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Search Results: 비트코인단가♨테ㄱ렘 daisoDB 비트코인단가ⅶ비트코인단가₩2021년DB구매ⅶ로또DB판매

Women, Youth and Resilience Project Final Evaluation Outcome Harvesting: Understanding Changes in livelihoods, Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Government Accountability for Gender Equality.

The project was implemented by CARE International in Austria, Care International in Uganda, and two local partners, the Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD) and THRIVEGulu between 2021 and 2024 and is being followed up by a similar five-year project called the Gender Equality and Resilience Project (GEAR) to be implemented in Uganda and Rwanda. This is important to note as the findings from this final evaluation have implications for the programming of GEAR.
The main objective of this final evaluation is to assess effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the WAYREP project. It offers an understanding of the extent to which WAYREP achieved its stated objectives and it answers the five evaluation questions set out in the Evaluation Matrix (see Annex 2). The evaluation results will inform the programming of GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program in Uganda and Rwanda.
The project successfully met its planned objectives, expected results, and indicators, demonstrated through the results below.
1.1: Enhanced Sustainable and Dignified Livelihood for Women and Youth
Over the five years, WAYREP significantly increased the average weekly income (49.6%) and by the end of the project, income gains surpassed the national average (Finding A). The increase in income was closely tied to an increase in confidence and self-reliance. While various groups of beneficiaries (e.g., refugees, youth, older beneficiaries, GBV survivors) experienced increases in their confidence, it was young women who experienced more significant gains in their self-confidence. These wins stemmed from their membership to savings groups and their newfound ability to earn an income (Finding H).
Although income gains were seen across beneficiary groups, gender and youth disparities were observed; men reported higher average earnings across Income Generating Activities (IGAs) compared to women
(Finding C) and younger beneficiaries in the 15-19 age group reported heightened engagement in income generation activities, compared to beneficiaries in the 20-30 age bracket (Finding B). While young people appear to have experienced more significant wins in participation, their average weekly income was lower than older beneficiaries (Finding D). Younger adults (20-30) were also less likely to develop business plans compared to older participants (31-45) (Finding E).
Specific differences were observed in Omugo Settlement in terms of income earning opportunities. Overall, in Omugo Settlement beneficiaries participated less in savings groups (Finding F) and were able to save less money compared to their peers in Arua City, Gulu City and Omugo Sub County. This is important, as the lower savings values have the risk of limiting refugees' ability to access capital to grow their businesses (Finding I). That said, South Sudanese refugees in Omugo settlement experienced unique wins from their increased economic status and improved their relationships with the host community. This is significant as it highlights the project's positive impact on social cohesion, particularly in locations where relationships between the refugee and host community relationships were strained (Finding F).
The final evaluation found that financial management practices and savings habits improved across all four locations. While most savings groups still preferred traditional savings systems that included a locked box kept in a member’s house, in Gulu and Arua City savers were experimenting with mobile savings that offered increased security, flexibility and accountability (Finding G). This points to the potential for greater exploration of mobile savings systems in GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program, especially in locations which have already started to adopt this practice.
1.2: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Reduced Acceptance for Gender Based Violence in Communities
The final evaluation found a decrease in experience of GBV from 28% at baseline (2021) to 20.7% at endline (2024) and a similar rejection of intimate partner violence (IPV), from 71.6% at baseline, to 77.1% at endline (Finding J). The project's strong focus on economic empowerment (Section 1.1 above) had a positive effect on the confidence and self-resilience of women and young (Finding H) which intern contributed to a positive shift in social norms and facilitated a reduction in the acceptability of violence (Finding K).
1.3: Evidence of WAYREP Providing Enhanced Support to GBV Survivors
The increase in GBV reporting (Finding L) suggests that survivors felt more comfortable coming forward, due to the project's efforts to raise awareness and improve survivors access to support. Beneficiaries reported there was now more support available for survivors of violence (Finding L) and improved access to mechanisms for expressing dissatisfaction with inappropriate treatment by local authorities or service providers (Finding M). The findings suggest that the project empowered survivors to seek help and enabled them to hold service providers to account (Finding L, M).
1.4: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Increased Accountability by the Government of Uganda to Implement Relevant Frameworks for Women and Girls’ Protection and Rights
Women and girls across all four locations reported increased capacity to advocate for their rights (Finding N). The project had a strong contribution to this result and motivated and supported the Government of Ugandan (GoU) and key religious and cultural leaders to implement or strengthen frameworks to protect women's and girls' rights (Finding O). These changes intern created a more enabling environment for women and girls in Uganda and provided a supportive legal framework for them to advocate for their rights Read More...


