Inclusive Governance


The Consortium Project “CSOs & Policy Dialogue – Further strengthening capacities of CSOs engaging in Policy Dialogue” is a three years programme funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Specific project objective is to “Further strengthen capacities of East African CSOs regarding their policy dialogue engagement”. Expected results included: i) Capacity development and cross-learning plan for partner CSOs is developed; ii) The ability of East African CSOs to engage in policy dialogue has been further strengthened in their field of work; iii) Recommendations/ guidelines for CSOs engagement in Policy Dialogue are further complemented and used/ applied. The project implemented two approaches: i) Collective training workshops, as well as cross-learning and organization focused Capacity Development activities, guided by a capacity development plan; ii) Partner Organizations plan and implement their own Small Action Fund Initiatives, aiming at influencing policy making spaces, and allowing them to develop their own Policy Dialogue Strategies, and to test and consolidate different methods and approaches for effective engagement along the Policy Cycle.

The Objective of this evaluation was to assess the design and implementation, fulfilment of objectives and achievement of expected results. The evaluation assessed the intervention logic of the project by addressing a series of guiding questions concerning relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability

CSO’s and Policy Dialogue: Project Evaluation

The Consortium Project “CSOs & Policy Dialogue"is a three years programme funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Phase II (Jan 1st 2017 – Dec 31st 2019) succeeded the pilot phase (Dec 1st2014 – 30th Nov 2016) and is implemented under the lead of HORIZONT30000 by a Consortium of five Austrian NGOs and their local partners in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda). Their project objective is to “Further strengthen capacities of East African CSOs regarding their policy dialogue engagement”.

Overall, the findings of the external evaluation carried out in 2019 indicate that the project is on course towards achievement of its objectives and results. There is good progress and significant gains that can be consolidated. Read More...

Participatory community development projects in indigenous communities of the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (GERMAN)

Since 1994 CARE Deutschland e.V. (hereinafter CARE) has been carrying out participatory community development projects in the Andean region with the support of the BMZ. Target groups of these projects were Andean indigenous communities in the highlands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The projects were implemented by local NGOs: Yachachic (1994-2006) in Ecuador, Acción Andina Peru (1997-2018) in Peru and Asociación Acción Andina Bolivien (2010-2017) in Bolivia. As these long-term interventions have so far not been systematically analyzed, it was decided to conduct this evaluation to assess their direct and indirect effects, to analyze the project approach and to formulate recommendations for future CARE projects in the Andean region.
(Full report is in German)
2. Evaluation methodology
The evaluation was carried out through an extensive field study between November and December 2018, visiting 12 indigenous communities in Ecuador, 12 in Peru and 8 in Bolivia. Read More...

Learning from the SAFE Justice Community Score Card: Final Learning Report

The SAFE Justice Community Score Card process was a local adaptation of Community Score Card models used globally and in Nepal in other sectors. Its design was led by CARE Nepal, through a participatory process with DFID and IP-SSJ partners, and focused on GBV response services provided by the Nepal police and Judicial Committees. This report details the final reflections of CARE Nepal and partner project staff on how the process worked and what could be strengthened in future. It also provides a set of recommendations for the sustainability and institutionalization of the CSC in the justice sector.

The CSC models introduced within SAFE Justice and in Search for Common Ground’s Pahunch project (around the same time) were the first to be trialed in the justice sector in Nepal. The CSC model CARE has implemented through SAFE Justice was informed by CARE’s extensive global experience with CSCs, but is also heavily based on the outputs of a co-design workshop with CARE Nepal, Search for Common Ground Nepal, SAFE Justice partners, and DFID Nepal, in Kathmandu in August 2017.1 This local model was documented and set out in a bespoke manual (SAFE Justice Community Score Card: A Field Guide for Nepal),2 and that manual was then updated and re-issued based on findings from a review and adaptation process in 2018, and then again based on the final reflection process outlined in this report (in August 2019).3
Overall, the chosen sectoral focus of the justice sector, and in particular the application of the CSC model in the midst of Nepal’s transitioning subnational governance structure, was an ambitious choice within SAFE Justice. Despite this, the process has demonstrated strong positive results, particularly in terms of improved police-community relations and community awareness of, and connection to, the new Judicial Committees.
However, the context did necessitate a particularly flexible and adaptive approach, in order to shift the structures and stakeholders involved with the CSC, in step with major political changes. While the CSC was not set up as a formal ‘pilot’ per se, CARE tried to treat it as such, scheduling deliberate junctures to reflect on the functioning of the model, hear from frontline staff on what is working and what is challenging, making and documenting concrete adaptations along the way. Read More...

Case Study on Project Model of “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution” 2015-2017

“Peace” remains a very controversial term in the Palestinian society. Talking about peace while tensions are again on the rise and divisions are growing seems like a hopeless task for many. In Palestinian context; peace building does not only refer to Israel and Palestine, but also refers to internal conflicts and the political division between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These internal challenges are a main theme in this project and a high priority among the communities. Both cross-border negotiations as well as talks between national actors share the great absence of female voices and women representatives. A main need for inclusive peace building that can have a real impact is the greater involvement of women in circles of conflict resolution.

