-lying areas of the coastal belt, offshore islands, and chars. ‘Komen’ led to further heavy to very heavy rainfall across the entire country, and caused inundation in many areas of Southeast Bangladesh, including those which were affected by the initial phase of heavy rainfall. Consequently the lives and livelihoods of a large cross section of people from these areas were severely impacted – JNA and a post-cyclone rapid impact assessment conducted in the most affected districts revealed that the total number of people affected by flash floods and ‘Komen’ stood at 2.6 million in Southern Bangladesh!

The assessments identified Food Security/Supply, Livelihoods, WASH, and Shelter as the immediate needs of the affected people. Humanitarian actors came together to incorporate these needs in to a Joint Response Plan (JRP) aimed at addressing the immediate and emerging adversities facing the most vulnerable and affected communities. The response plan was also endorsed by the key stakeholders including government and donor organizations.

Based on the JRP the National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) consortium undertook a response project in the most affected areas. NARRI responded to the immediate needs of affected communities by providing unconditional cash grants as assistance. CARE Bangladesh led the consortium with Oxfam, Concern Worldwide (CWW), Concern Universal (CU) and Plan International as consortium members, while Handicap International served as technical partner. [4 pages] Read More...

Ella Alimenta Al Mundo Linea de Base/Baseline She Feeds the World Colombia

El proyecto Ella Alimenta al Mundo busca facilitar las condiciones para que mujeres productoras estén empoderadas y cuenten con medios de vida más seguros y resilientes para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de ellas y su comunidad. Tiene como objetivo fortalecer el papel de las mujeres productoras a pequeña escala en cadenas de valor seleccionadas y mejorar los vínculos con los actores del mercado, incluida potencialmente la cadena de suministro de PepsiCo, para garantizar ingresos sostenibles y estables.
El presente documento corresponde al estudio de línea base que presenta los resultados en relación con la situación inicial y el contexto que viven las familias participantes del proyecto en los municipios de Pasto, Ipiales, Pupiales y Gualmatán del departamento de Nariño.
El análisis se orienta a dar a conocer las condiciones actuales con relación al empoderamiento económico de las mujeres, inclusión financiera, cadenas de valor inclusivas, procesos de comercialización justos y procesos productivos sostenibles, desarrollo de resiliencia y desarrollo de las asociaciones. De igual manera enfatiza en conocer las necesidades de capacitación en agricultura adaptativa, vinculación con el mercado, gestión financiera, prácticas de nutrición; de tal manera que sea posible fortalecer capacidades de la comunidad, especialmente mujeres para crear recursos propios y mejorar los vínculos con otros actores del mercado.
Brinda un análisis desde el enfoque de género que parte de la comprensión de cómo las relaciones de género influyen en todos los aspectos de una comunidad, tanto en el ámbito productivo como social. La distribución de tareas de las mujeres y de los hombres de un grupo social específico permiten comprender la dinámica de las relaciones de género, el apoyo mutuo, el intercambio, las cargas de trabajo con relación a otras labores, como son las tareas de cuidado y sostenimiento de la vida en el hogar.
La recolección, sistematización y análisis de la información fue realizada por el equipo consultor Tierra que Anda entre los meses de septiembre a noviembre de 2023.

BEYOND THE LINE: Connecting Trust in Ho Chi Minh City

In the heart of District 12, Ho Chi Minh City, a remarkable journey has unfolded over the past year, of a group named Connecting Trust, consisting of women garment workers at Nobland factory. Through this process, workers came together, identified issues, collected data from their peers, analyzed it, and developed initiatives to address the challenges they were facing. This project is a testament to the power of collective action, hence, the name of the worker’s group – Connecting Trust. Milestones were achieved, including a groundbreaking dialogue with factory managers where workers courageously presented their findings and proposed solutions. Furthermore, the Family Day event, organized by the workers themselves, celebrated the bond between workers and their children, promoting not just well-being but also creating lasting memories of unity and togetherness.

It is a journey that resonates with strength, leadership, confidence, and collective voice, a testament to the transformative power of unity and empowerment. These women have embarked on a path to improve their well-being and, in doing so, have inspired us all. Their journey began in October 2022, and concludes in October 2023, but its impact will be everlasting.

The project, developed and managed by CARE International in Vietnam, funded by Lululemon and executed by the Centre for Community Empowerment (CECEM), at its core, is about amplifying the voices and building leadership of female factory workers. It is about nurturing their strength, to become stronger, more capable, and equipped to embark on new endeavors. It is about fostering leadership and collective action, motivating them to lead their own initiatives to bring about positive changes. It is about instilling confidence, enabling them to engage in dialogue with factory managers, and advocate for their rights and needs.

