Gender Equality

Impact Evaluation Fact Sheet

Bangladesh reports the fourth highest prevalence of child marriage (CM) globally, and the highest in South Asia, with 59% of the women aged 20–24 reported being married before the age of 18 and 19% before the age of 15. Globally, reducing CM poses a great challenge to policymakers, program developers, and implementers. Historically, the pace of reduction in CM has been quite slow with Bangladesh as the slowest among the South Asian countries, and recently the rate has stalled. The International Center for Diarrheal Research, Bangladesh(icddr,b) evaluated The Tipping Point Initiative (TPI), an integrated social norms intervention to reduce CM through the promotion of adolescent girls’ agency, creation of supporting relations and transforming norms driving CM. This brief summarizes, to the best of our knowledge, the first study of its kind in Bangladesh and the implications for both policy and practice. Read More...

Understanding the Impact of Addressing Root Causes of Child Marriage

Since 2013, the Tipping Point Initiative has been building evidence of what works to address child, early and forced marriage (CEFM). Our research with girls and their communities identified the social norms and expectations which stood in the way of girls achieving their goals; we then tested how community-led programming can most effectively transform harmful norms and build the agency and collective efficacy of girls to demand their rights and prevent child marriage. Read More...

Tipping Point Global Impact Evaluation Summary

CARE's Tipping Point Initiative gathered adolescent girl activists, technical advisors from diverse fields, activists fighting for girls’ rights, government officials, and staff to discuss not just what the last decade has taught us but importantly where we want the girls’ rights field to evolve. This series of briefs discusses what interventions have demonstrated impact on child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) and girls’ rights. It establishes ways to center girls’ experiences and evidenced-based strategies to facilitate transformative change within the movements, donors and governments that seek to empower and expand the voices, choices, agency, and rights of adolescent girls. Read More...

Gender-sensitive WASH, Health/SRHR, and Nutrition support to vulnerable communities in East Darfur and South Darfur Project

This baseline study is carried out for the project "The Gender-sensitive WASH, Health/SRHR, and Nutrition support to vulnerable communities in East Darfur and South Darfur Project." The project builds on CARE learning over many years in the region, responds to the global overviews and the donor GAC interest in saving the lives of conflict affected communities, by providing urgent humanitarian assistance to 144,173 persons including females, males, girls and boys, from the host, IDPs and refugees’ communities, located in 7 localities in ED and 2 localities in SD. The key live saving activities delivery is designed with a gender sensitive perspective focusing on the health and nutrition needs of pregnant and lactating women and girls of reproductive age and children under 5. The project activities include; WASH, Health and nutrition interventions. Read More...

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE & FOOD INSECURITY: What we know and why gender equality is the answer

This brief delves deeper into the relationship between food insecurity, gender inequality, and gender-based violence (GBV), calling attention to the specific ways in which violence intersects with food insecurity and women’s experience of hunger, particularly within their homes. It highlights how investing in gender transformative approaches doesn’t just make women safer—it helps them access food, helps their families eat more, and can even increase food production overall. Read More...

Comprehensive Multisector Need Assessment Gedarif State

To collect the required data on the needs of the targeted people in Gedarif State, CARE conducted a comprehensive needs assessment with a team from CIS led by MEAL coordinator. It took place in Gedarif state covering three localities, namely: Al-Galabat Shargia, Al-Mafaza and Al-Fashaga. The objective of the assessment is to assess the current situation, identify the gaps and needs of the targeted communities and recommend of key interventions that meet their real needs. Different methods were used for data collection including individual interviews with HH leaders, FGDs with representative from different community groups, Desk review of the existing information and KIIs with the authorities in relevant ministries and institutions.
• In total; 58,6% of the assessed people have access to easy safe and adequate water while 41.4% are suffering from difficulties collecting water, poor quality or the water they collect is not enough for their HH1.
• Women have the main responsibility in fetching water from the sources comprising 33.2%, followed by boys and girls comprising 24%(12% each), and men have the lowest responsibility in fetching water (17.2%).
• The lack of water sources close to the housed is one of the main causes of Gender Based Violence (GBV), particularly women, girls and youth females who facing different types of violence during collecting water particularly those who need to go far distances to collect water particularly during dry season. 21.8% confirmed that women and girls are facing problems during fetching water/
• In general; less than third of the assessed people have latrines comprising 30.1% while the majority do not have latrines in their houses (69.9%). The situation in host communities is relatively better comparing to the refugees as 86.2% of the people have latrines comparing to only 13.8% of the refugees. Read More...


Step-Up to Empower Women & End Violence (SEEV) Project in South Kordofan State Sudan was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project was developed and planned to be implemented during the period December 2019 – to March 2021 and later extended to June, 2021 (including the 3-month non –cost extension).

