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Dignified and Violence-Free World of Work: A Study on Women Working in Informal Sectors in Nepal

A significant percentage (66.5%)1 of women in Nepal work in informal sectors and are vulnerable to all forms of violence and exploitation. The violence experienced by women in informal sectors ranges from physical, sexual, and verbal harassment to labor and economic exploitation by employers, co-workers and family members. Existing legal provisions such as Sexual Harassment (Elimination) at Workplace Act, 2015 do not have specific provisions for informal sectors whereas other mechanisms to address violence against women, in general, remain ineffective in implementation. In addition, socio-cultural norms and structures limit women’s access to justice-seeking mechanisms. Despite pervasive instances of violence and harassment experienced by women in informal sectors, there is a dearth of comprehensive documentation and evidence building on this issue. In this light, the paper examines the existing status, nature and experiences of violence faced by women working in diverse areas of the informal economy. It also critically analyses key gaps in existing legal provisions/policies and barriers to implementation from the perspective of informal sector workers.
The paper is based on the findings from 36 case studies of women working in 15 different informal sectors, Gendered Political Economy Analysis (GPEA) with community and policy stakeholders and desk review of relevant policies/legal provisions. The paper shows that women’s gendered social roles, lack of collectivisation and representation in decision-making bodies puts them in a weaker bargaining position to voice against instances of violence or to make it a priority agenda of advocacy for policymakers. Similarly, the findings of the paper indicate that lack of adequate and effective polices/provisions on safe working conditions and their implementation leads to invisiblisation of violence at the workplace, enabling powerholders to continue cycles of violence and exploitation without accountability. The paper contributes towards mainstreaming discourses around dignified work for women in the informal economy. It also serves as an evidence-based advocacy document to influence governments to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190, which is a binding international treaty that protects all workers in formal and informal economy. Read More...

Local Partnership for Accountability (LPA): Final Evaluation Report

LPA project is implemented by CARE International - Egypt, governance and civic engagement program in partnership with CARE England, It is funded by Arab Partnership Fund - Commonwealth Office in England. Project Duration: From May 2013 - until March 2015 and aims to increase the responsiveness of service providers to accountability through the establishment of mechanisms of social accountability and provide an opportunity for mutual dialogue between citizens and service providers. The project is implemented in five communities in three governorates (BeniSuef - Qena, Luxor), in cooperation with a partner association in each governorate (Better Life Association in Beni Suef, Ana Masry in Qena and Luxor) [86 pages] Read More...

Adaptación al cambio climático y reducción de riesgos de desastres por el retroceso de los glaciares en la Cordillera de los Andes (GLACIARES)

La evaluación final y perfil sociodemográfico y económico.

Documento 1: El proyecto “Glaciares 513: Adaptación al cambio climático y reducción de riesgos de desastres por el retroceso de los glaciares en la Cordillera de los Andes (2011 – 2015)” tiene como finalidad contribuir a mejorar la capacidad de adaptación integral y de reducción de riesgos por desastres frente al fenómeno de retroceso de glaciares en el Perú, particularmente en las regiones de Ancash y Cusco; siendo su implementación liderada por un consorcio integrado por CARE Perú y la Universidad de Zurich.El proyecto busca fortalecer las capacidades para el monitoreo e investigación de glaciares en el Perú, así como las capacidades técnico-operativas para traducir el conocimiento científico y brindarle a las comunidades aledañas a los glaciares información necesaria para su adaptación y la reducción de vulnerabilidades, todo ello contando con condiciones institucionales que garanticen la sostenibilidad de dichas acciones en el marco de la adaptación al cambio climático en el país, particularmente en las regiones de Ancash y Cusco. Esta propuesta implica que la intervención debe considerar la interacción entre ciencia y práctica, contando para ello con la participación de actores nacionales, regionales y locales, representantes del sector público, privado o sociedad civil; además del acompañamiento científico proporcionado por la universidad de Zurich.
El objetivo de la evaluación externa fue medir el avance de los resultados alcanzados y las perspectivas de desarrollar una segunda fase del mismo, para lo cual un grupo conformado por tres expertos (dos nacionales y uno internacional) analizaron la documentación relacionada al proyecto, efectuaron entrevistas individuales y grupales, además de participar en talleres de sistematización y evaluación.
Documento 2: This is a diagnosis about the social demographic and economic profile of three regions taken in 2018. This study provide information about characteristics of populations, geographic areas, etc. Read More...

Ete – tumauma and kemp final eval report aug 2006

Sustainably improved food security, economic livelihood and social status of farmers in five village... Read More...