The stories within this photobook are about courage, resilience, and hope, told by the women workers. Each photograph tells a story of growth and empowerment, of women behind the “Made in Vietnam” clothes tag, who once were unheard; yet, are now leading the change they wish to see. This photo book serves as a tribute to their unwavering strength, their journey from vulnerability to empowerment, and their newfound capabilities to embrace change.

With profound appreciation, we acknowledge the pivotal role played by Nobland factory, where this remarkable transformation happened, and their continuous collaboration throughout the project implementation. We also extend heartfelt gratitude to Lululemon, the project donor, whose vision intensively focuses on creating a meaningful impact on worker’s well-being and support with essential resources for this long-term intervention. Lastly, to the women workers who have trusted this process and chosen to join with CARE and CECEM, your story is evidence of the extraordinary potential within us all, and together, we can create a brighter and more equitable future.

As we peruse through these pages, we invite you to witness this exceptional journey. Let it serve as a beacon of inspiration, reminding all of us that when voices unite, when leadership flourishes, when confidence soars, and when connections are strengthened, transformation is not just possible — it’s inevitable.

Evaluation finale du projet Education For Change – EFC Education Pour le Changement « Jannde Yiriwere » de CARE International au Mali

Le projet Education Pour le changement utilise une approche de résilience en vue de répondre aux défis environnementaux et humains auxquels le Mali est actuellement confronté et qui affectent sérieusement l'éducation, la sécurité des jeunes et leur accès aux opportunités. Le projet combine la Réduction des Risques et Désastres (DRR) et la résilience, le Droit à la Santé Sexuelle et reproductive (SSR), l'alphabétisation appliquée, et les opportunités d'accès à l'autonomisation financière en milieu scolaire et chez les jeunes non scolaires à travers l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies bien établies. L'Education Pour le Changement a conçu et est en train de tester un modèle intégré d'éducation, de la sante de la reproduction et d’autonomisation jeunes pour une mise à échelle au profit des jeunes vulnérables et marginalisés du Mali.
Le projet est exécuté par CARE International et ses partenaires dans la région de Mopti depuis 5 ans. Les bénéficiaires qui sont les élèves, enseignants et communautés ont bénéficié de différentes activités pour améliorer leur connaissance sur les différentes thématiques du projet et offrir l’opportunité de l’utilisation de NTIC dans l’éducation scolaire des adolescents.
Le contexte opérationnel de la région de Mopti pendant la période de mise en oeuvre a été l'un des nombreux défis majeurs. En plus des sécheresses et des inondations périodiques, des épisodes périodiques de conflit civil ont contribué à une forte migration. Deux grèves prolongées des enseignants pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre du programme ont entraîné des fermetures d'écoles pendant les périodes de mise en oeuvre. Et puis COVID-19 a contribué à la livraison d'activités et aux défis moins que prévu pour les communautés bénéficiaires. Ajouté à cela, 3 écoles n'était pas joignables pendant une partie du projet.
Comme tout programme, le cadre des indicateurs a été évalué en 2016 avant l’exécution des activités, une évaluation s’en est suivi en 2018. Le présent document présente les résultats de l’évaluation finale du projet. Read More...

Lesson Learned from the construction of a 1800m3 capacity gabion in Wadi Hassan Valley, Khanfer district, Aden governorate under Food for Assets (FFA) Project

What is the specific situation that the lesson learned relates to?
It is about this asset that serves and protects more than 5,000 acres of agricultural land from drought and adds value in different aspects such as increasing underground water level of Abyan and Aden, as such, leading to diversified livelihood options e.g. livestock rearing and bee farming.

How is this impacted by the local context/environment/culture?
The agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors in Abyan governorate, and the main source of income for most of the people, as many of them are engaged in agriculture activities. Abyan governorate is famous for its agricultural valleys including Wadi Banna, Wadi Hassan, Wadi Delta Abyan, Delta Ahour.

Because of previous conflicts and wars that occurred in Abyan, the irrigation system was destroyed and was subjected to destruction and neglect. The Abyan Delta agricultural area located in the districts of Zanzibar and Khanfar in Abyan governorate experienced high flow of water from seasonal rainfall, however, the flow of water irrigated a small part of agricultural areas in Khanfar and Zanzibar districts. The bulk of these flood water went into to the sea, as well as causing damages such as eroding farmers' lands, damaging roads, damaging irrigation channels, bridges, and even the destruction of homes that affected some villages and population centres.