This document serves as a summary of the project’s implementation model, main activities and results highlighting the key choices for success. Data for this document came from team’s mid-term reports and the final evaluation, for which an external consultant collected data through focus groups, questionnaires and research. The Final Evaluation of this project is available for reference upon request. This model also connects to CARE Women Empowerments strategy (formulated in the document Gender Transformative Insights), which can also be requested from the project team for reference. Read More...


CARE International, presented by CARE WBG, collaborated for a second time with Women’s Affairs Technical Committee to implement the action “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution”. The action was implemented between April 2015 and September 2017, in all governorates of the Gaza Strip and nine governorates from the West Bank. The final beneficiaries were from political parties, local media outlets and 220 young activists from the twenty communities were involved in the different stages of the project.

The project aimed at establishing the conditions for the advancement of the peace process by strengthening the political and societal participation of women leaders for a just and lasting peace. This overall goal was planned to be achieved through the two specific objectives; 1) promote women leadership to play influential role within political parties; 2) shifting social attitudes towards women’s political participation and empowering youth and specifically young women to play an active role in civil society peace building and reconciliation.


Supporting civil society in socio- economic development at local level

In early 2018, the EU Delegation in Egypt launched the mid-term evaluation of Component 3 of the Support for Partnership, Reforms and Inclusive Growth (SPRING) Programme in Egypt. The Programme encompasses two main components, namely socio-economic development and support to civil society.
The overall objective of the programme is to “improve the socio-economic conditions and rights of the poorest and those most in need of the population“. Read More...

Final Evaluation of Jordanian Community Development Support Program

This evaluation assessed the Jordanian Community Development and Support Program (JCDSP), which aimed to enhance the socio-economic well-being and quality of life for Jordanian host community members, especially for Jordanian women and young women and men (ultimate outcome). The Program was delivered by CARE Canada and CARE International in Jordan in two phases. Phase 1 spanned three years, from 2014 to 2017, and lent assistance to meet the most critical needs of vulnerable populations from communities in Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa, and East Amman. Its objective was to augment and supplement overwhelmed government services brought on by the large scale migration of Syrian refugees within these four target communities. The Program’s second phase, lasting 18 months (April 2018 to September 2019), responded to the longer term challenges and opportunities as more and more of the Syrian refugees made the decision to permanently settle in these communities. Under this phase, the Program shifted focus from humanitarian assistance to women’s economic empowerment, social cohesion and safety net enhancements. Accordingly, under this second phase, only two out of the three intermediate outcomes were maintained. As part of the shut-down process of the Program, CARE Canada and CARE International commissioned this summative evaluation to look at the success and challenges derived from this process. Through the collection of primarily qualitative data and augmented with data collected by the Program, this evaluation: 1. Assessed the degree to which the program has achieved its outcome results (impact) and the relative relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of program activities to generate these outcome results as per the Program’s theory of change; and 2. Provide insight, analysis and recommendations to CARE Jordan, and the CARE federation regarding the strengths and challenges of the programming to inform and improve future programming. Read More...

Network Engage Transform Project

Chrysalis an affiliate of CARE International and implements the NET (Network, Engage, Transform) project under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), which is a is a thematic funding instrument for EU external action aiming to support projects in human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy. The objective of the project is to promote women’s voice and meaningful political representation to prevent and address sexual and gender based violence in 6 Divisional Secretary Divisions (DSDs) in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts in the North of Sri Lanka.
The project targeted 420 women leaders from 60 Women’s Rural Development Societies and Women’s Affairs Societies (WRDS/WAS), 6 Gender-based Violence Forums and other networks, including 60 State officials working for the benefit of 60,000 women spread over 6 Divisional Secretariat Division (DSDs) in Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi. Chrysalis partnered with the Women’s Action Network for Transformation (WANT) and the Community Development Organization (CDO) to implement the action. Read More...

CARE International Advocacy and Influencing: A Review of Pathways to Success

This report constitutes a review of 208 advocacy and influencing initiatives that reported having successfully influenced policies, plans and budgets. A sample of 31 cases were included in for review. These comprised influencing outcomes across 16 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and Europe. We estimate that outcomes these initiatives influenced have so far improved the lives of more than 4.2 million people, with the potential for future impacts for a further 116 million people. 20 cases were from national or local level policy, plan or budget influence in the global South, and 11 case from the global North, influencing donor strategies or international negotiations.

Overall, the top 4 strategies employed across the North and the global South were: (i) lobbying-decision-makers; (ii) coalition building; (iii) public forums and (iv) method replication. Twice as common as any other strategy was lobbying decision-makers. This was also judged to be the most effective strategy in both the South and the North. 23 initiatives employed some form of lobbying decision-makers, and in 19 of these it was ranked as the most influential strategy. This lobbying was commonly a form of “insider” approach where CARE and partners already had a good relationship with government line ministries, having built credibility and trust over a number of years. Particularly in the South, advocacy efforts were part of a strategy over more than five years. Such efforts demonstrate that long-term investment is required for policy change to materialise into impact. The main tactics or strategies which did not feature strongly were activism and campaigning such as marches, petitions and use of social media, and evidence for the use of research was also uneven. We consider why this may be the case in greater detail toward the end of the paper

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