SEEV directly contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals “Reduced Inequalities” no. 10, “Decent work and Economic growth” no. 8, “Zero Hunger”, no 2, and Peace, “Justice and Strong Institutions” no.16. It is in line with the principles of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Furthermore, the project is in line with the priorities of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as outlined in their Policy Document on Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation; reducing poverty social inequality, preventing conflict and instability, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and climate action.
The Final Evaluation of SEEV project was undertaken during the period 15 August 2021 – 30 September, 2021). The primary aim of SEEV project was to provide the project stakeholders with information about the performance of the project in relation to its stated objectives. The evaluation also examined the project relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact in addition, documentation of feasible practices and lessons learned.

Step Up to Empower Women and End Violence Value Chain and IGA Analysis

This study was conducted in order to assess the socio-economic situation in the project-targeted area and identify potential opportunities for women to participate in far-reaching value chains. This has been done through identifying potential cash crops and their value chains to support women to benefit from; and create clear pathways to participate. In addition to that, the study aims to identify potential key income generating activities mainly for girls and women. The study was conducted for CARE International in Sudan within the project of “Step Up to Empower Women and End Violence” (SEEV) being implemented in Abujibiha and Rashad localities in South Kordofan.
The methodology was based on secondary data collected from the project documents and the reports from relevant government institutions. The primary data formed the backbone of the report and was collected through direct fieldwork that involved Focused Group Discussion (FGDs), Semi Structured Interviews (SSI), Key Informants (KI) and questionnaire administered in seven communities that were sampled covering a total sample size of 600 households. In addition to that, Information sources included women groups, CBOs, project stakeholders and Value Chain actors at markets and production sites.
The main findings of the study indicated that the households’ demographic characteristics are typical for rural households. Illiteracy rates are as high as 29.5% at Tandik in Rashad locality. This will need to be considered in extension messages and delivery of the extension activities, especially in Gabarouna and Taypa in Abujibiha and Tandik in Rashad localities.
Farming constitutes the main livelihood mainstay for households in the targeted area and the main source of income; however, Abujibiha households adopt other sources of income compared to Rashad. More than 60% aof people in the two localities own the land that they cultivate, while 30% of the two localities cannot cultivate all the land they have because they have no resources to do this.
The crops selected for value chain especially sorghum, sesame and groundnut are found to be strategic in relation to food security as well as sources of income. The estimated percentage sold reached 56%, 90% and 64% for the crops respectively in Abujibiha and 46%, 80% and 68% for Rashad locality. There is a need to focus on making the agricultural system more effective and improving agricultural production process through addressing each of the issues stated as explained with details in the report.
Results proved that the farming activities of the selected crops for value chain are not noticeably different between the two localities; however, minor differences exist as indicated by soil characteristics or some specific culture (a group may prefer to grow specific crop). Farming is dominated by womenm where almost 70% of the farming practiced at Bildat (rainy season and winter season) and Gubraka is practiced by women. This is true of sorghum, groundnut, cow pea, and pumpkin. The study revealed that components of agricultural production system, including seed sources, farming practices and storage, in addition to promotion of financing services represent entrance for improving production process, the quality and increasing productivity. Organizing farmers mainly women in production groups and enhancing agricultural extension and agricultural protection through demonstrations and adoption of Integrated Pest Management approach are considered as promising means and added value in relation decreasing loss in harvest. Sorghum, groundnut and sesame cultivation found to be rewarding and contributing remarkably to women income. This is because women dominate cultivation of these crops at Bildat farms (small farms close to villages). Vegetables and other crops grown at Gubraka level also contribute to household food security as well as income.

Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV) Baseline Survey

South Kordofan’s localities of Rashad and Abujubeiha have been affected by the instability created by the conflict between the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement- North (SPLM-N). The population of those localities have been significantly affected by the humanitarian crises that resulted from this conflict. However, amongst different segments of the communities, women are the most affected by the humanitarian crisis as many of family responsibilities are placed on them. Indeed, the challenges that women face increase as they often find themselves heading households because men family members migrate to other parts in Sudan looking for jobs and income opportunities.
CARE international Switzerland (CIS) is implementing a two-year project funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV). The project works in partnership with different stakeholders at the local and federal level. The principal objective of the project is “to empower women and girls living in Abujubeiha and Rashad localities, South Kordofan state, to achieve a good quality of life and a life free from violence”. This is planned to be achieve through promoting women engagement in decision-making forums; women economic empowerment; and enabling environment for women and girls. Read More...

Sawtahaa (Her Voice) in Peacebuilding and Recovery Actions Final Evaluation

The longstanding cultural practices across Sudan often exclude women from decision making, even in issues of direct concern to them, such as early marriage and FGM. This report builds on CARE's efforts in the context of the “Sawtahaa” project to analyse women's situation in the post conflict processes and to enhance transformative change in three areas, namely: structure, relations and agency. This was directed to enhance women's role in decision making and in addressing issues of direct concern to them.

The Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF) was launched in 2007 to help facilitate peacebuilding by restoring the capacity and authority of traditional community-based conflict resolution mechanism and to enhance the delivery of economic and basic social services by implementing a number of community-based activities.

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