After the failure of the dam project in Wadi Hassan in year 1992, many irrigation channels, including Hussein Canal, were deprived of floodwater, which led to the drought of agricultural lands, in the process, depriving more than 2000 families of their main source of income. Hussein Canal covers more than 5000 Hectares of agricultural land that has been deprived for more than ten years of seasonal floods, which is its main source of irrigation by torrents.

In this project, five villages (Al-Dergag, Al-Komblyah, Maykalan, Kadmat Al-Saeed qasem and Obar Otman) that are inter-connected as a sub-district were targeted and benefited from the floodwater that came through the Hussein Canal. Based on the community leaders and irrigation office’s request, a 1800m3 capacity Gabion (360 inter-connected sub-gabions each with size 5m length X 1m depth X 1m breadth) covering a distance of 105 meters was constructed in Wadi Hassan to bring water from the valley to Hussein main channel for irrigation for villager’s lands by floods and torrents water. [5 Pages]


El objeto a evaluar es el proyecto “Desarrollo económico, social y rural integral en comunidades indígenas de la provincia de Napo” (Para los fines de esta evaluación se resumirá de la siguiente manera el nombre del proyecto: “DESRICI de la Provincia de Napo”). El Proyecto es llevado a cabo por Maquita Cushunchic y financiado a través del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ) y CARE Alemania. Su localización geográfica es la Provincia de Napo en el cantón Tena y las parroquias de Ahuano y Chontapunta. Se evalúa el periodo completo de ejecución entre el 2017 y 2020 y corresponde a la evaluación final sobre cómo el diseño, proceso y ejecución han contribuido al logro de los tres resultados propuestos en la formulación de la intervención Read More...

SEMI-DURABLE SHELTER CONSTRUCTION AND THE TRIPLE NEXUS A study of the multisector ECHO-funded PAMUNOR project in southern Chad

LA CONSTRUCTION D’ABRIS SEMI-DURABLES ET LE TRIPLE NEXUS Une étude portant sur le projet d’assistance multi-sectorielle d’urgence financé par ECHO pour les réfugiés centrafricains et les communautés hôtes (PAMUNOR) au sud du Tchad

En novembre 2019, deux membres de l’équipe mondiale chargée des abris d’urgence de CARE International Royaume Uni a effectué une visite de deux semaines dans le sud du Tchad afin d’évaluer la composante Abris dans le cadre du projet PAMUNOR (Projet d’Assistance Multisectorielle d’Urgence pour les Nouveaux Réfugiés Centrafricains et des Communautés Hôtes) qui est financé par ECHO et géré par CARE Tchad. Ce projet cherche à promouvoir un environnement sûr et sécurisé, notamment en fournissant des abris semi-durables, et à favoriser les moyens de subsistance pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et atténuer les stratégies d’adaptation négatives adoptées par les réfugiés centrafricains (RCA) nouvellement arrivés, ainsi que par les membres vulnérables au sein de la communauté hôte. L’un des objectifs spécifiques visant à promouvoir un « environnement sécurisé » consistait à réduire les risques de violence basée sur le genre (VBG) et à assurer une médiation intra et intercommunautaire afin de garantir la coexistence pacifique – condition préalable indispensable à la protection et à la mise en œuvre de l’autosuffisance. L’évaluation s’est intéressée aux détails techniques et opérationnels de la composante Abris et a cherché à comprendre comment cette dernière s’intégrait à une approche programmatique plus large dans le contexte local. Elle a également examiné ses liens avec les différents mécanismes communautaires bénéficiant du soutien du projet. Le succès de la mise en œuvre s’explique par cette approche intégrée qui répond à la fois aux besoins urgents et fondamentaux en termes d’abris et de réduction des risques liés à la VBG, jette les bases pour la sûreté et la sécurité, et génère un environnement propice au développement des moyens de subsistance et favorable à la naissance d’aspirations et d’ambitions en termes d’éducation, de formation et d’apprentissage. Il est important de mentionner l’éventail de mécanismes qui a été mis en place par la communauté pour atténuer les conflits communautaires et la violence basée sur le genre, fruit d’un processus inclusif qui favorise la viabilité et l’appropriation. Les processus de renforcement de la coexistence pacifique, de la cohésion sociale et visant à favoriser l’intégration locale font partie intégrante de l’approche suivie par le projet, l’objectif recherché étant l’autosuffisance, et ils incarnent incontestablement le « troisième côté du triangle » au cœur du nexus Humanitaire-Développement-Paix. De ce point de vue, le projet permettrait de tirer de précieux enseignements programmatiques qui pourraient s’avérer pertinents dans d’autres contextes, au Tchad ou dans d’autres pays, connaissant des déplacements prolongés, un conflit communautaire de faible intensité, des besoins humanitaires et des opportunités de renforcement de la résilience, de l’autosuffisance et de la viabilité.