The war in Syria has fueled one of the world’s most complex protracted humanitarian crises. The combination of mounting insecurity, economic decline, environmental stressors and the Covid-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact. After 11 years of conflict, north-west Syria, which is home to more than 4.6 million people, continues to experience recurring waves of violence and forced displacement and disruptions in the provision of humanitarian assistance. Idleb governorate recorded the highest death rate as a result of the conflict countrywide in 2021, accounting for more than 19% of the national toll, followed by neighboring Aleppo with 18%.
More than 90% of Syrians live below the poverty line, compared with 10% before the start of the conflict, and as of the end of 2021, 60% of the population were food insecure, a 57% increase on the figure for 2019. The agricultural sector continues to decline, and average food prices have risen by more 97% in a year.
The situation in the north-west is even more acute. Food prices have gone up by more than 120%, further increasing households’ dependency on humanitarian aid.5 The ongoing food crisis is expected to significantly amplify stressors on the most vulnerable, particularly the region’s 2.8 million internally displaced people (IDPs), as well as female-headed households, widows, women in general and children.
All participants in this rapid gender analysis (RGA), including adolescents, identified food, livelihood and health support as their main needs. Adolescents also highlighted the need for better education opportunities. The conflict and severe economic strain have led to more women becoming main breadwinners, but social and cultural barriers continue to impede their greater participation in decision making in the household and the public sphere. Read More...

Call to Action Field Implementation (CAFI) II

CAFI seeks to catalyze the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (CTA) on the ground. The project works with women-led organizations (WLOs) to drive change and foster Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, risk mitigation, and response in humanitarian emergencies.

In 2013, governments, donors, and humanitarian organizations launched the CTA, to fundamentally transform how GBV prevention, risk mitigation, and response are addressed. The CTA aims to strengthen accountability in policies, systems, and mechanisms.
The partnership has grown to more than 100 members, but consolidating CTA implementation in the field is a key gap that needs to be addressed. As a result, CAFI was launched to advance the Call to Action 2021- 2025 Road Map on the ground.
What are the main objectives of CAFI?
● Catalyze increased representation and leadership of women and girls, specifically WLOs, in decision making structures and humanitarian assistance
● Amplify GBV expertise: scaling existing capacity of WLOs
● Address GBV root causes and coordinate effective response and risk mitigation
How does CAFI work?
CAFI aims at contributing to WLO strengthening through capacity-sharing approaches between partners. WLOs are engaged from the beginning, allowing them to co-create and adapt the project according to their needs and contexts and ensuring
accountability and women’s voice and leadership throughout the whole project cycle.

CAFI works through a consortium of 10 WLOs across Latin America and the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, the Middle East/North Africa, and Europe, who coordinate national networks of WLOs: Arab Women Organization (AWO) of Jordan, Baghdad Women Association (BWA) in Iraq, Center Women’s Perspectives (CWP) in Ukraine, Comité des Jeunes Filles Leaders (COJEFIL) in Niger, Dynamique des Femmes Juristes (DFJ) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Fundación
para el Desarrollo en Género y Familia (GENFAMI) in Colombia, Global Media Campaign (GMC) in Mali, Himaya Daeem Aataa (HDA) in Lebanon, and Tinta Violeta in Venezuela. In Iraq, Lebanon, and Venezuela, project activities are co-led by WEO, Sama for Development, and Uniandes, respectively. Read More...

SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray: FPI MONITORING REPORT

In June 2023, Altai Consulting, the Third-Party Monitor (TPM) for the EU FPI, was tasked by the Nairobi Regional Team (RT) to research and
communicate the progress and impact on the ground of the project NDICI CRISIS FPI/2021/427-921 – “SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray”, implemented by CARE and REST.

The project is implemented in Tigray as part of a cluster of projects alongside CST and MdM projects also montiroed by Altai during this visit. These interventions focus on responding to Tigray’s post-war challenges, mostly related to livelihoods support, access to health services, and trauma healing.

The monitoring team looked to capture progress towards the project’s intended objectives at the mid-stage of its implementation. During an earlier monitoring conducted in December 2022, the Altai team found that progress had stalled due to security challenges on the ground but that the projects were gaining momentum due to the peace agreement signed in November 2022. Read More...

Strengthening the Economic Resilience of Female Garment Workers during COVID-19 – Phase 2

This is the End of Project Evaluation Report for the Strengthening the Economic Resilience of Female Garment Workers during COVID19 – Phase 2 (SER) Project which was implemented in Phnom Penh, Kandal and Kampong Speu provinces. The Project commenced in July 2021 and concluded in February 2022. The goal of the project was to strengthen the economic resilience of female garment workers who are socially and economically marginalized in Cambodia to cope with the negative impacts of COVID-19. In order to conduct the evaluation, data was collected through a comprehensive literature review and fieldwork. The literature review was conducted reviewing reports and documents from the SER Project and also other relevant external publications. The evaluation interviewed 400 people and was conducted in January 2022. Read More...