In 2023, CARE expressed its interest in conducting a Keystone Partnership Survey to understand how 304 local partners assessed their experience of working with CARE in an international development partnership. This report provides credible perceptual data from a partner perspective on how well CARE performs its role in the partnership.
Keystone’s partnership survey enables INGOs to benchmark their performance ratings against the experiences and perceptions of over 8,000 local partners of more than 90 INGOs (listed below in Table 1) that have taken the
Thematically, the survey explores the most important operational dimensions to international development partnerships – learning, monitoring & reporting, communications, financial support, and non-financial support.
CARE’s technical competence is further assessed through a series of questions about its sector-specific knowledge, leadership reputation, and value adding abilities. Overall relationship dynamics are captured through questions
about how well CARE learns and adapts, how CARE compares to other international partners, and the extent to which the local partner would recommend working with the CARE.
The report presents overall results for each survey question in a single graphic chart. For rating questions, Keystone employs Net Promoter Analysis (see Annex 6), allowing it to compare and benchmark CARE’s current responses against a benchmark drawn from Keystone’s global cohort of social change organizations.
Respondents indicated their region of work, budget size, type of organization, the type of work they do, and whether they were women-led. This enables us to analyse the data by these respondent characteristics without compromising anonymity. Where organizations of a particular characteristic (e.g., location or size of budget) vary from the average, we do not present it in a separate chart, but highlight these variations in the text accompanying
the charts.

Creating spaces for dialogue: a cluster-randomized evaluation of CARE’s Community Score Card on health governance outcomes

Social accountability interventions such as CARE’s Community Score Card© show promise for improving sexual, reproductive, and maternal health outcomes. A key component of the intervention is creation of spaces where community members, healthcare workers, and district officials can safely interact and collaborate to improve health-related outcomes. Here, we evaluate the intervention’s effect on governance constructs such as power sharing and equity that are central to our theory of change. Read More...

GEWEP II Mali Final Evaluation Report

The Women and Girls Empowerment and Civil Society Governance Projet (GEWEP) known as MAAYA DANBE in local language, is funded by the Norway Government through CARE Norway for four years (2016-2019) and seeks to empower women and girls affected by poverty, inequality, violence and social marginalization to claim and achieve their human rights. The GEWEP project comprises four theme-based cross-cutting components: (i) strengthening civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men/boys’ engagement in the transformation of gender norms. The GEWEP projet is part of a global funding provided by CARE Norway, through the Norway Government, to some African countries including Mali, Niger, DRC, Rwanda and Burundi.

The key findings from the final evaluation of GEWEP II are presented in this report which looks at a number of crosscutting themes. Read More...

Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education (ACCESS) Project

This 37-page report is the baseline study for the Global Affairs (GAC) funded project, “Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education” (ACCESS), which aims to increase access to schools for Syrian and Egyptian children, strengthen social cohesion among Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities, and strengthen the quality of formal and informal Egyptian education systems for boys and girls. The project responds to one of the three main thematic priorities that guide GAC’s development funding: Securing the Future for Children and Youth, under which equal access to quality education is a key tenet, particularly for girls. Read More...

Proyecto Binacional Ecuador-Peru “JUNTOS ANTE EL ZIKA”: AMBITO – PERÚ

El presente documento es el informe final del desempeño del proyecto binacional “Juntos ante el Zika” en su implementación en Perú por parte de CARE desde setiembre del 2016 hasta agosto del 2019. El proyecto tuvo como objetivos principales el fortalecer las capacidades comunitarias, locales y nacionales para responder al brote del virus Zika, así como mejorar los esfuerzos comunitarios, locales, regionales y nacionales para reducir las tasas de transmisión del Zika.

La evaluación del proyecto en Perú se llevó a cabo en las zonas de intervención en 20 distritos de 10 provincias de los departamentos de Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque y Cajamarca. Luego de la elaboración del plan de trabajo y el diseño metodológico de evaluación, se recopiló información secundaria y se levantó información en campo a través de entrevistas, grupos focales y una encuesta con escala Likert. La evaluación se enmarcó en 5 bloques: Aspectos generales, Movilización comunitaria, Vigilancia epidemiológica comunitaria, Cambio social y de comportamiento, y Planificación y coordinación interinstitucional.

Los principales hallazgos de la evaluación determinan que, en el Perú, en los aspectos operativos a nivel de cobertura como en la percepción de los actores clave, el proyecto ha cumplido sus objetivos. Constituye la primera experiencia de control vectorial con base comunitaria apoyado por innovaciones tecnológicas y de comunicaciones. Facilitó el trabajo articulado de autoridades municipales, salud, educación y otros sectores para realizar estrategias de prevención frente al Zika y elevar conocimientos de los riesgos y formas de prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. Read More...

Bgd produce final narrative report april2016

PRODUCE was implemented by CARE in cooperation with Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) and S... Read More...

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