Two members of CARE International UK’s global Emergency Shelter Team conducted a two-week visit to southern Chad in November 2019 to evaluate the shelter component of CARE Chad’s ECHO-funded PAMUNOR project (Projet d’Assistance Multisectorielle d’Urgence pour les Nouveaux Réfugiés Centrafricains et des Communautés Hôtes / Project to provide multisectoral emergency assistance to newly displaced Central African Republic refugees and host communities). This project seeks to support safe and secure living environments, including through the provision of semi-durable shelters, and to stimulate livelihoods, improving food security and reducing negative coping mechanisms amongst newly arrived refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) as well as vulnerable members of the host community. A specific focus on supporting a “secure environment” was through reducing the risks of genderbased violence (GBV) and mediating within and between communities to ensure peaceful coexistence as a necessary pre-requisite for protection and the establishment of self-sufficiency. The evaluation was achieved by looking closely at the shelter component in technical and operational detail as well as by probing its connection to a broader programmatic approach within the local context and its links to various community mechanisms supported through the project. Effective implementation has been achieved through this integrated approach that simultaneously addresses urgent and fundamental needs for shelter and GBV-risk reduction while laying the foundations for safety and security and creating an enabling environment for the development of livelihoods and the growth of aspirations and ambitions for education, training and learning. Of particular note is the range of mechanisms to reduce community conflict and gender-based violence established through a highly effective community-led and inclusive process that brings sustainability and ownership. Processes of strengthening peaceful co-existence, social cohesion and stimulating local integration run through the project’s approach, seeking to catalyse self-sufficiency, and arguably represents the “third side of the triangle” within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. In this regard, the project could provide valuable programmatic lessons to other contexts in Chad or elsewhere where protracted displacement, low-level community conflict, humanitarian needs and some opportunities for strengthening resilience, self-sufficiency and sustainability are present. [94 pages] Read More...


Leaders de l’agrobusiness en milieu rural dans la plupart des pays et représentant entre 70 et 80% de la main d’œuvre, les femmes se lancent dans diverses activités de production et sur les marchés de commercialisation des produits en s’efforçant de surmonter les inégalités de genre pour obtenir des succès durables. Mais leur situation est toujours défavorable par rapport à celle des hommes. Des données publiées en 2O15 par les Nations Unies sur cette situation montrent qu’elle est due entre autres à des pratiques discriminatoires à l’encontre des femmes . Or, l’amélioration des conditions de vie des ménages dépend en général de la contribution de chaque composante de la société, c’est à dire des hommes et des femmes.
Les femmes du Bénin à l’instar d’autres n’échappent pas à cet état des choses. En effet, elles ne sont pas toujours intégrées dans les prises de décisions à divers niveaux (ménage, communauté, etc.) en raison des stéréotypes et considérations qui les réduisent à l’obéissance voire à la soumission aux hommes. Depuis quelques décennies, des mutations s’opèrent et des efforts sont faits pour favoriser leur participation active dans la gestion des affaires de la cité et leur conférer l’autonomisation nécessaire à la cohésion sociale. Malgré ces efforts et les engagements pris par les Etats relativement aux ODD en faveur des femmes, leur accès aux ressources productives reste marginal et leur participation aux espaces de dialogue social encore très insignifiante.

GEWEP II: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Programme II Final Report

GEWEP II works with and for poor and vulnerable women and girls. More than 8 160 000 women and girls live in our programme areas, and the end programme target is to directly work with 1 022 200.
The main impact is through Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). The VSLA model came out of a pilot in Niger in the early 90s. Nearly 30 years later, there are more than 6.7 million VSLA members across the globe. Other organisations and governments have adopted CARE’s model, thereby multiplying impact. GEWEP continued to scale up VSLAs, and advocated for governments to recognize the model. The Governments of Burundi, DRC, Niger and Rwanda all recognize the important contribution of VSLAs to women’s economic empowerment, manifested within national strategies, policies and funds.
Women’s economic empowerment opens up for women’s participation. GEWEP supported women to come together and find confidence and common cause through VSLAs. We find VSLA women who actively participate in decision-making in formal structures, and who manage to stay there despite resistance from some men. This is the main success for women’s participation, across countries.
The shrinking space for civil society remains the most difficult challenge. In all countries, CARE’s main approach was to maintain good relations with those that are directly engaging with the field of women’s rights or who control the implementing areas or relevant political processes. This approach was successful in terms of preserving enough working space for CARE, GEWEP partners and other civil society actors working in the same field. Read More...

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