Multiagency and Multisectoral Rapid Need Assessment in North Gondar and West Tigray Zones Among Conflict Affected IDPs and Host Communities

In its report released a couple of weeks ago, UN urged donor partners and friends of Ethiopia for urgent mobilization of additional resources to address potential new needs as a result of the fighting for the law enforcement, as well as existing needs previously identified in the Humanitarian Response Plan. There are more than 2 million people in need of some type of assistance in Tigray region and thousands of people fleeing from Tigray region to Amhara and Afar regions, having lost everything in the conflict.
As a result of this situation, six international humanitarian agencies including World Vision Ethiopia, CARE, Catholic Relief Service, ActionAid Ethiopia, Oxfam Ethiopia and ORDA agreed to collaborate and carry out joint rapid assessment in most affected woredas of Tigray region and influx affected neighboring woredas of Amhara region. The assessment was organized and carried out in two teams. Team one following the North Wollo and South West Tigray Route (Raya Kobo, Alamata, Raya Azebo and Ofla) and team two following the North Gondar and West Tigray Route (Addi Arikay, Beyada, Janamora and Tselimti). Accordingly, the mission teams have started the assessment on 23rd Dec. 2020 through 3rd Jan 2021. This report is an analysis of the assessment process and findings of team two. This report is 26 pages long. Read More...

Supporting Meaningful Civic Engagement for Improved Accountability by Leveraging Digital Technologies Baseline Assessment

The baseline assessment for the “Supporting meaningful civic engagement for improved accountability by leveraging digital technologies” project was conducted to develop values for baseline indicators and provide evidence with regards to the degree of satisfaction and level of dialogue target beneficiary groups have with public service providers. Data from this baseline assessment will enable comparisons between start, during the course of the project and at the end of project. Donor for this project is the European Union via European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
The overall objective for this Action is to develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and ensure public access to information and fundamental freedoms. The overall objectives will be achieved through activities, which empower young ethnic minority community citizens to demand the government for more participatory, transparent, responsive and accountability in leveraging digital technologies. We will use a digital scorecard, which is currently tested and will be applied in 2021 in this project. Report is 53 pages long. Read More...

Systems-Level Change in Niger: Women and Girls Are Better Off Today Than in 1991

Few development programs have a decades-long lifespan and impact. CARE’s Mata Masu Dubara model (MMD) has been rolled out since 1991, championing women's leadership and economic empowerment in Niger. Originally conceived as savings and credit groups, the model has evolved over the years to address women’s groups demands to have better access to public health services, improve nutrition, receive technical training and participate in civic and electoral processes, among others.

In 2023, CARE initiated a ground-breaking systems evaluation of MMD groups in Niger to explore the actual influence the groups have on women’s and girl’s voice, leadership, economic autonomy and climate justice, published in a May 2023 report. A complementary mixed-methods evaluation conducted from July to December 2023 explores the influence of MMD on women and girls’ maternal health, early and forced marriage, education and nutrition, in partnership with the Government of Niger.

Using CARE’s pathways of systems-level change, combined with qualitative and quantitative data, the study explored four dimensions of change for each one of the topics mentioned above: 1. Advocacy to influence policies and programs; 2. Changes in social norms; 3. Supporting social movements; 4. Strengthening systems and social responsibility. Today, CARE Niger serves 33,795 groups with 865,000 women and girl members. In Maradi, Zinder, Dosso and Tahoua 1,378 women and men answered a survey; 314 women and men participated in focus group discussions and individual interviews.

Are women and girls of Niger better off in 2023 than they were in 1991? Yes. While the review noted progress made towards more gender equity for girls’ education, access and use of sexual and reproductive health services and more attention paid to the welfare of pregnant and breastfeeding women, early and forced marriage still persists. Leveraging the power of MMD groups and other trusted community leaders (teachers, principals, MMD female leaders, religious leaders) to design interventions to curb early marriage would yield tremendous benefits. Indeed, early marriage robs girls of 9% of their future income.

Through MMD, women of Niger have found their voice, been elected to parliament in record numbers (over 30% in 2021), and participate in local decision making processes as town councilors and local representatives. Acting both at the program, local level and the national, influencing one, CARE, its partners and networks of MMD groups will continue to create a better, safer, more prosperous environment for Nigerien girls. (86 pages) Read More...

HAFORSA 2 BASELINE Supplementary baseline to support gender indicators.

This baseline survey was conducted by the Gender and Program Quality team of CARE International in Timor-Leste from 14th – 17th September 2021 in the Admin post of Atsabe, Municipality of Ermera. This is a qualitative-based survey and used the Social Analysis and Action (SAA) tools with the objective of collecting information from the farmer groups through a participative Focus Group Discussion (FGDs). The tools were used to analyze the situation related to the roles and responsibilities at home including the decision-making process between women and men, and to understand women’s participation, and their ability to engage in development programs within their community area. Read More...

Study on Labour and Market Analysis Strengthening the Economic Resilience of Female Garment Workers during COVID19

CARE is implementing the “Strengthening the Economic Resilience of Female Garment Workers during COVID-19--Phase2” project funded by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The project aims to strengthen the economic resilience of female garment workers in Cambodia and Vietnam to cope with the negative impacts of COVID-19. As part of this project, a labor market assessment for female factory workers was carried out with the following objectives:

1. To identify short-medium term market trends and opportunities, as this is the most critical information for supporting workers to make informed decisions about their livelihoods in 2021 and onwards.

2. To identify market opportunities for small business development in the communities for workers who live in Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu provinces. Read More...

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